The Recruitment International Awards 2017

Now open for entries

The sparklingblack-tie Awards Evening will be heldon Thursday 2nd November 2017 at The Guildhall, London- join over 400 of the best recruiters in the business.

Your company is included in RI’sTop UK Recruiters Report,which means you are cordially invited to enter your company or an outstanding individual into the RI Awards 2017.Submissions are now being accepted for the industry’s most prestigious and hardest to winawards. You canenter as many categories as you wish providing they are relevant to your business and you have a compelling case to put forward- please see the submissions guidelines.

All entries are just £120 + VAT to cover administration/judging costs and you must register your applications on Eventbrite prior to sending your entry to us. If you have not registered on Eventbrite your entry will not be included.

All entries must be submitted by Thursday20th September 2017


All companies/individuals are asked to complete as many of the questions as possible on the Company Fact Sheet. This is not compulsory and you may choose to skip this page, however, the information is integral in helping our judges make an informed decision.

Your co-operation will enable our judges to form their decisions not only on your 1,000-word entry but also based on the size, performance, sector and specialist characteristics that are unique to your business. You can still enter any category without this page and you can enter as many categories as you wish.


All the pages that make up your entries for the RI Awards must be completed in plain text Word format and not a pdf. You should not exceed more than two pages of A4 or 1,000 words.

Please do not attach pictures, graphs or logos as these will be stripped out. We judge you on your company performance, not your Power Point skills.

All entries must be paid for – you can do this via the appropriate Eventbrite page or by credit card over the phone.

You can also reserve your dinner places at the same time as entering.

Please read the following awards criteria and answer accordingly.

Good luck and we look forward to receiving your entries.

Once your entry is complete, please email it to

Now please fill out:

Page 1 – Company Fact Sheet (below)

Pages 2 & 3 - The entry itself as set out against the Award criteria on no more than two pages of A4.


1)The Best Recruitment Company to Work For £100 Million +

2) The Best Recruitment Company to Work For £40 - £100 Million

3) The Best Recruitment Company to Work For £20 - £40 Million

4) The Best Recruitment Company to Work For £10 - £20 Million

5) The Best Recruitment Company to Work For up to £10 Million

Please explain why your company should be considered for these award categories. Include all the relevant information that you feel will support your case. What makes you unique and therefore an employer of choice?Why do you stand head and shoulders above your competitors?

You must have a solid track record of success and this success should flow through every aspect of your business. List achievements, such as, aSunday Times Best Company To Work Foror inclusion in Great Workplaces or Glassdoor,quote retention levels and list previous achievements as well as other awards and accreditations.Show the judges that you have a clear and proven career development plan with an ongoing commitment to training as well as a strong staff incentive scheme.

The judges will want to know how many employees you have, the split between male and female both across the board and at director levels, how you address diversity and other employee engagement programmes.

Finally, why should you win this Award?

6) The Entrepreneur of the Year

Is your business led by a visionary leader, an individual who has specifically driven the business to a different level? Our judges would like to see financial results over the last three years to back up their success, as well as looking atwhat action they have taken in the last twelve months to make them an outstanding candidate for the Award this year.Has the person opened new divisions, new territories or new business lines?Have they drastically changed the face of the organisation?

What is it that makes this individual really stand out? What have they done that is exceptional?How are they viewed by the company’s employees and how have they gone that extra mile to illustrate they deserve this Award? How are they perceived outside of the industry for the work they do in it? Have they been recognised in other Entrepreneurial Awards programmes?

7) The Growth Company of the Year

This award is open to recruiters of all sizes and is suitable for organisations who have had exceptional growth this year as well as over a number of previous years. We are looking for proven continuous growth which has not been purely from acquisitions and growth that has also included a rise in headcount.

Please illustrate just what a successful few years you have had and how this is part of sustainable upward trend in an already established business. Have you completely out performed others in your sector?Has turnover doubled, tripled, maybe profits have been exceptional? Tell our judges your story and include achievements such as the Fast Track, or similar growth accolades. Has this growth increased your international footprint – have you won a significant number of new clients and contracts?

Back up your entry with at least threeyears of financial information – judges will be particularly impressed with growth that includes revenues, profits and headcount.

8) The International Recruitment Company of the Year

Please tell us about your international business. How does it contribute to the company overall and how long have you been operating in these territories?Why should you win the Award this year? Tell us what you have been doing in the last twelve months that makes you stand out. Have you pioneered into new territories, opening new divisions and taking on additional staff to work in your overseas offices?

Are you working with overseas trade bodies?Do you have a Queens Award for Export? What percentage of your revenue is now derived from overseas as opposed to your domestic business and how has this changed in the past three to five years?

Convince the judges that your international business is a world beater.

9) The Best CSR initiative

For this Award, we are looking for an organisation whose CSR initiative is not their business but supports its beliefs, goals and ethics. We are looking for your long-term commitment to your initiative creating sustainability within your chosen NGO/charity. We want to hear how you have created full engagement throughout the business, allowing as many members of staff as possible to get involved. We want to know why you have supported this charity, what specific activities you have performed and how these have benefited the charity as well as your organisation. You can talk about what you have already done as well as what you are planning.

10) The Best Company for Client Service

Tell us about a situation where you have worked side-by-side with a client fulfilling a specific requirement campaign. We want to hear full details of the campaign, why this was so challenging and all the steps you took in order to recruit the right people for them. We would like you to talk us through the project from start to finish and run through the key objectives and how these were met. We want to know the full outcome, including exactly how this has benefitted your client and your relationship on an on-going basis.

11) The Best Company for Candidate Service

Tell us about what you do for your candidates which sets you up above the competition. We want to hear full details of how you and your organisation are embedded within your marketing. Understanding your candidates, their needs and work tirelessly to ensure you are coaching them not only throughout the interview process but nurturing passive candidates and understanding your market inside out? We want to know the full outcome of any specific campaigns you have run, including exactly how this has benefitted your clients and your business.

12) The Most Innovative Recruitment Company of the Year

The recruitment industry is highly competitive and with over 10,000 companies operating in the sector it is hard to be truly innovative. This Award looks for the one company that really has re-written the rule book and come up with a revolutionary new way of doing things. This could be a technology shift, a brand new concept in delivery or a completely new way of operating. Let our judges know what your game changer has been and how this has benefitted the business.

13) The Best Back Office Team

This Award is for an individual team within your back office rather than the entire back office function.

The winner of this Award will show true synergy between your back office team and the rest of the business. We are looking for your shining stars who don’t often get the recognition they deserve. We want to hear why this team is so special, why they work so well together, what they do on a daily basis and exactly what they do which is of benefit to the business. It may be a specific project they have taken on, new initiatives or long-term support which has aided in the success of your business.

14) The Specialist Recruitment Company of the Year

Profiling some of the UK’s best niche operators, this Award will firmly set apart businesses with a focus on best practice in a specific key vertical or specialisation. The judges will be looking for a company that leads in its niche market, whichever discipline you specialise in: IT, medical, digital marketing, finance etc. This Award is not for a generalist, multi discipline recruitment company.

Entrants will be required to provide detailed information on their depth of knowledge in the vertical they operate in, as well as providing financial information that supports their application. Have you won awards for your recruitment expertise in the sector, what do you do that is unique? Are you able to source and supply candidates that nobody else can? Provide one key client testimonial that endorses your services and substantiates any claims. If you are a 'me too' recruitment company, then this is not the category for you.

15)Recruitment Brand of the Year

A joined-up brand message delivered to candidates, clients and staff is critical in our industry. The winning firm will have clearly displayed consistency, creativity, honesty and thought in the messages behind their brand. What has your business done in the past twelve months that has elevated your brand? Have you completely redesigned your corporate identity or rolled out a highly effective new brand identity campaign? Have you updated your office, overhauled your website and run a new brand identity through it all? Tell us what you have done, how this has positively affected your business and the people working in it. Are you that company with its name on everyone’s lips?

The RI Awards 2017 – supported by


When you are ready to enter please go to Eventbrite and register the submissions in the categories that you want to enter. Once this has been done email your entries to before our final submissions deadline on Thursday 20th September. These will then go before our judging panel. Our judges are chosen for their expertise and knowledge of the recruitment sector and each has in depth experience of the industry, combined they total more than 20 leading professionals who will assess and judge your entries using their exceptional insight.

A shortlist will be selected for each category and a full and frank discussion of each Award and its entrants will then ensue. Finally, each judge has 48 hours to deliberate on their top three. These are then forwarded to RI and the scores collated to produce our worthy winners!

No shortlists or winners are disclosed until the Awards evening.


The RI Awards is attended by a very select industry peer group – every company that makes RI’s Top UK Recruiters Reportis entitled to enter the Awards and send along guests to the evening. We recommend two owners or directors. Tickets cost £150.00 each or you can purchase a complete table for £1,500 + VAT.

We do not want to give the impression that guests have to ‘pay for a table’:the RI Awards are judged and won on merit. Some previous winners have chosen not to attend; they still won! However, we recognise that companies may wish to bring along all of their management or additional directors and therefore there will be a very limited number of opportunities for companies to purchaseextra places.


1)Check, double check and triple check your spelling and grammar

2)Ensure the Award you have entered for is the correct award for your business, for example. the appropriate turnover for the best companies categories

3)We cannot judge you without all the information – ensure you are providing facts and figures to back up your entry

4)No photos will be submitted to the judges – please don’t include them

5)Meet the deadline – you have two months to get your entry in. Save yourself lots of stress by getting started early

6)Make sure your entry is in a Word document - we will ask you to resubmit if it is not

7)Book your places to attend and make sure someone is going to be available on the night – we don’t release a shortlist and you won’t know until the night if you have won.

8)Make sure you have been on Eventbrite and paid for your entry prior to submitting

9)Get social – make sure you are connected with us on LinkedIn and Twitter prior to the event – this way you won’t miss out on any of the action leading up to the event

10)If you don’t know, ask! There is always someone in the office who will be able to answer any of your questions about the entry process or the awards ceremony.

Use the hashtag #RIAwards2017 to find out the latest on the Awards

For further details, please contact David Head on +44 (0) 1483 740874 or email him at

Full detail on the RI website –


Please complete as much information as possible: If you are not able to give specific numbers please give a % by which your turnover or profits before tax has grown.



Submitters name:


Tel No:

CEO name:

Year-end date:


Forecast 2017Actual 2016Actual 2015




% spilt of temp/perm

If you are entering the International Recruitment Company of the Year please also supply:

Forecast 2017Actual 2016Actual 2015

International turnover


No of international offices


In no more than a 1,000 words or two sheets of A4 and in a word document please tell us why your company or you as an individual should win the Award as set out in the criteria. What separates you from the competition? Do not paste in pictures, graph’s or logo’s.

Once complete please email the word document to:

Recruitment International Awards 2017