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Anti-Gravity and Propulsion Techniques 101
by Tim Benedict()/01/05/2017
So what do you want to know about anti-gravity and various propulsion technologies? Tired of trying to understand all the mumbo-jumbo and UFO disinformation and confusion out there?
It's not as difficult as you might think once we break it down by category, method, or technology to get a better understanding of the technology out there.
So let's break this down first by talking about the various anti-gravity and propulsion techniques and technologies that I am aware of and how I have decided to classify them ("Benedict's Classification of Antigravity and Propulsion Systems" - BCAPS, anyone?).
Then just for kicks and giggles, I'm just going to list every anti-gravity or propulsion engine or idea I have ever come across and let you sort them out... :-)
The term "anti-gravity" applied loosely covers any technology that is used to overcome gravity (to float, fly, or otherwise escape Earth's "gravity well"). When used in the strictest literal sense of the word, it actually refers only to reverse gravity fields that supposedly repel normal gravity. For the purposes of this site though, we're going to stick with the loose interpretation.
Of course, many people also loosely use the term to apply to various propulsion techniques as well. There is a lot of both overlap and differences between the 2 lists (anti-gravity and propulsion). At first I DID classify them as separate lists. But upon later thought, I decided to condense them both down into one list for the sake of ease of classification. I am not going to separate anti-gravity (overcoming gravity) from propulsion techniques (which can also be used to overcome gravity).
Antigravity and Propulsion Categories
(according to my BCAPS system of classification)
I. Reaction Mass - This is a brute force method of fighting and overcoming gravity, or moving things around. It includes chemical rockets, ion engines, and anything else that throws something backwards in order to move forwards by sheer brute force (F=ma)...
II. Force-Field Propulsion - Moving in some direction utilizing the Biefield-Brown effect, Lorenz Force, or some other force-field based technology...
III. Inertia Conversion - Converting Rotational Angular Momentum or gyroscopic action into straight linear motion...
IV. Density and Pressure Manipulation - The Bernoulli Effect fits here, as well as most airplane, sailboat, combustion engine, hot air balloon, blimp, and helicopter technologies. Can also be applied in other ways ...
V.Bio-kinetic (akin to telekinesis) - mind/thought power whether natural or artificially augmented...
VI. Gravity Field Shielding - This is where a local field (gravity, magnetic, electric etc.) is shielded in one direction in order to provide lift (often through a secondary mechanism or effect)...
VII. Field Disconnection or Bubbling - This is where an object(s) is not just directionally shielded from but completely bubbled/disconnected entirely away from any/all local field(s) (ie., magnetic, gravity, etc)...
VIII. Field Reversal or Reflection - so-called reverse gravity, gravity repulsion, or true Anti-Gravity although you can also repel electric and magnetic fields as well...
IX. ZPF Energy Extraction / Gravity Conversion - Zero-Point Field energy extraction, Gravity Conversion, over-unity devices, etc...
X. Wormhole, Gateway, Tesseract, Doorway, or "Teleporter" - connecting 2 points in space with a tunnel, gate, doorway, FST "wrinkle" or information connection...
XI. Hyperspace - Jumping to an alternate, parallel or sub dimension to travel in before dropping back to this one...
XII. Orgone - Using orgone to affect and manipulate gravity and propulsion...
And there you have it. Every known propulsive technology (that I am aware of) in existence and/or method of overcoming gravity to either fly up through the air or escape a "gravity well" (like a planet). They pretty much all fall fairly neatly into one of the above categories (although the lines between categories 6, 7, and 8 can get a little hazy at times).
Stay tuned as I slowly (occasionally) flesh this page out and continue filling in some of the blanks. Thanks. --Tim
But why am I building this site?
The biggest reason is probably simply because I like exotic and cutting edge science. I have a nose for it so-to-speak. And I wanted some place to brain-dump all my research in a logical coordinated way so it made sense and where other people could also use it.
In all honesty, I also needed someplace on the Net here where I could post ads for other books I have written (starving author story here...). So I'm killing lots of birds with one stone here.
It is also my belief that by providing and explaining this basic framework, we can use it to ascertain the mechanism whereby some inventors have been able to make things fly without truly being able to explain or understand why (like David Hamel's flying 55-gallon drums).
Similarly, it should also let us start to classify in a logical method some of the many UFOs that we see out there, to identify the technologies they use, and to understand them.
Ultimately, the classification system should also guide some of our (and mine too) research into new breakthroughs.
I want to walk on the Moon someday. It's on my bucket list. And I figure based on the way things are going here at home with our economy going to Hades, the growing welfare-itization of Society, and the destruction and regulation of all personal initiative, responsibility, and dignity, the only person that it going to get me there is me. So this is my brain dump as I begin to explore every technology I can find before I start building prototypes.
I hope you enjoy reading through this page as much as I enjoyed writing it and maybe even playing with some of the technology yourself. I know I will.
Note: Rather than provide you with specific links to document every single technology that I mention, I will leave it to you to google them yourself. Links come-and-go like the seasons. There are some very good ones out there explaining (in detail some of them) the different technologies more thoroughly. The purpose of this site is not to explain the inner workings of every single technology out there that I mention but rather to briefly build a classification system whereby we can start making sense of all these different emerging or rediscovered technologies.
Category I - Reaction Mass
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this one because it is already so familiar to us. It's all action and reaction physics. Throw something backwards (whether mass or energy) and you move forward. Simple. Whether it's a straight chemical rocket, a jet engine, or even an ion or nuclear pulse deep space engines, they all throw something backwards in order to move forwards.
The problem is that as soon as you run out of mass or energy to throw backwards, you stop accelerating forwards and either friction or the local gravity field (or magnetic, electric, etc) will drag on you and eventually slow you back down to a stop. And at some point, the mass/weight of the reaction mass or fuel becomes so prohibitive that the engine doesn't even move forwards anymore (it's the whole F=ma thing again).
In the case of getting off the ground and going UP, it's a brute force method of overcoming gravity (and generally fairly inefficient compared to other methods). You expend an equal or greater force in the opposite direction than that of gravity such that you go UP. It's ANY propulsion method that OVERCOMES the effects of gravity rather than shielding its effects, disconnecting from its effects, reversing its effects, or otherwise using another technology to leverage against gravity.
Category II - Force-Field Propulsion (or lifting)
Force field propulsion is a more fun alternative to reaction-mass technologies. And there are several different ways to achieve it.
The most basic form of force-field propulsion comes to us by way of the Biefield-Brown effect. Originally discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown who took his findings to the more established Biefield (who publicized them), the effect is named after both men who together made it famous.
But here's the gist of it. When you charge up a rigid flat plate capacitor to sufficiently high voltage (apparently as little as 5,000 volts in some situations), the whole assembly will develop thrust towards the positive plate (and move in that direction if un-impeded). Brown found that the higher the voltage, the higher the thrust. And the higher the dielectric value of the insulator between the plates, the higher the thrust. And apparently, the thrust developed does not particularly "use up" the high voltage used to initiate the effect.
Then he started experimenting with changing the ratios of the surface area of the plates in regards to each other and thus developed some fairly asymmetric field densities that magnified the effect. Then when he reportedly started rotating them too, he achieved enough thrust for levitation and lift-off at which point the US military reportedly stepped in and suddenly classified all of his work after that point.
I have also come across handwritten notes on the Web detailing an "electric rocket" design, supposedly invented by a young kid quite a few years ago. I know of a number of groups of people actively trying to recreate this device from the drawings with scattered reports of success. Unfortunately, most of them (people trying to duplicate it) are working blindly (imho) by trial and error without really understanding what they are doing. I personally think that if they recognized the design for what it is (a cascaded Biefield-Brown device), they would immediately start seeing more success in duplication of the device.
Note: Some prototypes of the electric rocket device also apparently produce a "wind" pressure (NOT ionic in nature as it easily (reportedly) passes through most matter) of some sort that operates at a distance to push AGAINST other matter/mass. Though I do not believe this to be true reverse gravity per se' (as it would logically change the magnitude of its effect based on the size and density of the mass being pushed against, if it were a reverse gravitational effect), I also do not have anexplanation of what it might be nor have I had a chance to research it yet.
A tiny rabbit trail here...
StarTrek impulse engines in their long nacelle assemblies could be duplicated incredibly easy by using massive Biefield-Brown Cascade devices. The Enterprise 1701 is an incredibly appropriate design in fact for this technology. Especially if you couple it with Tesla's MHD FST-squirt drive (keep reading; FST=Fabric of Space-Time).
There is also another force-field effect called the MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD) effect (apparently pioneered by Tesla) that can be produced by air core, flat plate capacitors running at high-frequency and high-voltage such that the Lorentz forces generated by current flowing crossways across the capacitor gap apparently produce massive directional thrust (I mention this one again further down below).
There are other ways as well to develop thrust straight from energy without reaction mass (like pumping certain luminescent materials with pulsed light or working with expanded quartz, etc). But the Biefield-Brown and MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD) effects are still the most well-known and best studied so far.
Category III - Inertia Conversion
This technology actually depends on inertia to create forward motion in contrast to some of the other technologies discussed so far. The Cowlishaw GIT device converts angular momentum of spinning masses directly into linear motion. The Dean drive, the Cook drive, the Morgan drive, Laithwaite's gyroscopes, and others all do this by various means as well through true mechanical ingenuity.
I have also noticed though, that some of these designs operate more smoothly than others. Several of them have a real tendency to "pogo-stick" along as they "rachet" themselves through the FST (Fabric of Space Time).
In summary, though, you could build a totally enclosed black box, totally sealed (no ports, no holes, no active surfaces, no nothing) with a battery, motor, and spinning gears and weights and whatnot inside. Drop it in the middle of space, turn it on, and the box takes off and keeps going for as long as the battery lasts. It's very cool. It's not a very good method of brute force lifting. But for small maneuvering in a gravity free environment, this one is ideal.
Category IV - Density and Pressure Manipulation
We're all pretty familiar with some of the more classic down-to-Earth applications of this category using air and chemistry. A rapidly moving airplane wing/air-foil or rotating propeller creates a pressure differential between above the wing (or air-foil) and below it (the Bernoulli effect) that pulls the attached plane or craft forward (or UP).
Hot air balloons and blimps that contain a trapped volume of low(er) density air wants to rise above the surrounding (more) dense air. A hot air balloon or sailboat travels forward due to wind air pressure put upon them. Combustion engines turn by burning some fuel in a confined space such that the pressure created moves mechanical/physical objects. Etc and so forth.
Where things get interesting in regards to space flight is when you start applying these same asymmetric pressure and density differential forces to things like gravity, magnetism, electricity, light, and even the fabric of space-time itself. We can build devices that create a magnetic or electrical differential between above and below a craft such that the craft rises through a planet's surrounding magnetic or electrical field.
Just like you amplify the Bernoulli effect by spinning/rotating an air-foil shaped propeller in the air (a fluid), I believe that you can theoretically also amplify or magnify the (I'm looking for a name for it) effect created by rapidly spinning/rotating an asymmetric magnetic foil corollary to a propeller. This device will pull you through a magnetic field (also a fluid) just like a propeller pulls you through air. It is this author's humble hypothesis that the rotating magnetic cones in 55-gallon drums from David Hamel (he is also known for his theoretical "granite butterfly" ufo design) make up a magnetic pressure differential cascade device.
There is also no reason why you can't do the same thing with electric fields (also fluids). If you establish a high voltage point source or line, separated from a much larger target high voltage ground, the 2 poles being separated by a suitable high strength dielectric insulator, you create a massively asymmetric electrical differential field between them. If you rotate them, theoretically you amplify their effect. With a device such as this operated within the Earth's electrical field, you should get some very cool results.
Solar sails rely on the idea that the force/pressure exerted by sunlight reflecting off the sails will provide enough force (on a sufficiently large sail) to accelerate a space craft forwards. A gravity shield sail might work the same way. I talk more below about the pressure exerted by gravity waves on inertia-less objects also being enough to provide propulsion. By appropriately angling a gravity shield, you could even theoretically control the direction of propulsion based on a single gravity source much like a sailboat can tack any direction, even INTO the wind, based on the angle of the sail to the craft and wind.
There is another type of pressure/density differential propulsion that I believe is actually capable of FTL (faster-than-light) speeds. I have run across it in several different places.
The first place I came across this idea was in the writings of Tesla, the father of our modern electrical grid, 3-phase motors, Tesla coils, florescent lights, and more. He found that flat plate, air core capacitors powered by his Tesla coils did funny things to the very fabric of space-time. AC-powered Tesla coil capacitors running at high power seemed to "densify" (is that a word?) the very fabric of space-time in the capacitor (to the point of it acting like actual matter that could be pushed against; there's possible ship shield technology here, imho). Pulsed DC Tesla coil capacitors, on the other hand, expand or decompress the fabric of space time.
The end result is that if you put an AC Tesla coil powering a sideways air-space capacitor of sufficient size in the back end of your spaceship and a DC tesla coil powering a similar capacitor in the front or bow, then your ship will literally "squirt" through the fabric of space-time. If you bubble/disconnect the rest of the ship from the local gravity frame of reference (see below), this ship would theoretically be capable of massively huge speeds well beyond the speed-of-light.