Return Response to:

Please acknowledge receipt of this document by sending an email within 48 hours to Cindy Low at Provide your company name and the name of one contact person along with an email address and telephone number.

The University Web address for downloading this document and any updates or addendum until the submittal due date is:

Deviations from specifications: Any deviation from the specifications shall be identified and fully described. The right is reserved to accept or reject proposals on each item separately, or as a whole, and to waive any irregularities in the proposal; irregularities may, however, render the proposal non-responsive.

Public disclosure - Responses to Become Public Records:

All materials submitted in response to this solicitation become a matter of public record and shall be regarded as public record.

Designation of Confidential Information:

The Regents will recognize as confidential only those elements in each response, which are trade secrets as that term is defined in the law of California and which are clearly marked as ‘TRADE SECRET, ’’CONFIDENTIAL,’ or ‘PROPRIETARY.’ Vague designations and blanket statements regarding entire pages or documents are insufficient and shall not bind The Regents to protect the designated matter from disclosure.

The California Public Records Act limits The Regents’ ability to withhold prequalification and bid data to trade secrets or records, the disclosure of which is exempt or prohibited pursuant to federal or state law. If a submittal contains any trade secrets that a Contractor does not want disclosed to the public or used by The Regents for any purpose other than evaluation of the Contractor’s eligibility, each sheet of such information must be marked with the designation “Confidential.” The Regents will notify the submitter of data so classified of any request to inspect such data so that the submitter will have an opportunity to establish that such information is exempt from inspection in any proceeding to compel inspection.

The Regents Not Liable for Required Disclosure:

The Regents shall not in any way be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any records if they are not plainly marked ‘TRADE SECRET,’ CONFIDENTIAL,’ or ‘PROPRIETARY,’ or if disclosure is required by law or by an order of the court.



1 Introduction 3

2 Definitions 4

3 Pre-qualification Requirements 4

4 Program Requirements/Scope of Work 5

5 Request for Proposal Process 6

6 Required Submittals 8


8 RFP Addendum 9

9 Schedule of Events 10

10 RFP Response Format 10

11 Indemnification and Insurance Requirements 11

12 Specific Terms and Conditions 13

13 General Terms and Conditions 13

14 Signature 15


Exhibit A: Insurance Coverages to be Tracked for Compliance

Exhibit B: Program Requirements

Exhibit C.1: Pricing Schedule for Certificates received from Vendors

Exhibit C.2: Pricing Schedule for Certificates issued by the University

1  Introduction


The University of California was founded in 1868 as a public, state-supported land-grant institution. It was written into the State Constitution of 1879 as a public trust to be administered under the authority of an independent governing board — The Regents of the University of California. Presently, the Board of Regents includes twenty-six members: seven ex-officio, eighteen appointed by the Governor, and one student appointed by the Board.

A master plan for the development of higher education in California, enacted in 1960 and referred to as the Donahoe Higher Education Act, designates the University of California as the primary state-supported academic agency for research with exclusive jurisdiction in public higher education of instruction in the professions of law, medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Sole authority is also vested in the University to award doctoral degrees in all fields, with the exception of joint doctoral degrees which may be awarded with the California State College and University System.

The administrative structure of the University is headed by a president who is responsible for overall policy development, planning, and research allocation. Chancellors have the primary responsibility for the management of campus resource allocations as well as campus administrative activities. The Regents have delegated authority to the Academic Senate to determine academic policy, set conditions for admissions (subject to constraints of the Master Plan for Higher Education) and degree requirements, and to approve courses and curricula. Special faculty committees serve in an advisory capacity to The Regents, the president, and the chancellors in a variety of matters.

There are ten University campuses. Eight of them offer undergraduate and graduate instruction and professional education; the ninth is devoted exclusively to the health services. The tenth campus is being constructed in Merced and opened with limited enrollment in September 2005.

The University owns and operates teaching hospitals and clinics on the Los Angeles campus including Santa Monica; the San Francisco campus, including Mt. Zion and physician staffing at San Francisco General Hospital; and in Orange, Sacramento, and San Diego Counties. Approximately 150 University institutes, bureaus, centers, and laboratories operate in all parts of the State. The University's Agricultural Experiment Stations, Cooperative Extension offices in fifty-four counties, and the Natural Land and Water Reserve System serve people in all areas of California. The University has research and exchange teaching operations located in foreign countries. The University also manages three Department of Energy (“DOE”) Laboratories.


The University requires a comprehensive service and delivery system that coordinates insurance compliance needs for certificates of insurance both issued by vendors and issued by the University. For this reason, the University seeks to contract with a provider for an outsourced insurance compliance management service and system (ICMSS). The ICMSS will be used to obtain, evaluate, track, retain, and report our vendors’ certificates of insurance to ensure compliance with University requirements. This system must also be able to receive, track, and report certificates of insurance issued by the University. The system must be electronic, paperless and web-based.


EXHIBIT A lists some of the possible insurance coverages to be tracked for compliance.


Note: These represent estimated numbers.

Certificates received from contractors and vendors in any one year period 7,000-9,000

Certificates issued by the University in any one year period 5,000-6,000

2  Definitions

Bidder A specific person or entity responding to this Request

ICMSS Insurance Compliance Management Service and System

Requirement Requirements, as noted within this RFP, must be met to be eligible for consideration.

Provider Bidder receiving an award from the University

Regents The Regents of the University of California

Response A Bidder’s response to this Request

RFP This Request for Proposal document

University The entire University system as described in Section 1.

3  Pre-qualification Requirements

Bidder eligibility to respond to this RFP is based on the Bidder's ability to meet the qualification requirements listed below. The University in its sole discretion reserves the right to determine whether any Bidder meets the minimum eligibility standards.

If Bidder does not or cannot meet all qualification requirements as stated herein, Bidder's proposal will be rejected immediately without further consideration.

3.1  References

Provide a list of six (6) references, three (3) current clients and three (3) former clients, which are considered comparable to the size and operation of the University. Include the name of a contact person and their telephone number. For those clients no longer using the services, explain why.

3.2  Demonstrated Experience and Performance

3.2.1 Provide a brief profile of the bidder (i.e. background and experience relating to the RFP)

3.2.2 Previous and Current Experience. Bidder should have a satisfactory record of performance, at least three (3) consecutive years in business operation and demonstrated knowledge and experience in development and management of ICMSS. Provide evidence of similar projects by providing a list of current clients, both private and public entity, indicating length of service for each client.

3.3  Demonstrated Ability to Meet Financial Considerations of this Project

3.3.1 Provide a current audited annual financial report or tax returns for the past two years and a current SAS 70.

3.3.2 Provide a list of all outstanding legal claims against Bidder with brief description of cause(s) of action.

3.4  Certificate of Insurance

Bidder must provide a certificate of insurance to meet the University requirements as outlined in the Indemnification and Insurance Requirements of this RFP.

4  Program Requirements/Scope of Work

It is a requirement of the selected bidder to have a web-based system currently developed and in use by other clients.

4.1  Implementation

Program implementation must include review of the current programs at all University sites and integration of current contracts into the proposed system. Provider will be required to submit a complete implementation plan, specific for the University, with an estimated timeline. Specific details of resources available for a successful implementation will be required.

4.2  Training

Provider must establish a training program for key campus personnel and University end users at each University site. All training materials must be reviewed by University before use.

4.3  Program Support

The Provider will have the sole responsibility to provide user support by operating a customer service center with specific contact(s) for University personnel.

4.4  Technical Detail

Provider must have the technical capabilities to allow University personnel to view and interface with the ICMSS. An initial review of all University sites will be required resulting in a report back to the University detailing program technical requirements to meet the University needs.

4.5  Term

Base proposals on a three (3) year contract at a fixed cost. The University reserves the right to extend for four (4) additional one (1) year periods; terms and pricing to be negotiated at that time, and may not exceed the annual price increase in the Consumer Price Index.

5  Request for Proposal Process

Proposals will be evaluated on a lowest cost-per-quality-point basis utilizing a three-tier process. Proposals may be evaluated by more than one person. If evaluated by two or more individuals, an average of the quality points awarded will be used.

Quality points will be awarded dependent upon the relative importance of each criteria to the University. The number of quality points to be awarded during Tier I and Tier II will be predetermined by the University. Tier I quality points make up 70% of the total points possible; Tier II quality points make up 30% of the total points possible.

5.1  Tier I – Written Proposal Evaluation

Written responses will initially be evaluated for factors listed below under Tier I Criteria. To be eligible for advancement to the Tier II evaluation, Bidder must receive at least seventy percent (70%) of the possible Tier I quality points. Those Bidders receiving less than 70% of the possible quality points in the Tier I evaluation will be eliminated from further consideration.

Tier I Criteria

·  PROGRAM / SERVICE DESCRIPTION – Bidder’s capacity to provide a long term strategic relationship with the University and meet the desired requirements as described in Section 4 Program Requirements/Scope of Work.

·  IMPLEMENTATION PLAN – Bidder’s ability to provide a comprehensive plan to implement their system within the University environment. Evaluation of implementation methodology project plan and resources to be provided will be based on the Bidder’s response.

·  TRAINING PROGRAM – All standard and University specific training programs offered will be evaluated.

·  SERVICE AND SYSTEM SUPPORT – Bidder’s ability to provide on going administrative, technical, and user support as detailed in Bidder response.

·  VALUE-ADDED SERVICES – Other factors adding value to a proposal provided by the Bidder not specifically asked for in this RFP. Proposals should provide a menu of value-added items and services. Optional services with additional cost to the University are not considered value-added.

·  RESPONSIVENESS – Bidder’s demonstrated understanding of the University's requirements, overall approach, and thoroughness of the proposal in submitting all information designated and requested within this RFP. This will include the Bidder’s understanding and acceptance of the contractual terms that will govern the relationship as provided in the RFP.

5.2  Tier II - Oral Presentations

The University reserves the right to invite up to the top four eligible bidders after the above Tier I evaluation to participate in a Tier II evaluation. Invited Bidders will have the ability to receive additional quality points for criteria listed below:

·  Bidder Presentations (if desired by the University) will be held at the University of California, Office of the President, in Oakland, California. It is a requirement for the bidder “single point of contact” personnel to be present at the Bidder Presentation. Additional Bidder personnel may attend to aid in the presentation.

5.3  Tier III - Lowest Cost-per-Quality-Point Calculation – Lead Finalist Selection

To determine the lowest cost-per-quality point, each Bidder’s proposed total financial offer for the initial three year contract term will be divided by the total number of quality points awarded to that particular Bidder's proposal.

If the Bidder with the lowest cost-per-quality-point and the University are unable to reach a negotiated agreement, the University reserves the right to cease negotiations with that Bidder and conduct negotiations with the Bidder with the next lowest cost-per-quality-point or reject all quotations. If that Bidder and the University are unable to reach agreement, the University reserves the right to cease negotiations with the second Bidder and conduct negotiations with the Bidder with the third lowest cost-per-quality-point score, or reject all quotations. This process will continue until either the University and a Bidder reach agreement on the provisions of the Agreement or the University rejects all proposals.

The University reserves the right to select partial solutions from the Bidder offering. A contract will be awarded only if cost of the contract is within the University’s funding allotment. The University reserves the right to cancel this RFP at any time and not proceed with an award.