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Dear Friends of Renaissance:
Studies have revealed that the 21st Century workforce will need three primary capacities: creative thinking, the ability to be innovative and the capacity to imagine. Students find and build these strengths through hands-on, project based learning--enriched by arts partnerships, mentoring from community leaders, internships, curriculum based trips and strong ties to the city and its resources. Renaissance has, from its very beginnings, championed innovation. Our school boasts a collaborative leadership model that speaks with the voices of administration, teachers and parents alike; individual achievement plans formulated for each and every student, learning initiatives that champion Renaissance Science Leaders as well as Young Eclectic Liberation Leaders, and partnerships with our city’s cultural jewels.
Renaissance makes a commitment to each and every student that passes through our doors to provide more than a solid education. We offer cultural partners, independent learning opportunities, exciting trips and after-school clubs--all to promote independent thinking and support the growth of young leaders. It is important that cynics and detractors of public education see that an urban school can reach high standards while ferociously guarding its humanistic values. We pride ourselves at seeing the total child, and that child’s place in the world. Our 4-year College Bound program makes sure every high-school student has the individual attention to help them meet their goals, and was featured in a story by Art McFarland, the education correspondent for Channel 7 Eyewitness News. Our 7th-12th grade students take a solid “Rensizzle” week to explore their passions every year. Young scientists are working in robotics for Botball competitions and at ColgateUniversity for our special “Sports and Science Summer Camp.” We take our students out into the world on trips to Nature’s Classroom, PoconoEnvironmentalCenter, to New Orleans to participate in service projects, and on countless trips to art museums, concerts and the theater.
Remarkably, Renaissance is able to accomplish all of this and still spend less per pupil than the average New York City public school. But we need your help. Much as we would like to, the school cannot afford to pay for every child to go on all these wonderful trips. Most of the partnerships of which we are so proud are paid for with grants that require a matching amount from the school. Every year we try and offer SAT prep at a substantially reduced cost, but it is still beyond the means of many of our students.
The Renaissance Angel Fund was started several years ago by school aides and other office staff to help needy children pay for a trip with their classmates, or get through an emergency at home. We are expanding the mission of the Angel Fund to include efforts to meet the needs of every child at Renaissance: the child with disabilities struggling to meet and exceed standards, the child who has taken all the science we have to offer, but has dreams of being an engineer, the child who has won a prestigious internship but doesn’t have the transit fare to get there.
You, the family and friends of The Renaissance Charter School, are the keystone that holds our school together. As you think about your yearly giving, consider each individual child that will benefit from a gift to our school. Your donation will make a difference.
Stacey Gauthier,
Charitable donations to The RenaissanceCharterSchool are tax deductible as we
are an organization described in the Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3).
The RenaissanceCharterSchool
“Developing Leaders for the Renaissance of New York”
The RenaissanceCharterSchool ♦ 35-59 81 Street ♦ JacksonHeights, NY 11372
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