Grade 4

Social Studies

Unit: 07 Lesson: 01

Lesson Synopsis:
Students describe the successes, problems, and the organization of the Republic of Texas and how it affects Texans today.
4.3 / History. The student understands the importance if the Texas Revolution, the Republic of Texas, and the annexation of Texas to the United States. The student is expected to:
4.3C / Identify leaders important to the founding of Texas as a republic and state, including José Antonio Navarro, Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, and Anson Jones.
4.3D / Describe the successes, problems, and organizations of the Republic of Texas such as the establishment of a constitution, economic struggles, relations with American Indians, and the Texas Rangers.
4.6 / Geography. The student uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The student is expected to:
4.6A / Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps.
4.8 / Geography. The student understands the location and patterns of settlement and the geographic factors that influence where people live. The student is expected to:
4.8B / Describe and explain the location and distribution of various towns and cities in Texas, past and present.
4.15 / Government. The student understands important ideas in historical documents of Texas and the United States. The student is expected to:
4.15A / Identify the purposes and explain the importance of the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Texas Constitution, and other documents such as the Meusebach-Comanche Treaty.
4.15B / Identify and explain the basic functions of the three branches of government according to the Texas Constitution.
4.17 / Citizenship. The student understands the importance of active individual participation in the democratic process. The student is expected to:
4.17D / Identify the importance of historical figures and important individuals who modeled active participation in the democratic process such as Sam Houston,Barbara Jordan, Lorenzo de Zavala, Ann Richards, Sam Rayburn, Henry B. González, James A. Baker III, Wallace Jefferson, and other local individuals.
4.20 / Science, technology, and society. The student understands the impact of science and technology on life in Texas. The student is expected to:
4.20A / Identify famous inventors and scientists such as Gail Borden and his contributions.
Social Studies Skills TEKS:
4.21 / Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology. The student is expected to:
4.21B / Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
4.21C / Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps.
4.22 / Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:
4.22D / Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies.
Getting Ready for Instruction
Performance Indicator(s):
  • Create a folded paper graphic organizer describing the successes and problems of the presidents of Texas. Explain in writing at least two ways the legacy of the Republic of Texas continues to impact Texas today. (4.3C, 4.3D; 4.6A; 4.8B; 4.15A, 4.15B; 4.17D; 4.21B, 4.21C; 4.22D)
Key Understandings and Guiding Questions:
  • El liderazgo es crucial al crear un gobierno democrático.
—¿Cómo afectaron a la República de Texas los asuntos, éxitos y problemas enfrentados por la nueva República?
—¿Cómo contribuyó el liderazgo de la República de Texas a la creación de un gobierno democrático?
Vocabulary of Instruction:

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Grade 4

Social Studies

Unit: 07 Lesson: 01

  • gobierno representativo
  • república
  • tratado

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Grade 4

Social Studies

Unit: 07 Lesson: 01

  • Refer to the Notes for Teacher section for materials.

  • Handout: Republic of Texas Cards(1 set per group)
  • Handout: The Republic of Texas Issues(1 per student)
  • Handout: Advantages, Challenges, and Organization of the Republic of Texas(1 per student)
  • Handout: Advantages, Challenges, and Organization of the Republic of Texas KEY
  • Teacher Resource: Rubric:Campaign Poster(optional)
  • Teacher Resource: Lesson Activities KEY
  • Teacher Resource: P.I. KEY

Resources and References:
  • None identified

Advance Preparation:
1.Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson.
2.Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.
3.Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.
4.Preview available resources and websites according to district guidelines.
5.Prepare materials and handouts as needed.
Background Information:
The era of the Republic of Texas impacted Texas today by the type of leaders it selected and the organization of its government. The government was a representative government. The advantages and challenges faced by this nation would affect its future concerning statehood and its participation in the Civil War.
The government of the Republic of Texas was much like that of the United States. The Texas government had a Constitution and a representative government. The independent nation had many assets, but like any new country, it faced many problems. The Republic had many excellent leaders who guided the nation in dealing with these problems and to eventual statehood as a part of the United States.
Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning Document
Instructors are encouraged to supplement, and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. A Microsoft Word template for this planning document is located at If a supplement is created electronically, users are encouraged to upload the document to their Lesson Plans as a Lesson Plan Resource in your district Curriculum Developer site for future reference.
Instructional Procedures
Instructional Procedures / Notes for Teacher
ENGAGE –Making inferences based on a map / NOTE: 1 Day = 50 minutes
Suggested Day 1‒10 minutes
  1. Provide background information to review the history to this point, reminding students that the Texans have just become independent from Mexico. This lesson looks at the issues the new republic faced.
  1. Review the organization of the new republic, as designed in the Constitution and remind students it was much like that of the United States
  1. Display a map of thenewRepublic of Texas following the Texas Revolution.
  1. Students analyze the map, thinking about the advantages and issues and infer advantages and issues that may arise.
  1. List student input on the issues Texans will face as a nation and the advantages they will have. Students supply their reasoning. Discuss.
Possible Answers
Advantages / Issues
  • Large area
  • Near the United States
  • Ports
  • Resources
  • Established government and cities
  • Attacks from American Indians
  • Attacks from Mexico
  • Large area to take manage and govern
  • Small population – Few towns

/ Materials:
  • Map of the Republic of Texas
TEKS: 4.6A, 4.8B
EXPLORE –Issues for the Republic of Texas / Suggested Day 1 ‒30 minutes
  1. Organize students into groups of three to four students
  1. Distribute the Handout: The Republic of Texas Issues,on which students’ record information about the Republic of Texas.
  1. Students read about the successes, problems, advantages, and the organization of the Republic of Texas in the textbook and other classroom materials. Students record notes on the Handout: The Republic of Texas Issues.
  1. Teacher circulates, probing with questions, clarifying and correcting misinformation and providing information as needed.
  1. Provide each group aset of the Handout: Republic of Texas Cards.
  1. Students organize the Handout: Republic of Texas Cards into four categories – Political, Economic, Geographic, and Social based on the information on the cards. (Circulate to check student workand make sure the organization of categories is correct.)
  1. Students add or adjust information on their Handout: The Republic of Texas Issues. (Note: See Teacher Resource Lesson Activities Key)
  1. Ask:
  • Are any of these issues still affecting Texas today?
/ Materials:
  • Information about the successes, problems, advantages, and the organization of the Republic of Texas
  • Handout: The Republic of Texas Issues (1 per student)
  • Handout: Republic of Texas Cards (1 set per group, cut apart)
TEKS:4.3D, 4.15A 4.15B, 4.21B, 4.22D
Instructional Note:
  • For issues to be included: See answer key in the Engage section, the Handout: Republic of Texas Cards, and issues discussed in your textbook, which could include: debt, reliable money, trade difficulties, borders, to become a state or not, slavery issue, treaties, etc.

EXPLAIN –Defend an opinion / Suggested Day 1‒10 minutes continued to Day 2, 10 minutes
  1. Organize students into pairs.
  1. Provide each student the Handout: Advantages, Challenges, and Organization of the Republic of Texas.
  1. Students circle whether they think the information about the Republic of Texas was an advantage or challenge.
  1. In a class discussion, students defend their answers using evidence to support their answer. (The answer could be either an advantage or a challenge depending upon how they defend their answer.)
  1. Teacher clarifies information as needed, providing information on the issues as well as on the political figures, policies and results. Make connections to appropriate issues facing Texas today.
  1. Students can change their choice, explaining (on the form) why they changed positions.
/ Materials:
  • Completed Handout: The Republic of Texas Issuesfrom Explore
  • Handout: Advantages, Challenges, and Organization of the Republic of Texas (1 per student)
  • Handout: Advantages, Challenges, and Organization of the Republic of Texas KEY

EXPLORE –Leaders of the Republic of Texas / Suggested Day 2 (continued) 30 minutes
  1. Organize students into small groups of three or four.
  1. Students (individually, in pairs, or in small groups)gather information about a president of the Republic of Texas. Use the textbook, other classroom materials, and appropriate online materials.
  1. Students create a campaign poster for one or more of the presidents(presidents can be assigned or students can choose).Teacher Resource: Rubric: Campaign Poster KEY is an optional resource that may be used for this activity.
  1. The poster should include:
  • Name of Candidate (Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, or Anson Jones)
  • Important issues that face the candidate and his position on them
  • Campaign Slogan
  • Two reasons to elect him (include policies regarding the issues, advantages, and problems)
  • A person or group that supported the candidate (José Antonio Navarro and Gail Borden) and why they supported
  • A visual (can be a drawing if printing options are limited)
  • A statement summarizing the leadership the candidate will provide
  • A statement (sentence) that explains why this person should be elected president.
  1. Display the posters and conduct a gallery walk.
/ Materials:
  • paper (1 large piece per student)
  • Texas Library and Archives/Triumph and Tragedy – Presidents of the Republic of Texas
  • Teacher Resource: Rubric: Campaign PosterKEY(optional)
TEKS: 4.3C, 4.17D, 4.20A, 4.21C
Instructional Note:
  • The election poster can be created on a large piece of paper or electronically.
  • The election poster can be evaluated using the Teacher Resource: Rubric: Campaign Poster KEY

EXPLAIN –Press Conference / Suggested Day 2‒10 minutescontinued toDay3 ‒20 minutes
  1. Group students into 9 groups.
  1. Distribute an “issue card” to each group. (Use the cards from the Handout: Republic of Texas Cards)
  1. The group becomes a “candidate” and 1) presents the issue, 2) gives background, 3) describes complications, and 4) and provides a proposed resolution.
  1. On Day 3, the groups present.
/ Materials:
  • Handout: Republic of Texas Cards
Instructional Note:
The group maydivide the issue among the members. Homework can include student preparation on their issue and the angle they are presenting. Allow time on Day 3 for combining information.
ELABORATE –Texas leaders and the issues of the Republic / Suggested Day 3 ‒10 minutes
  1. Facilitate a discussion where students synthesize their learning and provide answers to the guiding questions and statements, with evidence, supporting the Key Understanding
  • Leadership is crucial in creating a democratic government.
—How did the issues, successes, and problems faced by the new republic affect the Republic of Texas?
—How did the leadership of the Republic of Texas contribute to the creation of a democratic government?
EVALUATE –Performance Indicator / Suggested Day 3‒20 minutes
  • Create a folded paper graphic organizer describing the successes and problems of the presidents of Texas. Explain in writing at least two ways the legacy of the Republic of Texas continues to impact Texas today. (4.3C, 4.3D; 4.6A; 4.8B; 4.15A, 4.15B; 4.17D; 4.21B, 4.21C; 4.22D)
  1. Provide students one piece of unlined paper.
  1. Students create a three-tab book by folding the piece of paper in half along the length of the paper, and then fold as a trifold to create lines students cut to create tabs. See below.
Advantages / Challenges / Organization
Fold and Cut
  1. Students label each tab (see above).
/ Materials:
  • unlined paper (1 for each student)
  • Teacher Resource: P.I. KEY

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