

Use pages 688-694 in the textbook


· Not an island because _______________________________________________________

· World’s _________________largest country---______________________square miles

· Made up mostly of ________________________ and dry ___________________________

· Northeastern Coast lies the ______________________________________ which is a chain of coral formations

· ___________________________________________: divides rivers flowing east and west

· Southeastern plains is the most fertile _____________________________

· 2 Major Rivers: _________________________ and_______________________ :both flow west

· Inland Australia is also called ____________________________________

· In the Outback, sheep and cattle ranches are called _____________________________

· Great Artesian Basin: pools of underground ______________________ used for irrigation

· Northern Australia has a _________________________climate, closer to the equator

· Coastal areas have ________________________summers and _____________________winters

· Inland Australia is dry because_____________________________________________________

· Home to marsupials or animals that_________________________________________________

· 2 examples of marsupials are ____________________________and ______________________


· Factories produce ______________, __________________, and ______________________

· Another important industry is _______________________________ (visitors coming to the country)

· Only _______% of the land is good for growing crops

· __________________________is the main crop

· Most land is used for _______________________________

· _____________________and _________________________ are raised on ranches called stations

· Australia is the world’s leader in the production of ____________________________

· Precious jewelry relies on Australian _____________________

· Australia is full of mineral resources: ________________, ________________, _______________are 3


· Few people: population of ____________________million

· Live along the _________________________

· Native Australians:_______________________________ were hunters and gatherers

· Hunting Tool that originated in Australia: _________________________

· First European was from __________________________. He was ____________________________

· Australia is divided into states and __________________________

· Government:________________________________________________

· 2 largest cities:_________________________ &____________________________

· Capital is ___________________________________