Town of SeabrookIsland

Public Safety Committee

Meeting Minutes

11 July 2016

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The Public Safety Committee metMonday, 11 July2016 beginningshortly after10:00 am at Town Hall. Committee Chair John Gregg was joined by Committee membersJohn Fox and Rob Savin.Councilman Skip Cranetook part in the meeting.An agenda for the meeting is attached.

  1. Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of 13 June were approved.

  1. Flooding Booklet Review

The Committee concluded its review of proposed changes to the “Are You Ready for Flooding in Your Neighborhood”. Mr. Gregg indicated he had been informed by Carl Simmons, director of Charleston County Building Services that he would review the proposed changes for compliance with requirements to maintain credit toward the Town’s rating under the Community Rating System. To that end, Mr. Gregg expressed his intention to forward a revised version of the booklet reflecting the proposed changes to Mr. Simmons and to distribute the same to Committee members.

  1. Refrigerator Magnet

Mr. Gregg explained that a proposal to provide refrigerator magnets with certain emergency contact information had been discussed with representatives of COVAR in 2014. The proposal was not further advanced then, but Mr. Crane, having obtained the current version of a refrigerator magnet supplied by Kiawah, raised the matter at Council’s June Ways and Means meeting. Mr. Gregg had distributed a file of proposed content for a Town version and the Committee discussed that content. Members were requested to offer suggestions for content by the next Committee meeting.

  1. New Business

Mr. Crane reported a request to SIPOA to permit operation on SIPOA roadways of electrically powered bicycles, such as an electrically powered “moped” (two wheeled vehicle fitted with pedals enabling propulsion by the rider). It was noted that current SIPOA rules and regulations prohibit the operation of such vehicles. Mr. Crane suggested that were that to change, it could become necessary for the Town to consider whether the same could be operated on the Town’s pedestrian/bicycle path.

  1. Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee was scheduled for10:00 am on Monday,15 August 2016.

  1. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at about 11:45 am.


Public Safety Committee

11 July 2016

  1. Minutes from 13 June meeting
  1. Flooding Booklet Review
  1. Refrigerator Magnet
  1. New Business
  1. Next Meeting
  1. Adjourn