The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, April 15, 2014. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Betsey Hedrick, and Kevin Pena. Council members Matt Hull and Gerald Reichert were absent. Others present included Administrative Clerk Jessica Ayre, Police Chief Ty Ulrich, Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart, Public Works Director Jack Rice, and Recreation Director Dean Svenvold, Fire Chief George Lane, Assistant Public Works Director Pete Leath, Jason Stuart, Emily Boyles, Officer Gramm, Brenda Rose, Mikayla Sevier, Carly Svenvold, and Jenna Gustafson.

Mayor Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and had the three high school seniors in attendance help recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

L. Baker moved to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2014 regular council meeting; second by D. Baker and the motion passed.

Street Committee, City of Glendive
Wednesday April 9, 2014, 4:00pm -Glendive City Hall Training Room

Present: Gerald Reichert, Rett Coon, Kevin Dorwart, Jack Rice, Kevin Pena, Jerry Jimison, Jerry Geiger, Ray Armstrong, Stephen Bradley and Ranger Review.

Agenda Items:

Fire Chief George Lane, citing tanker truck parking in violation of established ordinances in Sunrise Subdivision requested the Street Committee address signage and enforcement for the neighborhood. The Committee requested that Public Works place signage in appropriate locations. City of Glendive Ordinance Committee will take up enforcement.

Adjourned 4:16 PM-Gerald Reichert

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 – 4:16pm

FUPR Committee Meeting

Present: Gerald Reichert, Kevin Pena, Rhett Coon, Kevin Dorwart, Jack Rice, Ray Armstrong & Stephan Bradley from Dowl HKM, Craig Pozega from Great West Engineering, Jerry Geiger, and Jason Stuart from the Ranger Review

1. Dowl HKM – Water Treatment Plant PER

Ray Armstrong and Stephan Bradley from Dowl HKM presented their findings in the PER to the committee.

·  Constructed originally in 1916 and added onto in 48, 59, 92, 99, and 2006.

·  There are current issues with Solids Contact Unit that was built in 1959 as well as issues with other parts of the plant including safety concerns with electrical, corrosion of piping, some other equipment not functioning, and Surface Wash System is failing.

·  Viable alternatives for the plant include a new Solid Contacts Unit or change to a membrane treatment process, along with construct new electrical building and controls.

·  The membrane system is highly recommended by the engineers. There were many pros and cons with switching to a membrane system some positive being that the membranes are a positive, physical barrier to E. coli and other viruses, also the plant could produce more water in a smaller footprint.

·  Potential costs of the repairs and upgrades range from $8,871,336 to $10,573,410 with the switch to the membrane system.

·  If the City were to switch to the membrane system, Dowl HKM would need to do a membrane test plant to customize the membranes to our raw water. Ideally, this test would need one year to gather info and allow the engineers to fine tune a membrane system.

·  Much more discussion to follow at future committee meetings regarding the Water Treatment Plant.

Committee Recommends allowing Dowl HKM to provide the city a cost to set up and run a test membrane plant and to present the cost to the FUPR committee, at the next committee meeting.

2. Glendive City Landfill – Contract Renewal – Barry Damschen

Barry Damschen Consulting, LLC proposed his annual contract renewal for $9,600/year, billed quarterly. This is a $200 increase from last year.

·  Committee recommends approval renewing Barry Damschen Consulting, LLC’s contract for $9,600/yr.

3. Glendive City Attorney – Contract Renewal – Scott Herring

Scott Herring presented a contract renewal for the City of Glendive. The existing contract expired January 1st of this year and the City and Mr. Herring have been operating without a contract since that time. Mr. Herring’s proposed new contract is for $3,500/month or $42,000/year, effective April 1st, for 2 years. That amount is up $6,000/year from the previous contract. The committee felt it highly important not to be operating without a contracted city attorney. The committee also felt, however, that we needed more information on the justification of a $6,000 raise, as well as, questions whether or not we should/need to open the position to public bid. The committee would like to establish an interim contract while the issue is researched further.

·  Committee recommends approval of a contract effective May 1st, 2014 through June 31st, 2015 (fiscal year end), with Attorney Scott Herring.

4. Housing Solutions LLC - Update

Housing Solutions LLC’s Pearson St Apartment Project is getting close to breaking ground, however, would not be starting until end of June or first of July at the soonest. The City would not need to work on any deeds or transfer of property until that time.


5. WRRF – Great West Engineering – Craig Pozega

Craig Pozega from Great West Engineering presented the bids along with some options on moving forward with the Cities Water Resource and Recovery Facility.

·  Out of seven prequalified bidders, 3 did not provide a final bid on the project. Of the 4 that did provide a bid, the lowest was 30% above the engineers estimate.

·  Sletten - $16,300,000

·  Apollo - $18,726,731

·  COP - $20,046,230

·  RSCI – $17,430,741

Possible causes for high bidding:

·  Buy American – To find some parts and materials made in America are hard if not impossible to obtain.

·  Schedule – The tight schedule had some generals concerned about exponential costs of cold weather concrete, etc.

·  Some generals were concerned that the oil impact would make it difficult to find a labor force and compete with oil field wages.

·  Also, Mr. Pozega admitted that they may have been too optimistic on the bench estimate.

Possible solutions:

·  Rebid – Rebidding would more than likely not result in lower bids and considering that it would further agitate the schedule, it was recommended against.

·  Notice of award to low bidder, then try to value engineer or try to reduce costs. This was recommended against due to various complexities and it may lock us into a firm commitment.

·  Value engineering – Great West Engineering was going to explore ways to reduce costs such as looking at extending schedule even longer (for example).

Committee Recommends allowing Great West Engineering to look at value engineering and reporting back to the FUPR committee on April 30th.

Concludes report. Rhett Coon, Councilman W4


Mayor Jimison asked for public comment twice there was none.


Accept resignation of Officer Nicholas Haff from the Glendive Police Department effective May 6, 2014. Hedrick moved to accept resignation from Officer Haff; second by Pena and the motion passed. Chief Ulrich explained that the department is losing an experienced officer and wish him the best.

Accept resignation of Gentry Christophel from the Public Works Department effective May 6, 2014. D. Baker moved to accept the resignation of Gentry Christophel from the public works department; second by Dryden and the motion carried. Director of Public Works, Jack Rice, added that Christophel is a good employee and wish him well.

Permission to advertise for full time police patrolman effective April 6, 2014. Pena moved to approve advertising for full time patrolman effective April 6, 2014; second by Hedrick and the motion carried.

Permission for a full time utility worker for public works effective April 16, 2014. L. Baker moved to approve advertising full time utility worker position effective April 16, 2014; second by Pena and the motion passed.

Resolution #2917 recognizing Dawson County Economic Development as local non-profit Convention and Visitors Bureau in Glendive. Dryden moved to approve resolution #2917; second by D. Baker and the motion carried.

Permission to shoot fireworks at the ABC baseball fields. Coon moved to approve permission to shoot fireworks at the ABC baseball fields; second by Hedrick and the motion passed. Mayor Jimison added that it would probably be Saturday April 26th.

Approve contracted services for City Attorney $42,000. L. Baker moved to approve contract services for the City Attorney; second by Pena and the motion carried with D. Baker abstaining. Dryden asked what the goal was for changing the date. Mayor Jimison explained that this is a 14 month contract. Pena added the city can’t afford to go without a city attorney contract. Hedrick asked if this contract comes up the same time every year. Coon stated the last contract was a three year agreement.

Approve city landfill contract renewal with Barry Damschen Engineering for $9,600.00. Pena moved to approve landfill contract renewal with Barry Damschen Engineering; second by Dryden and the motion carried. Dryden asked why the $200.00 increase from the previous contract. Director Rice

Set Public Hearing for zone change request May 6, 2014 at 7:15pm. Hedrick moved to approve setting a public hearing for zone change May 6, 2014 at 7:15 pm; second by Dryden and the motion carried. Hedrick asked about the difference between the two zones. Rice explained the differences and difficulties with residential homes in commercial zones.

Approve computer equipment donation from WBI. L. Baker moved to approve accepting computer donation from WBI, second by D. Baker and the motion carried.

Approve request of city park use for a rock-a-thon April 26, 2014. Hedrick moved to approve request of City Park for rock-a-thon; second by Coon and the motion carried. Mayor Jimison added that this is for the children’s miracle network and would be held in Lloyd Square or Gazebo Park. Pena expressed his concern about music and late hours in Lloyd Square Park and Mikayla Sevier explained rocking chairs are used and no music.

Accounts Payable Claims: $101,401.95. D. Baker moved to approve the accounts payable for $101,401.95; second by Dryden and the motion passed.


Police- Chief of Police Ty Ulrich reported he had one applicant to interview. Joel Gramm was at the first part of the meeting but had to respond to a call. The department has had 10 felonies in the past we weeks and they are busy preparing for trial. The homicide case will be held in May.

Fire- Chief George Lane has looked over the waste water treatment plans for building code inspection. He also had a building permit for a motel and penny’s diner.

Public Works- Director of Public Works Jack Rice has been attending meetings. Pete Leath, Assistant Director of Public Works, has been doing well and busy with locates. Due to the nice weather about 6-10 locates have been coming in each day. Summer help positions have been opened. The crew vacuumed Lloyd Square Park for the Easter egg hunt. The city clean-up week is next week also.

Operations- Director Kevin Dorwart has been working on the waste water treatment plant contracts. Looking at the SRF to find ways get costs down.

Recreation- Director Dean Svenvold has been working with Tina Carter and discussed pool staffing. They reviewed the swimming lesson format. The classes will depend on the number of instructors. All instructors need to take water safety classes. Volleyball is also going on now at the Rec Department.


April 21-26 Community cleanup week. Mayor Jimison stated the city and county will each be donating $1000.00 and he is in contact with WBI to see if they are going to donate to this year’s cleanup efforts.

April 23 Ribbon cutting/dedication CTEP trail 4:30pm.

April 25-26 Quilt show at EPEC

April 26- Glendive Medical Center Gala at Moose Hall


Ordinance Committee Monday, 4/21/14 4:00pm

Personnel Committee Monday, 4/21/14 4:15pm

F/U/P/R Committee Wednesday, 4/30/14 5:00pm

Department Reports

City Court-March 2014

Glendive Police Department- March 2014


Henry Mitchell has resigned from the board of adjustments and a replacement is needed. The replacement needs to live in city limits. The board oversees variances from ordinances and building code questions.

Linda Jones leaving the council left a vacancy on the Economic Development Council. They meet four times a year and are in need of a council member replacement.

Fish, Wildlife and Parks will be holding a focus group at Dawson Community College to gather input on parks.

Council members are invited to attend a municipal elected official’s workshop.

Governor Bullock will be in Glendive Thursday morning for a proposal on infrastructure impact.

Council member Kevin Pena is 32 years old today.


Pena moved to adjourn the Council meeting; second by D. Baker and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Dated this 15th day of April, 2014.

Approved the 6th day of May, 2014.


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Jessica Ayre, Administrative Clerk