The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners for May 11, 2016
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners for May 11, 2016 was convened by Vice ChaimanMcCarthy at 7:35pm.
Pledge to the flag and a moment of silence were held formilitary and firefighters.
In attendance wasVice Chairman McCarthy, Comrs. Ciancio, Hoffarth, Bonanno, Chief King and Secretary-TreasurerCiancio.
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Hoffarth/Ciancio to accept the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners for April 13, 2016. MC.
Correspondence: 1) A letter from Independent Fire Company accepting the application for membership for Paul Ruvo; 2) A letter from Independent Fire Company accepting the resignation of Fire Squad member Brian Meszaros; 3) A letter from Independent Fire Company on the termination of Fire Squad member Domingo Ramos; 4) A letter from VFC #1 accepting the application for membership for Dylan Hyman; 5) A letter from VFD #1 accepting the application for membership for Fire Squad for Brian Meszaros.
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Bonanno/Ciancio to accept as read the Treasuer’s Report, the bills submitted for payment be approved, and transfers executed. MC. Comr. Ciancio abstained from voting on checks 4161 and 4162 as this is his daughter.
4461 / Kristen M Ciancio / $1,034.144462 / Kristen M Ciancio / 1,034.12
EFT / US Treasury / 1,174.48
EFT / NYS Tax Department / 225.79
4463 / Elmsford Fire Department / 365.00
4464 / Cablevision / 225.79
4465 / Con Edison / 201.57
4466 / FASNY / 300.00
4467 / AAA Emergency Supply Co. (VOID) / 0.00
4468 / Ameritas Life Insurance / 8,135.71
4469 / Cardmember Services / 46.15
4470 / Charles Stotz, Inc. / 259.00
4471 / Columbia Doctors / 100.00
4472 / Comptroller / 521.69
4473 / Fernanda DeCampos / 100.00
4474 / DeLage Landen Financial / 196.00
4475 / Executex / 47.00
4476 / Firematic Supply Company / 4,649.79
4477 / Global Tracking Communications / 199.92
4478 / Hummel & Butler CPAs / 550.00
4479 / Dean A. Huszar / 144.00
4480 / Lantegrity Consulting / 439.14
4481 / McNeil & Company / 10,440.50
4482 / Mt. Pleasant Highway Department / 264.25
4483 / NYS DOT / 100.00
4484 / O’Connor Davies LLP / 9,000.00
4485 / Progressive Computers / 1,040.00
4486 / Town of Greenburg / 1,185.00
4487 / Verizon / 34.90
4490 / AAA Emergency Supply Co. / 306.00
Balance Forward$ 11,029.70
Deposits$ 0.00
Transfers – GF$ 43,000.00
Vouchers$ 43,720.14
Closing Balance$ 10,309.56
Regular Checking (SNB)$ 10,309.56
Regular Checking (OCB&T)$ 763,895.00
Fire District Money Market$ 26,773.42
Capital Reserve Checking$ 1,047.19
Capital Reserve Money Market$1,725,249.02
Building Reserve Money Market$ 170,502.12
Repair Reserve Money Market$ 31,820.85
Service Award Program – DBC$ 826,890.55
Service Award Program – DCP$ 460,261.18
TO:Checking Acct #1003077801
FROM:Money Market Acct #1003078601$43,000.00
TO:Checking Acct #1003166901
FROM:Money Market Acct #1003079401$2,000.00
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Bonanno/Hoffarth to accept the Chief’s Report as read. MC. Activity Report for April2016: 24 alarms for 161 man hours; 7 drills for 152 man hours; 2 meetings for 74 man hours; 8 misc. for 106.5 man hours; 1 standby for 27 man hours. TOTAL: 547.5 man hours.
Chief King reported the Department participated in the rescheduled little league parade; Jim Feeney of Con Ed will be retiring; Chris Colasacco was qualified as a driver of E82 and 84; annual hose test conducted 5/9; the Department will receive a unit citation 5/18 from Westchester EMS council at Purchase College; mutual aid agreement with NWPFD is in effect as of 5/11/16; suggested Inspection line-up at 2pm with a picnic to follow at 3pm for members, their significant others and mutual aid partners invited; requested permission for R9, TL49, Patrol 12 and an Engine to attend the Pleasantville Parade 6/3.
Comr. Ciancio reportedLegion Drive bridge work will continue on 5/12 – TL49 will relocate to VFC #1 for the day; TL49 tailpipe repaired; TL49 knox box unit not working – sent back to company for repair; U59 serviced; EVOC announced for 6/20 and 7/11; Honor Flight 5/14 at County Airport 7am; researching area venues to hold 2017 Inspection 6/3; Installation Brunch at Sunset Cove 2/13 $42 per person; received new truck specs and will copy and distribute to Board members.
Comr. Hoffarth reported new bank wire information should be updated with DES and NYS; quarterly report sent to DES and 1st quarter payment should be expected within 2 weeks; working on the audit with O’Connor Davies.
There were lengthy discussions on the payment of two new apparatus; 2017 budget with the consideration of the tax cap and raising capital.
Comr. McCarthy reported Richard Beckley Sr. was honored at Annual Meeting; would like to send a letter to the Town on the hydrants on Ronald Ct that were installed but do not work.
Comr. Bonanno reported members were measured for new uniforms and they will be delivered by 5/24; ID card machine has been purchased and installed.
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. McCarthy/Bonanno to authorize an Engine and U59 to participate in the Honor Flight 5/14 at Westchester County Airport. MC.
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Ciancio/Hoffarth to terminate Domingo Ramos. MC.
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Hoffarth/Ciancio to accept the resignation of Brian Meszaros from Independent Fire Company. MC.
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Ciancio/Bonanno to accept the transfer of Brian Meszaros from Independent Fire Company to VFC #1. MC.
It was moved on a motion made by Comrs. Hoffarth/Bonanno to accept the application for membership of Paul Ruvo to Independent Fire Company. MC.
With no other business to come before the Board of Fire Commissioners, it was moved on a motion made by Comrs. McCarthy/Bonanno to adjourn the meeting at 8:54pm. MC.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristen Ciancio
District Secretary-Treasurer