Brookdale Elementary School

Indian Prairie School District 204

1200 Redfield Road

Naperville, IL 60563

Mary Howicz Amy Madzinski

Principal Student Service Coordinator

August, 2012

Dear Brookdale Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to a new school year! I look forward in getting to know you and your child(ren) this year. My goal is to work collaboratively with the community and Brookdale staff in order to meet the learning needs of our students.

The staff and I have been busy preparing for the beginning of the school year. We look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of school which will be August 23rd. This will be a full day for grades first through fifth. The first full day for Kindergarten will be on August 24th. We will begin the first day by meeting all students and parents on the blacktop by the playground. At this time, we will welcome all the students, remind students of our Core Values, and say the Pledge of Allegiance together before guiding the students into the school building.

Please carefully review the information included in this mailing. We want to assist you in preparing for the opening of school on Thursday, August 23rd.

Important Dates and Information

§ Class lists will be posted this year using student ID numbers on August 17th at 3:00 PM for grades first through fifth grade. Letters with Kindergarten orientation appointment times and teacher assignments have been mailed and should be received by Friday. In order to find your child’s classroom assignment you will need to know your child’s ID #. Student ID#’s were sent home in registration packets and given to new students as they registered during the summer. Remember only students that are registered will be included on the class lists. Class lists will be posted at the back of the building as follows: Door #10 (Grades 1 & 2), Door #9 (Grades 3) and Door #8 (Grades 4 & 5).

§ Bus Routes are available on line through the district website Scroll to IPSD Essentials and select the Transportation/Bus Route link.

§ Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures are outlined in the attached document. These procedures have been established through the support of the Brookdale PTA and the Naperville Police Department. Please review before the first day of school.

§ August 20: Teacher Meet and Greet will be held at Brookdale from 2:00PM to 3:00PM on Monday, August 20th. Please feel free to drop in with your child to see the classroom and meet your child’s teacher. You may also bring in supplies this day; just remember to have the bags or boxes clearly labeled with your child’s name.

§ August 23 (Information for Grades 1-5): Thursday, August 23rd is the first day of school for grades first through fifth grades with regular school hours of 9:05 AM to 3:35 PM. Please review the enclosed arrival/dismissal procedures prior to the first day of school.

§ August 23 (Kindergarten): The first day of school for kindergarten is an Orientation/Curriculum day. Students will receive a letter in the mail with appointment times and teacher assignments. Please bring your child at the scheduled time. If you are unable to attend with your child, please arrange for a neighbor, relative, or care giver to bring them. It is important that your child attend on this first day of school. We wish to make school enjoyable and exciting right from the start. The first full day for kindergartners is Friday, August 24th.

Please mark your calendars with the following dates:

§ September 3: NO SCHOOL, Labor Day

§ September 4: NO SCHOOL, Building Articulation Day

§ September 13: Curriculum Night for Parents of students in Grades K-5 6:30PM – 8:00 PM


§ Student Arrival and Departure Information – In order to provide safety for your child(ren), we ask that you communicate with your child’s teacher how they will arrive and department from school each day. For your convenience a Transportation sheet is attached as well as uploaded on the Brookdale website. It is vital that we know how your child is getting to/from school so that we may assist them to get home safely. We ask that parents are consistent with your child’s transportation from school. If there needs to be a change at the last minute, we ask that you contact the office prior to 3:15PM; this includes early dismissal as well.

§ Prior to the beginning of school please review the 2012-13 School Parent-Student Handbook

The Handbook is available on our district website at If you need a hard copy please contact the main office.

§ School Calendar for 2012-13 – see attached copy

The Brookdale School Faculty

I am proud to introduce the Brookdale School Faculty for the 2012-13 school year:

Kindergarten Cheryl Brauer, Betsy Cunningham, Jen Rodgers, Julie Troemel

First Grade Mary Blessing, Lisa Brauer, Alice Iwinski, Jennifer Mallon

Second Grade Kellie Beymer, Mary Brigman, Mary Claytor, Cristy White

Third Grade Maura Allison, Vickie McClung, Lynne Ouellette

Fourth Grade Carolyn Fitzgerald, Michelle James, Rachael Mahmood

Fifth Grade Megan Federhofer, Lindsey Stepper, Brittany Washington

Art Deb Gelso

Music Ron Korbitz

Band & Orchestra Sarah Friederich, Megan Lopresto, Heidi Rodgers

Physical Education Joe Tabisz

LMC Director Lisa Furstenau

LMC Assistant Tracey Perna

Interventionist Danielle Carstens

Reading Specialists Kathy Cahill, Arlene Sanders, Anne Schmalandt

Special Education Tricia Fagiano, Diana Perotti

Psychologist Natalie Syty

Social Worker Jessica Coburn

Speech/Language Judi Buckman

Physical Therapist Lois Fresso-Doyle

Occupational Therapist Michelle Milweski

ESL Teacher Lisa Tufano, Traci Salek

Project Arrow Joy Sampson

Student Services Amy Madzinski

Registered Nurse Tracey Breen

Office Staff Cindy Minch, Mary Yep

Teacher Assistants Kim Griffin, Holly Molina, Lisa Sadler, Kelly Skowronski, Angie Tame, Jean Zmijewski

Custodian Staff Steve Baldridge, Belen Garcia, Jonathon Robinson

I look forward to a great school year as I get to know and work with all of the Brookdale families, students and staff. Please feel free to email or call me at any time if you have any concerns or questions.


Mary C. Howicz


Telephone (630) 428-6800 Fax (630) 428-6801