Resource Allocation Proposal
Originator: / Brian Orlauski
Program or Department Name: / Information Technology
Area Dean: / Brian Orlauski, Interim Dean of Info Technology / Campus: / SJC / MVC
Area Vice President: / Becky Elam, Vice President of Business Services
Account Code: / 6780
Total Amount Requested: / $150,000
One Time Funding ____ / On Going Funding_X_ / Safety __X___ / Personnel____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
Instructions: Explain what you are requesting (equipment, software, conference attendance, budget augmentation, faculty training, etc), why the request is timely and important and where the need was identified (analysis of assessment data, necessaryequipment has failed, department meeting discussion, etc.)
Information Technology is requesting an increase to the IT Technology Reserve in the amount of $150,000. This requested amount is designed to support the sustainability of existing instructional and administrative technologies that are currently supported by the Information Technology department, but not adequately funded by the existing technology reserve. The instructional and administrative technology included in this request has been purchased through one-time funding sources and as the technology has reached the end of its useful lifecycle, refreshing of the technology requires recapitalization funding.
The following technologies are included in this request:
Item # / Technology / Amount
1 / Menifee marquee maintenance fund / $10,000
2 / Multi-campus virtual machine hypervisor software (including support for Blackboard, Colleague, SharePoint) / $40,000
3 / Video conferencing equipment refresh / $20,000
4 / Institutional websites (server software licensing, database licensing, hardware) / $25,000
5 / Anti-virus software licensing(desktops and servers) / $15,000
6 / Avigilon Video Security System Refresh / $20,000
7 / Disaster Recovery Software Licensing for Blackboard and Colleague as well as entire server architecture / $20,000
Total / $165,000
Section I / Explain how your request is supported by your Program Review (2011) or Annual Program Assessment (2012-13, 2013-14):
Instructions: To receive points (6)for this section, you must connect this RAP to your 2011 program review or 2012-13 or 2013-14 annual program assessment. If applicable, cut and paste from your program review or annual program assessment. Cite the document (either program review or annual program assessment, and the year if the language utilized is from an annual program assessment) and the page number. NOTE: From this point on, no partial credit will be awarded for your responsesso make alltiesto this RAP from your program review documents, learning outcomes andinstitutional plans, priorities and goals as clear and strong as possible!
Item / Source / Extract from Source Program Review Document
#1 / APA 2012-2013 Page #10 / The marquee at MVC experienced two major outages during this cycle without any readily available funding source to remedy. The marquee is past the intended lifecycle and the manufacturer is no longer in business. Additionally, requests for display functions of the marquee by faculty, employees, and community members surpass the functional ability of the marquee. As such, the assessment of this technology suggests MSJC should fund the replacement of marquee. Initial quotes for replacement are approximately $100,000. Despite the funding of a replacement marquee, funds should be designated for the annual maintenance of the sign at approximately 15% of the replacement cost.
#2 / Program Review 2011 Page #20 / 2) Lack of Specialized Information Technology Staffing Resources:
MSJC currently supports 92 server instances, 1100+ desktops, 4 server based email systems, 7 unique database systems, 5 server operating systems, and system accounts for over 160,000 users. The diversity of systems and limitation in number of IT staff inhibits Information Technology staff from being experts in all the various systems and technologies for which the staff member is assigned. Information Technology will standardize system architectures and operations to minimize the diversity of technologies to improve departmental efficiency.
#3 / APA 2012-2013 Page #9 / The MSJC IT technology reserve is not sufficient to satisfactory fund the maintenance and recapitalizations costs of currently implemented technologies, such as anti-virus software, video conferencing equipment, VoIP phones, the marquee at MVC, security systems, and the institutional website infrastructure.
#4 / Program Review 2011 Page #32 / 3. Institutional WebServer / Sharepoint
Reason: In support of Accreditation, improved targeted communication, document management, data presentation, content management, and federated account management, MSJC should implement an enterprise portal as the next generation web presence for the district.
#5 / APA 2012-2013 Page #9 / Historically, MSJC has utilized a discounted anti-virus solution from Microsoft that was determined to be a risk to MSJC. In 2013, Information Technology made an emergency one-time licensing purchase of an enhanced anti-virus solution for servers and desktops in an effort to mitigate emerging threats to the District. This newly implemented anti-virus has been more successful in identifying and mitigating potential threats; however, there is no long term funding mechanism for the anti-virus licensing costs.
#6 / APA 2012-2013 Page #9 / The MSJC IT technology reserve is not sufficient to satisfactory fund the maintenance and recapitalizations costs of currently implemented technologies, such as anti-virus software, video conferencing equipment, VoIP phones, the marquee at MVC, security systems, and the institutional website infrastructure.
#7 / Program Review 2011 Page #33 / 7. Enterprise Backup Solution
Reason: To improve IT staff efficiency and improve Disaster Recovery functionality to span campuses. IT staff can realize a savings of 5 work hours a week in managing system backups as well as reduce future hardware related to tape backups and reduced licensing costs.
Section I / Describe how your request is supported by your Unit Plan (provide link to 2013-14 Unit Plan)
Instructions: To receive points (5) for this section, you must join this RAP to the current unit plan created by your dean. If applicable, cut and paste from the unit plan, citing the page number.
The Information Technology department utilizes assessment results documented in the departmental Program Review and Annual Program Assessments as well as the MSJC Technology Master Plan as a collective unit plan as Information Technology is a service department with a mission to support the needs of other departments at MSJC. The following are extracts from those documents:
Item / Source / Extract from Source Program Review Document
#1 / APA 2012-2013 Page #10 / The marquee at MVC experienced two major outages during this cycle without any readily available funding source to remedy. The marquee is past the intended lifecycle and the manufacturer is no longer in business. Additionally, requests for display functions of the marquee by faculty, employees, and community members surpass the functional ability of the marquee. As such, the assessment of this technology suggests MSJC should fund the replacement of marquee. Initial quotes for replacement are approximately $100,000. Despite the funding of a replacement marquee, funds should be designated for the annual maintenance of the sign at approximately 15% of the replacement cost.
#2 / Program Review 2011 Page #20 / 2) Lack of Specialized Information Technology Staffing Resources:
MSJC currently supports 92 server instances, 1100+ desktops, 4 server based email systems, 7 unique database systems, 5 server operating systems, and system accounts for over 160,000 users. The diversity of systems and limitation in number of IT staff inhibits Information Technology staff from being experts in all the various systems and technologies for which the staff member is assigned. Information Technology will standardize system architectures and operations to minimize the diversity of technologies to improve departmental efficiency.
#3 / APA 2012-2013 Page #9 / The MSJC IT technology reserve is not sufficient to satisfactory fund the maintenance and recapitalizations costs of currently implemented technologies, such as anti-virus software, video conferencing equipment, VoIP phones, the marquee at MVC, security systems, and the institutional website infrastructure.
#4 / Program Review 2011 Page #32 / 3. Institutional WebServer / Sharepoint
Reason: In support of Accreditation, improved targeted communication, document management, data presentation, content management, and federated account management, MSJC should implement an enterprise portal as the next generation web presence for the district.
#5 / APA 2012-2013 Page #9 / Historically, MSJC has utilized a discounted anti-virus solution from Microsoft that was determined to be a risk to MSJC. In 2013, Information Technology made an emergency one-time licensing purchase of an enhanced anti-virus solution for servers and desktops in an effort to mitigate emerging threats to the District. This newly implemented anti-virus has been more successful in identifying and mitigating potential threats; however, there is no long term funding mechanism for the anti-virus licensing costs.
#6 / APA 2012-2013 Page #9 / The MSJC IT technology reserve is not sufficient to satisfactory fund the maintenance and recapitalizations costs of currently implemented technologies, such as anti-virus software, video conferencing equipment, VoIP phones, the marquee at MVC, security systems, and the institutional website infrastructure.
#7 / Program Review 2011 Page #33 / 7. Enterprise Backup Solution
Reason: To improve IT staff efficiency and improve Disaster Recovery functionality to span campuses. IT staff can realize a savings of 5 work hours a week in managing system backups as well as reduce future hardware related to tape backups and reduced licensing costs.
#5 / Technology Master Plan
Page 11 / Ensure campus network is protected from virus brought on
by PCs and mobile storage
#7 / Technology Master Plan
Page 16 / A growing problem is the acquisition of software and the expectation to integrate that software with other packages, without utilizing a total cost of ownership approach. All software procurements should include adequate implementation and support staff. Adequate hardware with capacity planning should also be considered.
Section I / Explain how your request is supported by your CLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
Instructions: To receive points (9) for this section, you must tie this RAP to your current learning outcomes. List the learning outcomes that link to this RAP and explain how these learning outcomes support this RAP.
2011-2014 AUOs:
  1. The IT department will provide a technology infrastructure that is conducive to student learning and College operations, by providing an institutional computing environment that is robust, reliable, secure, and adaptive to the expanding requirement for remote services. The department will continually assess the infrastructure and provide recommendations to maintain currency in the institutional technology needs.
Specifically, the technologies contained in this request are directly supportive of providing an infrastructure conducive to student learning by ensuring access to college events through a functional marquee as well as communication between faculty, staff, administrator, community members, and students through a video conferencing solution. Additionally, functional anti-virus and the other named security systems provide a secure learning environment. Lastly, ensuring a robust operating environment for the MSJC institutional websites; including Blackboard, EagleAdvisor, and SharePoint promotes a stable operating environment for students and faculty to interact.
Section II / Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to strategic plan)
Student Success
Instructions: To receive points (10) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in student success. How would funding this RAP improve student learning? Describe specifically how students would benefit.
The technologies contained in this request are directly supportive of student success by providing an infrastructure conducive to student learning. A functional marquee engages the community in college events and improves community knowledge of MSJC learning opportunities. Enhanced virtual server infrastructure will allow for the as well as communication between faculty, staff, administrator, community members, and students through a video conferencing solution. Additionally, functional anti-virus and the other named security systems provide a secure learning environment. Lastly, ensuring a robust and reliable server operating environment for the MSJC institutional websites; including Blackboard, EagleAdvisor, and SharePoint, promotes a stable operating environment for students and faculty to effective participate in an enhanced educational environment.
Fiscally Sound Position:
Instructions: To receive points (8 for this section, you must connect this RAP to a more fiscally sound position for the district.. For example, how would funding this RAP increase district revenues or decrease district expenditures?
Proactive and effective security of data and systems as well as sustainable physical security results in an overall decrease in risk to Mt. San Jacinto College, which results in lower fiscal risk. According to the Phoenix Business Journal in an article on March 3, 2014, Maricopa Community College costs associated with a data breach are estimated to reach more than $17.1 million. Proactive security of MSJC student and employee data decreases risk of intrusion and results in lower overall legal costs.
Systematic Planning and Assessment:
Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must fasten this RAP to an enhancement in the district's institutional effectiveness effort. For example, how would funding this RAP improve assessment, the program review process or the use of data for decision-making and/or institutional improvements?
Section II / Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
Instructions: To receive points (3) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in institutional pride or improvement of our district's organizational culture. For example, how would funding this RAP increase student and/or staff investment and pride in the institution?
The technologies contained in this request are directly supportive of institutional pride and culture by ensuring MSJC has supported and functional communication. The below explanations link this RAP request directly to the goals in the Strategic Plan associated with Institutional Pride or Improvement in Pride:
  • Promote quality institutional communication as a key priority and practice.
The marquee, blackboard, and the institutional websites are critical communication tools that inform of emergency events, learning opportunities, professional development, community events, college events, initiatives, goals, and other institutional communication. In addition, the video conferencing equipment is utilized on a daily basis to allow staff, faculty, administrator, students, and community members to visually and audible interact between SJC, MVC, and TEC. The funding of this RAP will ensure these communication functions are fiscally resourced.
  • Advance and celebrate student learning, sense of community, safe and positive environment, diversity, and employee and student pride.
The funding of this RAP directly supports celebrating student learning and a sense of community. The MSJC website promotes the “Faces of MSJC” campaign in addition to several other celebrations. The MVC marquee displays learning opportunities. This RAP supports a safe and positive environment through the funding of the anti-virus licensing and ensuring the video security system is functional to protect the college community.
  • Promote more student engagement in campus life.
The marquee and the institutional websites are communication tools that inform of learning opportunities, community events, college events, initiatives, goals, and other institutional communication. In addition, the video conferencing equipment is utilized on a daily basis to allow students to collaborate in shared governance and in student leadership through visual and audible conferencing between SJC, MVC, and TEC. The funding of this RAP will ensure these communication functions are fiscally resourced to support student engagement.
Community Partnerships and Service
Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must connect this RAP to an improvement in community partnerships and/or service. For example, how would funding this RAP make our local communities view our district in a more favorable light?
The technologies contained in this request are directly supportive of community partnerships by ensuring an infrastructure that supports communication venues. A functional marquee engages the community in college events and improves community knowledge of MSJC learning opportunities. Additionally, events such as the Gala, Jazz & Wine event, the Veteran’s Day celebrations, university transfer events, and other special engagements are advertised via the marquee. The MSJC website informs the community of educational opportunities, employment opportunities, Board of Trustee agendas and meetings, Shared Governance initiatives, informative research related to student success, and community events. In addition to the utilization by MSJC employees, video conference equipment located in six (6) locations throughout MSJC is utilized collectively by the MSJC Board of Trustees, the MSJC Foundation, student groups, community groups, K12 Superintendents, and professional groups.
Section III / Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the Strategic Plan (link to Strategic Plan)
Instructions: Return to the strategic plan and study the 12 institutional goals. Connect this RAP to as many of these goals as possible. To ensure the points (10) for this box are awarded, list those goals that link to this RAP. Fully explain how these goals tie to this RAP.
  • Promote quality institutional communication as a key priority and practice.
The marquee, blackboard, and the institutional websites are critical communication tools that inform of emergency events, learning opportunities, professional development, community events, college events, initiatives, goals, and other institutional communication. In addition, the video conferencing equipment is utilized on a daily basis to allow staff, faculty, administrator, students, and community members to visually and audible interact between SJC, MVC, and TEC. The funding of this RAP will ensure these communication functions are fiscally resourced.
  • Advance and celebrate student learning, sense of community, safe and positive environment, diversity, and employee and student pride.
The funding of this RAP directly supports celebrating student learning and a sense of community. The MSJC website promotes the “Faces of MSJC” campaign in addition to several other celebrations. The MVC marquee displays learning opportunities. This RAP supports a safe and positive environment through the funding of the anti-virus licensing and ensuring the video security system is functional to protect the college community.