Frigga’s Day, January 24: Bodies, Minds, Souls, Self

EQs: Who is this guy? Who are you? Who arethe people you know?

  • Welcome! Gather pen/cil, paper, wits!
  • Discussion: Bodies,Minds,Souls,Self
  • Freewrites: Bodies,Minds,Souls,Self
  • The Return of the Thug
  • A Lesson From Art

ELACC12RL-RI1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis

ELACC12RL-RI2: Analyze two or more themes or central ideas of text

ELACC12RI3: Analyze and explain how individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop ELACC12RL6: Distinguish what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant

ELACC12RI6: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text

ELACC12RI8: Delineate and evaluate the reasoning in seminal British texts

ELACC12RL10: Read and comprehend complex literature independently and proficiently.

ELACC12W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas

ELACC12W4: Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

ELACC12W10: Write routinely over extended and shorter time frames

ELACC12SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions

Yesterday, some of you saw this guy (gal?).

Some of you wish you had seen him yesterday – and some of you now wish you had not seen him this morning.

But now you have.

So, those who met him/her: Who is s/he?

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.

William Shakespeare, The Tempest

Whoever s/he is, s/he and his/her Bodies Buddies can helpus ask:

Who are we?

Who Are We? What Is A Self?

  • Are we Bodies? Alas, poor Yorick; I knew him, Horatio!
  • Are we Minds? Cogito, ergo sum.
  • Are we Souls? I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all … I am part or particle of God.
  • Are we All Of It? The Self is the Conscious Synthesis ….

Who Are We? What Is A Self?

Freewrite 20 words:

When you FIRSThear the question,

“Who Are You?”

do you FIRST think

Body,Mind,Soul,or Synthesis?

Who Are Others? What Is A Self?

Can you put a person you know into each category?

  • BODY: When you FIRST think of this person, you think of physical self
  • MIND: When you FIRST think of this person, you think of what s/he thinks/says
  • SOUL: When you FIRST think of this person, you get an emotion/feeling
  • SYNTHESIS: When you FIRST think of this person, you get it all at once

Freewrite 20 wordsEACH on whom you put into each category

(and/or, if you wish, dispute the categories)

What about this guy?

Is he in the news because of his:

  • BODY?
  • MIND?
  • SOUL?

Freewrite 20 words

Richard Sherman: ‘Thug’ label is code forN-word ~ byBart Hubbuch, New York Post

RENTON, Wash. — If Richard Sherman’s critics thought their heat would change him, the Seahawks’ outspoken cornerback had some news for them Wednesday.

“You can’t be anybody else,” Sherman said before Seattle returned to practice for Super Bowl XLVIII. “You can’t make things up now. It’s gotten me this far, and it would be hard to be somebody else. I can only be myself.”

Those comments were in keeping with the unapologetic theme of Sherman’s first media appearance since his televised rant after the Seahawks’ 23-17 NFC Championship win Sunday over the 49ers caused an enormous backlash — much of it racial —sparking a national debate on sportsmanship.

Sherman said some of his comments to Fox Sports’ Erin Andrews were “immature” and “could have been worded better,” but the All-Pro cover man wasn’t taking anything back he said or did toward the Niners’ Michael Crabtree and Colin Kaepernick.

Asked about the choke sign he flashed at Kaepernick following the game-deciding interception in the end zone, Sherman invoked a certain star participant in the Pacers-Knicks feud of the 1990s as his defense.

“No, I don’t regret it,” Sherman said during a 20-minute media session that was shown live on CNN and Fox News. “It’s Reggie Miller versus the Knicks. These are rivalries, right?”

Sherman added the intense backlash — even from fellow athletes in other sports such as Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander — “surprised” him and, at least in his opinion, is misguided.

“We’re talking about football here, and a lot of people took it a little further than football,” Sherman said. “Some people showed how far we’ve really come in this day and age.

“I mean, I was on a football field showing passion. Maybe things were immature or could have been worded better, but this was on a football field. I wasn’t committing any crimes or doing anything illegal. I was showing passion after a football game.”

Others, including baseball legend Hank Aaron, came to Sherman’s defense. Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson joined them, saying his teammate is misunderstood by some in the public.

“He just got excited,” Wilson said. “He didn’t mean to blow it all up.”

Sherman also turned the table on his critics, saying he was troubled by the frequent use of the term “thug” to describe him on social media and even in the mainstream media.

Sherman, who grew up in Compton, Calif., and is pursuing a Master’s degree in communications at Stanford, said he feels thug has become just a convenient code word for some.

“The only reason it bothers me is because it seems like it’s the accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays,” he said. “That’s where it takes me aback. What’s the definition of a thug, really? Is it a guy on a football field just talking to people?”

Sherman pointed at video he saw of last week’s celebrated hockey line brawl between the Flames and Canucks to back up his claim that use of the thug label is selective.

“I saw a hockey game where they didn’t even play hockey, they just pushed the puck out of the way and started fighting,” Sherman said. “I saw that and was like, ‘I’m the thug? Really?’”

There is no monument to civilization that is not,

at the same time,

a monument to barbarism.

– Walter Benjamin, Illuminations, 1938

(Cool quotation. Write it down.)

Turn In Your Stuff, and

have a great weekend! Make wise choices!

Or go all YOLO and join me and my buddies in show biz!

I sure miss breathing.