Presbytery of Southern California


Stated Meeting, February 28, 2015


The Presbytery of Southern California convened on Saturday, February 28, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at Community Presbyterian Church in Ventura, CA. Moderator Rev. Betsy Straeter opened the meeting with prayer. Stated Clerk Elder Bonni K. Carr, verified that a quorum was present as reflected in the roll.


Rev. Mike Clark led us in time of worship and delivered the message.


A.  Pastoral Ministry Ordination Team - Tony Osimo

Tony reported that the Ordination Manual/Process is on ECO website and that each presbytery continues to work on refining the ordination process and requirements within ECO.

B.  Ministry Partnership Team - Mike Clark

1.  Motion to receive PCUSA Pastor Bill Crawford for ECO membership. Presbytery voted to APPROVE.

2.  Welcomed Water's Edge Church into membership.

3.  Motion to set minimum terms of call for 2015

·  Salary and Housing: $50,000

(if Manse is provided, cash salary is $30,000)

·  Social Security Offset 7.65% times Salary Housing $3,825

·  Auto/Travel/Professional Reimbursement (vouchered) $2,000

·  Study Leave Allowance (vouchered) $1,500

·  Pension (403b) 10% of Salary and Housing $5,000

·  Medical Insurance: ECO plan required for pastor and all FT Church employees

·  Term Life, Accidental Death, LT and ST disability based on 2X effective salary

·  Vacation - 1 month (31 calendar days inc. 4 Sundays)

Note, these minimums apply to total compensation. Salary items can be adjusted so long as the $62,325 (plus insurance/vacation) is met.

Presbytery voted to APPROVE.

4.  Motion to concur with Good Shepherd Church of Los Alamitos to dissolve the pastoral relationship with Pastor James Wilson, effective June 30 2015 and to approve the financial terms offered in appreciation of his ministry in the amount equal to 5 month's salary. Presbytery voted to APPROVE.

5.  Motion to approve the call (and terms of call) for Pastor Curtis Brozan to become the pastor of Good Shepherd Church of Los Alamitos on July 1, 2015. Curtis is currently the Teaching Pastor of Good Shepherd.

Terms of Call:

·  Annual Cash Salary $50,000

·  Housing Allowance $40,000

·  Pension $9,000

·  Study Leave $1,500

·  Auto/Professional $4,900

·  Medical Insurance $26,712

·  Life & Disability $937

·  Medical Allowance (vouchered) $1,800

·  Total Package $134,849

·  Study Leave 2 weeks

·  Vacation 1 month

Presbytery voted to APPROVE.

6.  MPT is in the process of rewriting the Steps for Pastoral Transition for presbytery's review. Once approved, the MPT Manual (as it was received from the Presbytery of the West) will be rewritten.

7.  The medical reimbursable funds that many churches offer their pastors may not be acceptable under the current federal medical requirements for non-taxable purposes. Flexible spending accounts, available from our Benefit Services Group, may be a good alternative.

C.  Church Planting Team - Len Tang

Len introduced the CPT and reported that Jonathon McCracken, who is a church planter, is looking to be ordained in ECO and start a church plant in the area of USC in Los Angeles.

D.  Clerk's and Financial Report - Bonni Carr

1.  The minutes from the November 1, 2014, presbytery meeting were approved.

2.  Bonni presented the budget performance and balance sheet through February 2015. The reports were accepted by the Presbytery.

E.  Mission Affinity Groups - Andrea Messinger

Dana Allin and Andrea discussed the overall purpose of MAGS and referred to the handout for discussion within the MAG groups for after lunch.


Rev. Betsy Straeter closed in prayer at 2:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonni K. Carr, Stated Clerk

Presbytery of Southern California - February 28, 2015 Stated Meeting
Official Roll - 26 of 26 member churches present
Church / Pastor / Elder
1 / Church of the Valley / Mike Clark / Patrick Singer
Church of the Valley / Becky Sage (Assoc) / Marsha Young
2 / Cottonwood Community Fellowship / Warren Einolander / Jay Strauss
3 / CPC- Community Pres Church, Ventura / Mark Paterson / Sheralyn Littleton
CPC- Community Pres Church, Ventura / Wayne Kempton (Assoc) / Alison Lucic
4 / CPC - Huntington Beach / Gary Watkins / Karen Reynolds
5 / CPC - Lakewood / Mike Conan / Kirk Real
CPC - Lakewood / Chris Logan (Assoc) / Janet Tabah
6 / Cornerstone Church / Bertram Wang / Daniel Pai
7 / First Pres Church of Covina / Andrea Messinger / Steve Green
8 / First Pres Church of Monrovia / Tony Osimo / Jim Mustain
9 / First Pres Westminster / John Furman / Don Olmsted
First Pres Westminster / Paul Muresan (Assoc) / Wally Kurka
10 / Glenkirk Church / Jim Miller / Gary Taylor
Glenkirk Church / Betsy Straeter (Assoc) / Craig Conner
11 / Good Shepherd Presbyterian, Los Alamitos / James Wilson / Roberta Ramont
Good Shepherd Presbyterian, Los Alamitos / Curtis Brozan (Assoc) / Sue Nelson-Brown
Good Shepherd Presbyterian, Los Alamitos / Absent / Jim M.
12 / Malibu Pres Church / Greg Hughes / Kyle Cooper
13 / Morro Bay Pres Church / Dale Paulsen / Elaine Dufosee
14 / Northminister Pres Church / Rob Dalrymple / Martin Lonza
15 / Orchard Community Church / Matt Hoyt / Tom Spears
16 / Orcutt Pres Church / Bruce Lethbridge / John Richards
Orcutt Pres Church / Israel Gonzales (Assoc) / Sharon Henning
Orcutt Pres Church / Garry Grant (Com. Lay Pastor) / N/A
17 / San Gabriel Pres Church / Benjamin Yu / Elsie Chan
18 / Santa Ynez Valley Pres Church / Rick Murray / Doug Beverly
Santa Ynez Valley Pres Church / Glenn Beede / N/A
19 / South Bay Presbyterian / Vacant / Grace Marumoto
20 / St. Andrews, Newport Beach / Richard Kannwischer / Dick Jara.....
St. Andrews, Newport Beach / Absent / Judith Combs
St. Andrews, Newport Beach / Absent / Judy Johnson
21 / St. Andrews, Redondo Beach / Mark Nazaian / Hal Williams
St. Andrews, Redondo Beach / Peter Dunn / Rod Gibson
22 / Templeton Presbyterian Church / Charlie Little / Debby Price
23 / Trinity Pres Church, Camarillo / Tracy Vining (Stated Supply) / Paige Wolf
Trinity Pres Church, Camarillo / Jeff Kempton (Assoc) / Joe Yaeger
24 / Trinity United, Santa Ana / Doug Rumford / Leslie Day-Ebert
Trinity United, Santa Ana / Jeff Wagner / Jamie Brown
25 / Water's Edge / Bill Crawford / David McNeil
26 / Wintersburg Presbyterian Church / Fred Tanizaki / Keith Ikeda
Faith Community / Bill Williamson
Fuller Seminary / Len Tang