MAY 16, 2006
Was held on Tuesday, May 16 2006 in the MediaCenter at PitmanHigh School. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. for Executive Closed Session followed by the Work Session Meeting at 7:30 p.m. with the following in attendance:
Gail L. ToddPresident
Thomas DeGeorgeVice-President
Robert J. BazzelMember (absent)
Thomas C. HahnMember (absent)
Joseph F. MartinMember
Robin MollenhauerMember
Donald W. PalliesMember
Michele D. RoemerSecretary
Thomas F. SchulteSuperintendent
Esther PacittiAsst. Supt. for Curriculum & Instruction
Samuel H. BullockSolicitor (arrived at 7:05 pm)
Moved by Mrs. Todd
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the following Resolution is adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Pitman Board of Education that pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Law (NJSA 10:4-1 et. seq.) that it shall immediately enter into an Executive Session to discuss a matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or disciplining of any prospective or current public officer or employee. The information discussed at this meeting can be disclosed to the public only upon formal written request to the Secretary of the Board of Education at the next Work, Special, or Action meeting to disclose the information discussed.”
Motion Approved –All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the Work Session Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education reconvenes in open session at 7:30 p.m.”
Motion Approved –All In Favor
The meeting reconvened in open session with the following visitors: Gail Martin, Len Sheridan, Valerie Wright and Steve Smith.
Moment of Silence was followed by the Salute to the Flag.
Notice of this Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education was mailed to the Gloucester County Times and Pitman Today, posted at Borough Hall and a copy thereof delivered to the Pitman Borough Clerk. Further, notice was posted and filed as required by Law stating that the Board of Education would meet in Executive Closed Session at 7:00 p.m. to be followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pitman High School Media Center. The President shall entertain any objections, with supporting reasons, to the conduct of this meeting on the grounds that it violates the Open Public Meetings Act.
Public Hearing (15 minutes)
Gail Martin asked if the aides hours are being cut to save money and circumventing the contract – Is that correct. (Mrs. Todd responded that it was to save money)
Gail Martin responded - Even though you may have to hire more people? She also asked if the hall monitors at the high school are they still here? (Mr. Schulte responded that they would be accepting the resignation of Mr. Reichardt tonight). What about Betsy McAteer? Her salary is more than the aides.(Dr. Roemer indicated that Mrs. McAteer’s duties were changed last year and that her salary remained the same as other office aides).
Len Sheridan stated that the PEA would be open to a side-bar for an increase in the aide’s salary. He also asked if the board could provide an update on the borough council’s negotiations? What about the math program?(Mrs. Todd responded that we will be voting on a resolution regarding the negotiations with town council. She further stated that the elementary math program was eliminated from the 2006-2007 budget as part of the budget decrease due to the defeated budget).
-No presentations were scheduled.
-Thank younote from KindleSchool staff for the teacher appreciation breakfast.
- Letter from KindleSchool staff requesting on-site staff parking lot.
Motion by Mrs. Todd
Second by Mr.DeGeorge to approve all minute motions as listed below:
“That the minutes of the Reorganization and Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education held Tuesday, April 25, 2006 be approved as printed and the reading dispensed with.”
“That the minutes of the Action Work Sessions of the Pitman Board of Education held Tuesday, May 2, 2006 be approved as printed and the reading dispensed with.”
“That the minutes of the Closed Sessions of the Pitman Board of Education held Tuesday, April 25, 2006 (7:04 p.m., 7:20 p.m., 10:28 p.m. and 11:41 p.m.) and Tuesday, May 2, 2006 (7:04 p.m.) are approved as printed and the reading dispensed with.”
Motion Approved, All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr.DeGeorge to approve the first six finance items as listed below:
"That line-item transfers for the month of April, 2006 be approved.”
"That pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(d), the Board Secretary certifies that as of April 30,
2006, no budgetary line-item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6-20-
"That the Report of the Board Secretary for the April accounting period 2006, including the Current Budget Financial Statement be approved. The Pitman Board of Education further certifies that no major account or fund has been over-expended."
"That all bills properly approved and certified be paid."
"That the Treasurer’s Report as of April 30, 2006 be accepted and note that it reconciles with the
Board Secretary's report for the same period."
“That the following Financial Report as of April 30, 2006 is approved: Student Fund, Panther Club and Capitol Project Account."
Roll Call Vote, Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Pitman Board of Education hereinafter referred to as DISTRICT, is a member of the Atlantic & Cape May Counties School Business Officials Joint Insurance Fund, a self-insurance pooling fund; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws of said Fund require that each DISTRICT appoint a Risk Management Consultant, hereinafter referred to as RMC, to perform various professional services as detailed in the Bylaws; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws indicate a fee as indicated in the attached Risk Management Consultant Agreement which expenditure represents reasonable compensation for the services required and was included in the cost considered by the DISTRICT; and
WHEREAS, the Public School Contracts Law (NJSA 18A:18A-1 et. seq.) requires that the awarding of contracts for “Professional Services” without competitive bidding must be approved by resolution of the DISTRICT;
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the DISTRICT does hereby appoint Len Eckman, Inc. as its RMC and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District’s Business Official/Board Secretary is hereby
authorized and directed to execute the Risk Management Consultant Agreement annexed hereto.
Roll Call Vote, Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the Pitman Board of Education enter into an agreement with Gloucester County Special Services School District for the following services for the 2006-20-07 school year:
Physical Therapy approx. 10 hrs/week$67.00/hour
Occupational Therapyapprox. 22.5 hrs/week$65.00/hour”
Roll Call Vote, Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the Pitman Board of Education approved the amended 2006-2007 budget to reflect the
following changes:
Decrease the amount to be raised in local taxes by $158,500 to reflect an amended amount of
$10,004,998. (line 001500).
Decrease of a total of $158,500 to the following line-items:
Item / Account / Amount / Line #Elementary Math Program / 11-190-100-610 / $30,000.00 / 02680
Athletic Security / 11-402-100-500 / $ 4,000.00 / 06100
Teaching Position –Kindle 5th grade / 11-120-100-101 / $47,000.00 / 02520
Educational Technology Coord / 11-120-100-101 / $75,000.00 / 02520
Eye Doctor / 11-000-213-330 / $2,500.00 / 06440
TOTAL / $158,500.00
The total amount of the 2006/2007 budget is amended from $21,379,947 to $21,221,447.”
Roll Call Vote, Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Mrs. Todd, Board President, read the following statement:
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Mr. Bazzel, Mr. Martin and Mr. Pallies for serving on the Board’s committee that worked with Borough Council.
I would also like to thank all the residents that called council members in support of the Pitman’s educational system and the kids it serves. I really appreciate everyone that took the time to express their thoughts to council.
The next few years will be challenging ones for Pitman’s schools. To date we have been able to accomplish this without negatively impacting our schools. The additional reduction in funds that council has made will impact our students and add to our challenges.
I acknowledge that the defeated budget presented Council with a difficult task. Personally, I was very disappointed by council’s response. The size of the cut council approved did not correspond to the result of the vote and I do not believe they considered the ramifications of their decisions. The school budget was defeated by only 60 votes or less than 6% of those who voted. However, Council cut 21% of the school budget increase. The school district followed the guidelines issued by the state and increased its budget within the state cap. Borough Council on the other hand, voted unanimously to exceed its state cap by 1%. If given the opportunity, would the voters have approved it? I wonder?
If the legislators in Trenton really wanted to bring accountability to local spending, they would be passing a bill requiring voters to approve municipal and county budgets. As one councilman acknowledged that their budget had an impact.
I am confident that with Mr. Schulte’s leadership and the quality and commitment of our staff,we will continue to offer quality education to the students of Pitman and strive for excellence.
Mr. Pallies reported student enrollment as of April 30, 2006:
Student Statistics for April 30, 2006:
Elem Middle High Dist.Alt.TotalBedside
4/30/05714 365 5132581,624 8
3/31/06723 356 4972661,608 0
4/30/06724 356 4952811,609 1
Suspensions Elementary - 1Middle - 4 Total 5
ReasonInappropriate Behavior2Fighting3
Mr. Pallies reported monthly Fire Drills on file in Board of Education Office:
High School-4/20/06, 4/21/06
Middle School-4/19/06, 4/21/06
MemorialSchool-4/21/06, 4/26/06
WallsSchool-4/18/06, 4/20/06
Kindle School-4/21/06, 4/28/06
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr.Mollenhauer
“That all out-of-state field trips be approved as submitted.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the student whose name is on file in the Board Office, who has been recommended for
out-of-district placement by the Special Services Department, be approved for placement at the
designated site, effective May 4, 2006.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the continuation of the Before and After School Panther Club Program; and the implementation of a Summer Care Program and ½-day Extended
Day Program for Kindergarten and 4-year olds at the three Elementary Schools beginning July 1,
2006 through June 30, 2007.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education finds the travel and related expenses particular to attendance
of staff and board members on the attached list of approved school business leaves (Conference/
Workshop/Meeting/Staff Training) are justified and therefore reimbursable.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr.DeGeorge
“That the Highland Chemical Engine Company be permitted to hold their Annual Labor Day Carnival on the grounds of Pitman High School, from August 31st through September 4th and begin construction in the student parking lot on Saturday, August 26th and dismantle, clean and prepare facility for school activities by 8:00 a.m. on September 5th.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the Membership Resolution for New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association for the 2006-2007 school year as on file in the business office.”
Motion Approved –All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr. Martin
“That an Extra-Service Contract be issued to Vikki Stewart, as Credit Completion Advisor, beginning June 21, 2006, for as many days as there are students needing to fulfill the requirement (up to ten days), at $95.00 per day.”
Roll Call Vote, Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Discussion ensued about Saturday make-up and necessity for it.
Mr. Mollenhauer reported theAnnualSchool Board Election Results
School Budget:Yes513No573
Board Candidates (2 seats):
Robin Mollenhauer 647Thomas Hahn 645Barry Owen589
Motion by Mr. DeGeorge
Second by Mr.Martin
“That the Pitman Board of Education authorizes the Business Office to prepare bid specifications for 2006/07 Transportation Routes and submit same to the CountyOffice for approval. The Board further authorizes the advertising of said bids.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. DeGeorge
Second by Mr. Martin
“That the Pitman Board of Education enter into a contract with Educational Data Services, Inc. for licensing fee at $6,520.00 for the 2006-2007 school year.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. DeGeorge
Second by Mr. Martin
“That the Pitman Board of Education award Educational Data, Inc. bids as part of the consortium effective May, 2006 for the following items:
Skilled Trades
Athletic Reconditioning”
.Motion Approved – All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mr.DeGeorge to approve all personnel items as listed below:
“That additions to the Substitute List for the 2006/2007 school year are approved:
Laura Hirst”
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following student worker for the Pitman Panther Club for the remainder of the 2005-2006 school year at an hourly rate of $7.50, at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
Katie McMaster”
“That the Pitman Board of Education approve the substitute pay for 2006-2007 school year as follows:
Licensed Nurse (RN)$100/day
Cafeteria Aides$7.25/hr
Instr. or Library Aides$8.00/hr
Food Service$7.25/hr
Sub Teacher Caller$25.00/day
Teacher -$75/day for up to 10 school days of continuous
service in the same position.
$80/day from day 11 until day 20 of continuous
service in the same position.
75% of the per diem rate of BA/Step 1 teacher per day from day 21 of continuous service in the same position provided that the substitute holds minimally a Certificate of Eligibility appropriate for the position.
For long-term scheduled (beyond three months) substitute teaching positions, the per diem rate will be at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. Benefits may also be included at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools.”
“That Erica Davidson and Christina DeFrancesco be approved to work during the summer of 2006 for a total maximum of 160 hours between them, at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. Hourly compensation in accord with the negotiated agreement with the PEA.”
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following individuals for summer
maintenance and printing positions at a rate of $8.25 per hour:
Andrew HahnRobert EckJoelle Sweigart
Gregory RogersConstance SwartzStacie Salvatore
Betty Jean Hampton”
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following individuals for site leaders for Before & After School Panther Club, Summer Care Program and ½ Day Extended Day Program for the 2006/2007 school year , at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
Michelle LappElizabeth MatteoColleen Moore
Jessica MuranteShawn Schuck”
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following individuals for counselors for Before & After School Panther Club, Summer Care Program and/or ½ Day Extended Day Program for the 2006/2007 school year at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
Katie McMasterAmy BreslinMaria Marquez
Katie SchlegelTonya HarmerJodi McIlhenney
Jaimie ByersAlex ArmstrongRachel Reifsneider
Abigail BazzelMeghan WrightJohn Kinnarney
Megan MookAlexander ZebrowskiWilliam Golway
Colleen BrewerCaitlin BellGina Brentari
Brittany FearonTara MilwardNicole Noon
Nicholas OverholtChelsi ThompsonDanielle Collier
Amanda McAteerLindsay LarsonJohn Madden
Lauren VandersliceDavid DurandBethanne O’Donnell
Danielle RobertsHelene RobertsJessica Mitchell
“That the Pitman Board of Education accepts the resignation ofDouglas Reichardt, Hall Monitor at PitmanHigh School, effective June 20, 2006.”
“That the Board of Education approve the appointment of Megan Mastranduona, as High School/Middle School Spanish Teacher, for the 2006/2007 school year, effective September 1, 2006, at an annual salary of $41,846 (BA/Step 1) (contingent upon receipt of proper certification) at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.”
“That the following Resolution authoring the award of a Non-fair and Open Contract For District Physician and Medical Inspector is adopted:
WHEREAS, the Pitman Board of Education has a need to acquire the services for a District Physician and Medical Inspectoras a non-fair and open contract pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 or 20.5 as appropriate; and,
WHEREAS, the purchasing agent has determined and certified in writing that the value of the acquisition will exceed $17,500; and,
WHEREAS, the anticipated term of this contract is1 yearand may be extended as approved by this governing body; and
WHEREAS,Dr. Theodore Koernerhas submitted a proposal indicating they will provide the services of District Physician and Medical Inspector for $23,245; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Theodore Koerner has completed and submitted a Business Entity Disclosure Certification which certifies that Dr. Theodore Koerner has not made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate committee in the Boro of Pitman, County of Gloucester and State of New Jersey in the previous one year, and
WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $23,245 have been appropriated and are available for these purposes, and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pitman Board of Education of the Boro of Pitman authorizes the Purchasing Agent to enter into a contract with Dr. Theodore Koerner as described herein; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Business Disclosure Entity Certification and the Determination of Value be placed on file with this resolution.”
“That notice of continuation of employment for the 2006/2007 school year be issued to the
following non-tenured personnel at the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. Said
employment may be terminated by either party with sixty days’ advance notice. Salaries in
accord with negotiated agreement with Pitman Education Association.
1st Year Personnel
Eugene Reid
Erin Reynolds
Daniel Miller
Stephanie Collum
John Hopely
David Palmentieri