Board Agenda – March 27, 2012___



A. BOARD OF EDUCATION AGENDA – MARCH 27, 2012 – C.B. Lamb Elementary School

1.  Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2012

2.  Report of Appropriations/Transfers

3.  Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports for February 2012

4.  Certification by Business Administrator

5.  Certification by Board after Review of Reports

6.  Approval of the 2012-2013 North Hanover Township School Calendar

7.  Approval of the North Hanover Township Schools Suspension Report to Date

8.  Acceptance of the Report on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

9.  Bills

10.  Public Hearing on the proposed 2012/2013 (FY’13) budget for the North Hanover Township School District

a) Open public hearing

b) Presentation by Mrs. Helen Payne, Superintendent of Schools

c) Questions/comments

d) Motion to close public hearing

11. Public Comments: 13-17

12. PERSONNEL - Resolution #12-03/27/12-52

Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, I move that the following personnel action(s) be approved:

a. Substitutes –2011-2012 School Year


Ashley Carter

Kelly Gamez

Paul Mandilian

b. Retirement

Darlene Wolverton, Teacher, C.B. Lamb School, effective July 1, 2012

c. Maternity Leave Request

Lisa Taylor, Teacher, Upper Elementary School, using accumulated sick days effective September 5, 2012; Family Leave of Absence effective October 17, 2012 with a tentative return to work date of November 5, 2012.

Casey Noble, Teacher, C.B. Lamb School, using accumulated sick days effective September 4, 2012; Family Leave of Absence effective October 1, 2012 with a return to work date of November 12, 2012.

d. Family Leave Request

Carole Novak, Educational Assistant, Discovery School – effective March 28, 2012 with a return to work date of May 29, 2012.

Dorothy Adams, Kitchen Worker, Upper Elementary School – effective April 2, 2012 with a tentative return to work date of April 18, 2012.

e. Days w/o Pay

Mary Scharr, Teacher, UES – effective May 11, 14, 15 & 16, 2012

f. I&RS Meetings – 2011-2012 @ $30/hr.

C.B. Lamb School – April 4, 2012

Karen Hallman, MaryAnn LeBeau

g. DTF Workshops – not to exceed 1.5 hrs. @ $15.00/hr. (certificated staff); $10.00/hr. (non-certificated staff)

Thinkfinity – April 2: JoAnn Cannuli

3M-Beyond the Basics – April 16: Christine Brough, Colleen Hatoff, Kathleen Walters

SmartBoard Part 2 – May 10: Brenda Raylock, Lee Simmons, Doris Dunkelberger

h. Schoolwires Website Training – 4 hrs. @ $15.00/hr.

April 24 & 26: Kristin Lynch, Beth Misselhorn (April 24th), Cathy Patti (April 26th)

Carole Bergevin – Instructor – 5.5 hrs. @ $25/hr.

Casey Noble – Instructor – 4 hrs. @ $25/hr.

13. INSTRUCTIONAL – Resolution #12-03/27/12-53

Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, I move that the following instructional action(s) be approved:

a. Practicum Request

Tanjuniki Banks, Grand Canyon University, 20 practicum hours in grades (K-3), Atlantis School starting March 28, 2012 to May 2012.

b. Summer Programs – Special Education - Discovery School - June 25 – July 26, 2012

Preschool Disabilities Program

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM

One Special Education Teacher @ hourly rate

Two Paraprofessionals @ $15.00 hourly rate

Teacher provided additional ½ hour prep time

Preschool Disabilities Program - Autistic/MD

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

One Special Education Teacher @ hourly rate

Two Paraprofessionals @ $15.00 hourly rate

Teacher provided additional ½ hour prep time

Autistic/MD Program [Grade K5]

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

One Special Education Teacher @ hourly rate

Two Paraprofessionals @ $15.00 hourly rate

Teacher provided additional ½ hour prep time

Autistic/MD Program [Grades 1 – 4]

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

One Special Education Teacher @ hourly rate

Two Paraprofessionals @ $15.00 hourly rate

Teacher provided additional ½ hour prep time

MD Program [Grades K - 1]

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

One Special Education Teacher @ hourly rate

Two Paraprofessionals @ $15.00 hourly rate

Teacher provided additional ½ hour prep time

Autistic/MD Program [Grades 4 – 6]

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

One Special Education Teacher @ hourly rate

Two Paraprofessionals @ $15.00 hourly rate

Teacher provided additional ½ hour prep time

Reading Program [Wilson Reading]

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

One Special Education Teacher @ hourly rate

Teacher provided additional ½ hour prep time

Other Staff Members required for Summer Programs and Child Study Team conferences and evaluations:

Child Study Team Evaluations - 6/25/12 – 8/31/12, as needed, per NHTEA contract & private contract:

Speech and Language Assessment, School Psychological Assessment, Learning Assessment,

Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Social Assessment

Speech Specialist for Direct Instruction

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

4 hours per day, 4 days per week @ hourly rate

Behavior Specialist

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday

4 hours per day, 4 days per week @ hourly rate

IEP Case Manager [Special Education or Speech Only]

6/25/12 – 8/31/12 – per NHTEA contract

Occupational Therapist for Direct Instruction

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

4 hours per day, 4 days per week @ hourly rate

Physical Therapist for Direct Instruction

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

Up to 4 hours per day, 4 days per week @ contracted hourly rate

School Nurse

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

4 hours per day, 4 days per week @ hourly rate

Special Education/General Education Teacher/Social Worker/School Psychologist/

Behavior Specialist for ID/IEP meetings 6/25/12 – 8/31/12, Weekdays @ $30 hourly rate

Substitute Teacher for Day Programs

6/25/12 – 7/26/12, Monday – Thursday @ $25 hourly rate

14. FINANCIAL – Resolution #12-03/27/12-54

Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, I move that the following financial action(s) be approved:

a. Adopting the 2012/2013 (FY’13) budget for the North Hanover Township School District totaling as follows:

General Revenue $23,528,507

Special Revenue 235,642

Total Base Budget $23,764,149

and a tax levy of $2,203,893 which is below the tax levy CAP.

15. BUILDING AND GROUNDS – Resolution #12-03/27/12-55

Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, I move that the following building and grounds action(s) be approved:

a. Cancelling the Regular Meeting scheduled for May 1, 2012 as established by Resolution #11-05/03/17.

b. Time and Place of Meetings

THE RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED that the time and place of regular meetings and work sessions of the Board of Education of the Township of North Hanover be established making provisions relative to Special and Emergency Meetings and adopting certain procedures and forms.

WHEREAS, the "Open Public Meetings Act" requires the advance written notice of all meetings of the Board of Education of North Hanover Township be posted in one public place designated by the Board of Education and mailed, telephoned, telegraphed or hand delivered to two (2) newspapers designated by resolution and mailed to all persons requesting a copy of same upon payment of an established fee;


1. All advance written notices of the Board of Education meetings shall be posted by the Secretary of the Board of Education on the following bulletin boards located in the Secretary of the Board's Office, Upper Elementary School, Jacobstown, N.J.; Principal's Office, Clarence B. Lamb Elementary School and Upper Elementary School, Jacobstown, N.J.; and Discovery School and Atlantis School, Joint Base, MDL, NJ.

2. All written notice of meetings shall be filed with the Township of North Hanover and given to the following two newspapers:

Burlington County Times

Register News

3. Any person may request in writing that the Board of Education mail him/her a copy of the schedule of Regular Meetings of the Board of Education and/or advance written notice of Regular, Special or Rescheduled Meetings of the Board of Education, upon prepayment by such person of the applicable fee hereinafter set forth, such schedule and/or advance notice shall be exempt from such fee.


For copy of Schedule of Regular Meetings and Revisions Thereto $12.00

For Advance Written Notice of Particular Meeting Designated in the Request $10.00

For Advance Written Notice of all Regular, Special or Rescheduled Meetings during the period from this Meeting in the year 2012 to the

Reorganization Meeting in January 2013 $20.00

4. The time and place of Regular Official Board of Education Meetings for the period from and after this Meeting until the Reorganization Meeting in January 2013 shall be in accordance with the list annexed hereto, designating the dates, times and place of such meetings entitled "Form A".

5. A copy of Form A of this resolution shall within seven (7) days be mailed to the above newspapers, the Township Clerk of North Hanover and posted by the Secretary of the Board of Education on the heretofore mentioned bulletin boards.


Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of the Township of North Hanover that the following is a list of the Regular Meetings of the Board of Education of the Township of North Hanover until the Reorganization Meeting in January 2013:


All such meetings are to be held at the Clarence B. Lamb Elementary School (Library), Jacobstown, N.J. A work session in which no board action will be taken will begin at 7:00 PM and the Regular Meeting will begin at 7:45 PM. Formal official action may be taken at such Regular meetings of the Board on any and all business involving the Board of Education of the Township of North Hanover.

April, 24, 2012 / August 21, 2012
May 8, 2012 / September 18, 2012
May 22, 2012 / October 16, 2012
June 12, 2012 / November 13, 2012
June 26, 2012 / December 11, 2012
July 24, 2012 / January 3, 2013, Reorganization Meeting

16. TRANSPORTATION – Resolution #12-03/27/12-56

Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, I move that the following transportation action(s) be approved:

a. Approval – Transportation Contract Adjustment – Rt. 18BCSS

Correcting the action taken at the June 14, 2011 Meeting to reflect a change in the amount of the contract as follows:

Approval to renew the transportation contract, Route 18, to the Burlington County Special Services School, to GST Transport, Corp. Southampton, NJ, at the maximum increase allowable, i.e. 1.23%; thus $237.44 (includes cost of aide - $37.75) for the 2011-2012 School Year, effective July 1, 2011, for the purposes of transporting students to the Burlington County Special Services School.

17. TRAVEL – Resolution #12-03/27/12-57

Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, I move that the following travel action(s) be approved:

a. Authorizing the following travel items:

Name Conference Date Total

S. Paetzold July Reading Institute 7/2-7/2012 $1025.00

Columbia University, NY

R. Scranton PLC’s at Work Institute 7/17-20/2012 $1689.50

Baltimore, MD

L. Misek PLC’s at Work Institute 7/17-20/2012 $1689.50

Baltimore, MD

J. Fluet PLC’s at Work Institute 7/17-20/2012 $1689.50

Baltimore, MD

C. Bednarik PLC’s at Work Institute 7/17-20/2012 $1689.50

Baltimore, MD

H. Payne PLC’s at Work Institute 7/17-20/2012 $1689.50

Baltimore, MD

New Administrator PLC’s at Work Institute 7/17-20/2012 $1689.50

Baltimore, MD

L. Hill NJ Water Environment Assoc. 5/16/2012 $ 62.00

Atlantic City

G. Byles NJ Water Environment Assoc. 5/16/2012 $ 62.00

Atlantic City

G. Byles Human Error Reduction 5/31/2012 $ 132.50

New Brunswick, NJ


1. Financial Committee 5. Buildings and Grounds Committee

2. Personnel Committee 6. Curriculum/Instructional Committee

3. Transportation Committee 7. Legislative Update

4. Cafeteria Committee


a.  Enrollment – 2011-2012 School Year

School / 2011-2012 / 2010-2011
Atlantis / 217 / 204
Clarence B. Lamb / 429 / 406
Discovery / 347 / 312
UES / 267 / 267
Out of District / 8 / 0
1268 (+79) / 1189

b. Fire/Emergency Drills – 2011-2012

Atlantis: February 21 (fire); February 22 (emergency)

C.B. Lamb: February 1 (fire); February 24 (emergency)

Discovery: February 1 (am/pm – emergency); February 2 (am/pm - fire)

UES: February 7 (fire); February 28 (emergency)