Mayfield Town Council Special Budget Hearing Meeting

June 13, 2012

Special Budget Hearing meeting of the Mayfield Town Council was held on June 13, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mayfield Town Hall located at 52 North Main Street, Mayfield, Utah.


Billie Coates – Councilmember Catherine Bartholomew – Town Recorder

Desirae Christiansen – Councilmember Van Malmgren – Maintenance Supervisor

Wayne Connelly – Councilmember

Amanda Bennett - Councilmember

Mayor John Christensen presiding


John Iverson

Ace Robertson

Clem King

Jim Gregerson

Bill Jensen

Walt Jenkins

John Wilcox

Mayor Christensen stated that our first order of business will be to give our new councilmember Amanda Bennett the oath of office. Recorder Catherine Bartholomew had her recite the oath and welcomed her to the council.

John Iverson, our engineer asked for a minutes before the council before we start our meeting. John presented to the council the GPS book and the maps showing our water system to the council and thanked the council for everything and for working with them. John was excused.

Mayor John Christensen called our special meeting to order and welcome everyone to council meeting. He then turned the time over to Catherine to discuss our budget for 2012-13 and to open our 2011-12 budget. Catherine went over the budget message that is an overview of the town’s financial statement (see attached copy). She also went over the Mayfield Town Fees that will need to be accepted tonight also. She discussed our current certified tax which is 0.000760 and the county auditor’s certified rate revenue is $14,751.00. She went over the revised budget for the current year’s budget and the departments that need to be opened and funds moved to cover the overage (see attached copy). The park revenue needs to be opened and the $25,000.00 grant added. The cemetery budget was over also, but a donation of $4,000.00 was given by a Mayfield resident to cover the cost of the new directory. Finally the council went over the new budget for the coming year 2012-13.

Ace Robertson was concerned about Catherine doing all the work, and if the council was doing their part. The council reviewed with them how the process works and what Catherine’s job is as our Town Recorder. He was also concerned about the increased cost of our water rates. After some discussion motion was made by Billie Coates to close our special budget meeting at 7:20 p.m. Seconded by Desirae Christiansen, motion carried.

Mayfield Town Council Meeting

June 13, 2012

Regular meeting of the Mayfield Town Council was held on June 13, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Mayfield Town Hall, located at 52 North Main Street, Mayfield, Utah.


Billie Coates – Councilmember Catherine Bartholomew – Town Recorder

Desirae Christiansen – Councilmember Van Malmgren – Maintenance Supervisor

Wayne Connelly - Councilmember

Mayor John Christensen presiding

Absent – Daren Hill – Council member


Ace Robertson

Clem King

Walt Jenkins

Jim Gregerson

Bill Jensen

John Wilcox

Pledge of Allegiance was given by John Christensen

Prayer was given by John Christensen

John Wilcox was present to talk to the council about his ideas for solving some of the problems we are having at the park. The mayor stated that we have purchased trail cameras for the park and for dog problems. Also, the mayor has talked to the county about coming to Mayfield as much as possible. We could not at this time afford our own law enforcement. Mr. Wilcox stated that we have a lot of traffic up to the cemetery also. The council talked about closing the gate at the cemetery night and we are working on putting a gate to close at the park at night.

Bill Jensen talked to the council about the canyon road traffic and the 4 wheelers that go up and down it. He would like to see the council do something as soon as possible to slow down the traffic.

Minutes for the month of May were presented to the Council. After reviewing the minutes motion was made by Wayne Connelly to approve the minutes with corrections, seconded by Amanda Bennett. Motion carried.

Bill Jensen and Walt Jenkins were present to talk to the council about a gazebo that Satterwhites had given to the Mayfield Lions Club, and they would like to put it in the park by the old canopy.

They were concerned about getting permits to bring it on the highway; the mayor said he would help with that. They said that they will need to remove some of the fence to get it into park. They would like to move it around July 6th. Van stated that he is concerned about the sprinkling system and that the Lions Club will need to help repair any that get broken.

Bill said that the Lions Club would also like to redo our bullentt board by the post office.

Bills for the month of June were presented to the Council for approval. After going over the bills, motion was made by Wayne Connelly to pay the bills with corrections. Seconded by Billie Coates, motion carried.

Van asked the council if he could put in a sandbox at the park. He would also like to have the ok to go ahead and fertilize the park and cemetery two times a year.

Catherine stated that she had sent letters to Darin Butcher, Alan Josselyn, and Michael Bradley, and Shirley Horrigan to move the old cars, trailers and dirt off the town property by their homes.

They have all moved them except Darin Butcher.

Catherine had given the council a copy of our Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for our water system for 2011. The report has to be done each year and was completed for us by Rural Water. This report is designed to inform Mayfield residents about the quality of our water and services we deliver to you every day. She stated that she will put the information in the newsletter.

The council talked about a letter we had received from our attorney wanting a retaining of $100.00 a month. The council tabled the decision for a month to think about it.

Catherine stated that Ivan Willardsen is concerned about why we have not replaced his trees.

The council stated that they were not on his property.

Catherine had received two bids for the sidewalk project from Main Street and 1st West. The bids were from Dale Cox for $9,218.00 and Quinn Snyder $5,735.00. Motion was made by Amanda Bennett to give the bid to Quinn Snyder. Seconded by Wayne Connelly, motion carried. We received a grant from Utah Department of Transportation for $3,600.00 for part of the project and we will be responsible for the remaining cost.

Catherine stated that Whites Sanitation had called and garbage went down by.25 June 1st.

A youth group would like a service project while they are here for the pagneat. The council talked about the benches by the fire pit at the park.

Billie Coates discussed replacements for the Planning Commission and the Board of Appeals.

The Mayor asked if there were any more questions concerning the budget for the coming year 2012-13 and the opening of the budget for 2011-12 with the revised budget. Motion was made Amanda Bennett to accept Resolution 2011-12 B to amend our 2011-12 budget, Motion was made by Desirae Christiansen to accept Resolution 2011-12B to accept our new budget for 2012-13, town departments

and the town fees. Seconded by Amanda Bennett, motion carried.

Wayne discussed the delinquent water bills.

The council discussed giving Cathy a raise for taking care of the Mayfield Town Cabin. After some discussion motion was made by Desirae to give her $50.00 a month raise, seconded by Billie. Motion carried.

Mayor Christensen talked about the state road project by Margaret Amy’s and the church.

The Mayor stated that Bill K. Christiansen had talked to him and is concerned about our overflow water up the canyon road and we need to make sure we protect it. Bill stated that there are people wanting to file on it.

The Mayor talked about the old unoccupied homes in town. Wayne said that there are people living in RV trailers in town also.

Move to adjourn at 9:25 p.m.