E-Blast 1 August 2013

Please forward this E-Blast on to your colleagues and friends. If you have questions or comments, please contact Jean May-Brett, () Louisiana State Coordinator, LSTA/NSTA Science Matters Network

The Quality Science & Math (MSP) Grant Program website is open and accepting teacher applications for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Looking for a way to purchase classroom math and science materials? Are you in need of funding to support equipment for your great ideas? Wish you could implement some ideas seen during last year’s conferences or professional development training? The answer might be waiting for you through the Quality Math and Science Grant (QSM) Program.

Save the Date for the LSTA Science Institute Thurs. October 31st – Sat. November 2, 2013

For information on registration, submitting a session proposal, LSTA Awards and hotel reservations visit

Information on the following items can be found below the list.

1. PERSEID Meteor Shower

2. Blast off into space with the Design Squad Nation and NASA! August 21

3. LPB Seafood Electronic Field Trip August 20th and August 27th at 9.am.

4. Bright Ideas Photo Contest: Deadline August 31

5. Grants Directory & Calendar 2013-2014

6. Patagonia Grants Proposal Deadlines: August 31, 2013

7. Zero Robotics from MIT, NASA, DRAPA, and LEGO

8. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation's 24th annual Beach Sweep.

9. Green Thumb Challenge Grant: Deadline September 30

10. DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Sci Education Award: Deadline November 30

11. Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award: Deadline November 30

12. PBS LearningMedia

13. NGCP Comprehensive Listing of Disability Resources

14. NGSS on NASA's Climate Kids

15. GeoMapApp Learning Activities

16. AMS Glossary of Meteorology

17. FREE Flinn video, "Required GHS Training-The Right to Understand,"

18. AIAA Foundation Math and Science Classroom Grants

19. EarthScope Speaker Series Explores Quakes, Eruptions

20. Science Millionaire and Other Fun Science Games for Kids

21. Carnegie Mellon’s Chem Collective for experiments, simulations, visualizations, tutorials

22. Open Source Physics Tracker is a free video analysis and modeling tool

23. First Book Get New Books for Back-to-School

24. SkypeClassroom

25. The Speaking on Science (S0S) program for STEM speakers in LA classrooms.

26. Streamer Navigate America’s Major Rivers Without Getting Wet

27. Annenberg Learner Free Resources

28. BioInteractive News from Howard Hughes Medical Institute

29. Contest

1. New research by NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office shows that one annual meteor shower produces more fireballs than any other--the Perseids, a broad stream of debris from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Although the shower won't peak until August 12-13, when Earth hits the densest part of the stream, the first Perseids are already arriving Check for images and updates.

FULL STORY: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/26jul_perseids/


2. Blast off into space with the Design Squad Nation and NASA!

How are engineering and space exploration connected? Join Design Squad Nation and NASA for a FREE webinar to find out.
Mission: Solar System-- Engaging Kids in Engineering and Space Exploration
Wednesday, August 21
10:00-11:00am EST

Learn about Mission: Solar System, the latest collection of resources for educators from Design Squad Nation. Inspired by NASA's Year of the Solar System, Mission: Solar System brings kids fun, hands-on ways to think like NASA engineers. Designed for kids in school and afterschool programs, Mission: Solar System's hands-on activities and videos let kids apply science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills to solve design and engineering challenges.
Explore ways that you can incorporate these free, standards-based resources into your classroom or afterschool program. Learn ways to:
* Increase curiosity about engineering and space exploration
* Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills
* Encourage pursuit of STEM studies and engineering related careers

Click here to register:

3. LPB Seafood Electronic Field Trip August 20th and August 27th at 9.am.

Save the dates for two live online Electronic Field Trips in August that highlight careers in harvesting, processing, and marketing seafood in Louisiana. Nearly one third of all seafood consumed in the United States is provided by Louisiana. Now your students can see what is involved with careers in the industry and ask their questions of experts.

The traditions of catching, cooking and eating seafood are ingrained in Louisiana life. Choosing a career in the Louisiana Seafood Industry supports the traditions, lifestyles and environment that have sustained the people of Louisiana and fed the nation for centuries.

Registration information is coming soon to The field trips will last about 40 minutes and are appropriate for middle and high school students.

4. Bright Ideas Photo Contest

Bring the “Concord Consortium’s” light bulb with you on your summer vacation and take photos with it as you discover the wonders of nature, visit engineering feats of grandeur and explore science and math in the world around you. Enter your best photo in their contest at:

or use the #ccbrightideas tag on Twitter and Instagram.

Three Easy Steps

a. Cut out the light bulb and take it on your summer vacation

b. Take a photo with the light bulb as you discover science and math in the world around you

c. Enter your photo in our contest at facebook.com/concordconsortium or use the #ccbrightideas tag on Twitter and Instagram

All submissions must be received by August 31, 2013. Voting ends August 31, 2013. For more information, please visit:

5. Tech & Learning, Dell and Intel once again bring you the annual grants directory and calendar. Leverage available resources by increasing your awareness of existing grant opportunities and associated deadlines, and help address the pain point of limited budgets. Plus, get tips from T&L's Grant Guru -- hints that can help you rake in the funds!

Click here to download the Grants Directory & Calendar 2013-2014

6. Patagonia Grants Proposal Deadlines: August 31, 2013

Patagonia funds environmental work that approaches issues with a commitment to long-term change. Patagonia supports small, grassroots, activist organizations with provocative direct-action agendas, working on multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect our environment. They help local groups working to protect local habitat, and think the individual battles to protect a specific stand of forest, stretch of river or indigenous wild species are the most effective in raising more complicated issues – particularly those of biodiversity and ecosystem protection – in the public mind. Patagonia is looking for creative methods to engage communities to take action, with specific goals that go beyond education and awareness. Typical Grant Range: up to $12,000

7. Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2013

The Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2013 will take place this fall, offering high school students the opportunity to design experiments that will be tested in space. Zero Robotics challenges high school student teams to write their own algorithms to fly the Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites, or SPHERES. The competition starts online where teams compete to solve an annual challenge guided by mentors. Students can create, edit, share, save, simulate and submit code, all from a Web browser. After several phases of virtual competition, finalists are selected to compete in a live championship aboard the International Space Station!

Teams may register now.

1) Go to

2) Log in or create an account. (Note: You can start programming in the online integrated development environment at this point!)

3) Click Tournaments and register for the High School Tournament 2013.

4) Create a team and invite other users.

5) Visit Resources to get started (Note: new, improved tutorials will be available in late August).

The High School competition starts on Sept. 7, 2013, with a live webcast kickoff event. Applications will be accepted through Sept. 8, 2013, and you can try out the site right now by creating an account.

Zero Robotics is organized by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Space Systems Laboratory, Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation and TopCoder, and is sponsored by The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, NASA and the Center for Advancement of Science in Space.

LEGO Systems, Inc. is the North American division of The LEGO Group, a privately-held, family-owned company based in Billund, Denmark. The company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of creatively educational play materials for children. For more information and to visit the virtual LEGO world, go to

8. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation's 24th annual Beach Sweep. LPBF's 2013 Beach Sweep will be held Saturday, September 21st. Go to for more information. Saturday, Sept 21st from 9am-noon with thank-you picnics for registered volunteers. This is a project in conjunction with the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup (ICC). (see for more info on ICC). Please email Kati Registered participants are invited to come celebrate with LPBF at a free picnic from 12:00noon-2:00pm at the Bucktown Marina on the south shore or with one of our partners at other watershed sites.

9. Green Thumb Challenge Grant

The Green Education Foundation (GEF) and Gardener’s Supply Company have teamed up on a funding opportunity for established youth garden projects nationwide. The organizations are calling on schools and youth groups to submit chronicles of their garden projects in a race to win a $1,000 prize. The award is designed to support the continued sustainability of an exceptional youth garden program that has demonstrated success, and has impacted the lives of kids and their community. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2013. Please visit:

10. DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award

The DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award recognizes excellence and innovation in the field of agricultural science education. Applicants must be K–12 classroom teachers whose responsibilities include implementing agricultural science in their classroom. The awardee will receive a $5,000 grant for their classroom/program, paid travel expenses to attend the NSTA national conference on science education, mentoring with a DuPont Pioneer scientist, classroom resources from DuPont Pioneer, and access to a DuPont Pioneer product plant or research facility. The deadline to apply is November 30

11. Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award

The Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes six full-time K–12 teachers of science who successfully use innovation and excellence in their classroom. Awardees will receive $1,000 plus $1,000 toward expenses to attend the next NSTA National Congress on Science Education, which is held each summer. An identified Yager Scholar from the six awardees will be given additional support of up to $1,500 to present at a future NSTA National Conference on Science Education. The deadline to apply is November 30.

12. Now is a great time to get your PBS LearningMedia account ready for fall use. Please visit PBS LearningMedia ( and use your Teachers' Domain email and password to log in. Once you have logged in, you will want to recreate your folders in your PBS LearningMedia account. This is a great opportunity to update and refresh your folder contents! For instructions on updating folders, plus answers to other frequently asked transition questions, please visit

We're confident you will enjoy using PBS LearningMedia as a single-source destination for access to over 30,000 digital educational resources from over 130 public media partners. If you have any questions about the transition or issues with your account, please don't hesitate to contact us at .

13. Comprehensive Listing of Disability Resources Now Available on the NGCP Website

The NGCP works to strengthen the capacity of girl-serving STEM programs to effectively reach and serve underrepresented girls in STEM. To assist Collaboratives and girl-serving programs to reach girls with disabilities, the NGCP website now includes a comprehensive listing of disability resources including: links to publications, resources, and organizations focused on including, advocating for and serving youth with disabilities. This web resource is organized into three groups: K-12 Education, Higher Education, and Career Information.

14. NGSS on NASA's Climate Kids
NASA’s Climate Kids website just got a lot more teacher-friendly. The website now features a new helpful tool for educators—an easy to use page that identifies articles that align with the Next Generation Science Standards. Search for articles and activities that match the standards’ disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, or cross cutting concepts. Check it out at http://climatekids.nasa.gov/science-standards.
Climate Kids is a NASA educational website about climate change and sustainability. It targets upper-elementary-age children.

15. Add Excitement to Courses with GeoMapApp Learning Activities

Add some excitement to your curriculum with GeoMapApp Learning Activities. Created by Dr. Andrew Goodwillie of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University and Steve Kluge, one of the leaders in using technology in earth Science Education, GeoMapApp Learning Activities are web-based, high-impact, ready-to-use learning modules. They are aimed at the K-12, community college and introductory university level. Each learning activity provides hands-on participation that allows students to enhance their learning experience through the exploration of geoscience data in a map-based setting. They range from short in-class activities to multi-class modules covering broader content.

GeoMapApp Learning Activities allow educators and students to use exciting cutting-edge robust technology to access, explore, critically evaluate and visualise relevant scientific data from a standards-based educational context. GeoMapApp is a free web-based data discovery and exploration tool that incorporates hundreds of built-in geoscience data sets. Read more about GeoMapApp. This work is funded by the National Science Foundation, grant number GeoEd 1035036.

Topics include: Introduction: Latitude and Longitude Introduction: Exploring Earth's Topography Seafloor Spreading Hawaiian Islands: Erosion and Giant Landslides Hawaiian Islands: Volcano Ages, Hotspots, and Plate Motion and six others.

(From NESTA newsletter by Rick Jones and Friends)

16. AMS Glossary of Meteorology Available Online

The American Meteorological Society Glossary of Meteorology, an authoritative source for definitions of meteorological terms, is now fully electronic and freely available for anyone online to use. The direct link is Glossary of Meteorology

The AMS first published the Glossary over 40 years ago. Containing 7900 terms, more than 10,000 copies were sold in print. The new electronic version of the Glossary contains more than 12,000 terms and will be an excellent resource for many years to come.

17. FREE Flinn video, "Required GHS Training-The Right to Understand,"

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set a December 2013 deadline for all employers, including schools, to provide training to ensure that teachers and staff understand how to read new Globally Harmonized System (GHS) chemical labels.

To help science teachers and schools science departments meet this new requirement, Flinn Scientific, well known for their FREE Middle School and High School Lab Safety Courses, offers a NEW FREE video made specifically for educators that enables teachers and administrators to quickly and successfully complete this training obligation.

Everything you need to know is covered. So be sure to keep a signed and dated record on file showing that you and each member of your science department and school staff has watched this video. To view this important video click here.

18. AIAA Foundation Math and Science Classroom Grants

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation gives up to $250 for science and math programs. AIAA Educator Associates who are K-12 teachers who develop or apply science, mathematics, and technology in their curriculum are eligible. (Apply to become an AIAA Educator Associate Member here at no charge. Scroll to the bottom of the list to access correct membership.) Grants may be used for classroom demonstration kits, classroom science supplies, or other materials that energize science, math, and technology hands-on learning. Grants will be considered in November, January, and April or until funding is exhausted. Click here for more information.

19. EarthScope Speaker Series Explores Quakes, Eruptions

The 2013-2014 EarthScope Speaker Series is presenting scientific results of EarthScope research to faculty and students at colleges and universities. EarthScope explores the structure and evolution of the North American continent and the processes that cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Speakers, who present science-based lectures on their own EarthScope-related projects, are selected based on their outstanding research accomplishments involving EarthScope and their abilities to engage various audiences. Speakers in the 2013-2014 series include Corne Kreemer, Michael Oskin, Ken Ridgway, Mousumi Roy, Anne Sheehan, and Ben van der Pluijm.