Wednesday, February 25, 2015

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

West Vancouver Seniors’ Centre (Marine Room)

695 – 21st Street, West Vancouver, BC


PRESENT: Directors: Alan Bardsley (President), Alexandra Mancini (Vice-President), Katharine Steig (Secretary), Herb Storm (Treasurer), Marshall Bauman, David Cook, Hugh Hamilton,Bruce McArthur,Karen Marzocco (Directors-at-Large), Corinne Ambor (DWV Parks Dept., non-voting Board member).

Municipal Representatives:Nora Gambioli (WV Councillor); Bob Sokol (Director, WV Planning Dept.)

REGRETS: Michael Evison (OGCS Director).

Total attending AGM: 26.

Introduction: OGCS President Alan Bardsley welcomed all to the AGM, noting that OGCS by-law requirements had been met re providing at least 15 days notice to members for the AGM and having a quorum of at least 3 members for conducting Society business. Copies of the Agenda, Minutes of the 19 February 2014 AGM, Financial Report, and Directors’ Report were made available to attendees. OGCS Directors were introduced and thanked for their support. Non-voting Board member Corinne Ambor, DWV Manager of Parks Planning and Community Services, was thanked for her helpful guidance during the year and complimented on the new West Vancouver Map, which now shows the Old Growth Conservancy. Bob Sokol, Director of Planning, Upper Lands Working Group members, and Liz Leduc, West Vancouver Nature House Society Coordinator, were introduced.

  1. Approval of AGM Agenda:Motion to approve agenda: made by Bruce McArthur, seconded by Hugh Hamilton, carried unanimously by show of hands.
  1. Adoption of Minutes of February 19, 2014 AGM:Motion to adopt minutes: made by Mike Fillipof, seconded by Hugh Hamilton, carried unanimously by show of hands.
  1. Treasurer’s Report:Copies of the Statement of Financial Position as at January 31, 2015 and Income and Expense Statement from 2008 to January 31, 2015 were provided by Herb Storm. He reported that the major expense in 2014 was a 50% share of the cost of producing and installing two interpretive signs on the Conservancy Crossing Trail. The District of West Vancouver provided the other 50%. He also stated that the Black Creek Old Growth Environmental Fund, held by the West Vancouver Community Foundation, is entrusted to OGCS to manage. That fund has a value of more than $16,000, far more than the OGCS’s modest equity of $2,680. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report: made by David Cook, seconded by Karen Marzocco, carried unanimously.
  1. Directors’ Report for 2014: Alan Bardsley presented the 2014 Directors’ Report, supported by PowerPoint slides. He noted that the OGCS is regrettablywithout an Advisory Member this year. Terry Taylor moved to Vancouver Island in 2013, although he still provides some help to the OGCS. The Society’s greatest loss was the untimely death of Bill McCuaigon June 20, 2014. Godfrey Lynum was asked to say a few words about Bill and read an obituary written by Bill’s sister that had been published in the Jan.- Feb. 2015 BC Forest Professional Magazine.

The following 2014 Projects/Activities were highlighted:

  • Interpretive Signs for the Conservancy Crossing Trail: The two signs designed by Directors and reported on at the 2014 AGMwere installed by ArtCraft in July but went missing two weeks later, having been insecurely mounted. WV Police were notified and an article was published in the NS News, but to no avail. After much work by Directors over several months, the missing signs were found undamaged and were reinstalled securely by ArtCraft in early November.
  • Summer Trips into the Conservancy: The very successful summer tripsprogram initiated by Hugh Hamilton in 2013 was continued in 2014. Hugh led 7 trips with 61 participants, assisted by Karen Marzocco, Marshall Bauman and Katharine Steig.Hugh was also thanked for writing informative biannual newsletters for members, a service he had initiated in 2012.
  • Community Involvement:OGCS has continued to participate in Community Day in June and the Coho Festival in September, providing educational displays to increase awareness of the OGC’s natural values and to attract new members. An updated OGCS information brochure was available this year, thanks to Bruce McArthur.
  • West Vancouver Nature House: Liz Leduc, West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society representative and WV Nature House Society Coordinator, provided background information and a progress report on the establishment of the Navvy Jack Nature House. The OGCS is a member of the WV Nature House Society, along withfour otherWV stewardship groups.Hugh Hamilton is the OGCS representative and also serves as Treasurer.WV Council has accepted the project, subject to an acceptable business plan. A draft copy of the business plan was given to DWV’s CAO in August 2014. A decision is expected from Council early this year.The Nature House Society now has a website:
  • Monitoring: Marshall Bauman was thanked for his work as OGC monitor, reporting on harmful or illegal activities in the OGC, and cleaning up garbage left in Lot 5 or in the OGC. Large scale dumping in Lot 5 has been stopped as a result of the gate installed at the entrance in July 2012. Some Lot 5 invasive plantsremoval was undertaken by OGCS members in 2014.
  • DWV Invasive Plants Working Group: Alan reported on the work of this group, of which 3 of the 7 members are OGCS directors: Michael Evison, Hugh Hamilton and Karen Marzocco. The very thorough Invasive Plants Strategy was approved by Council in June 2014 and is available on the DWV website. A separate section has detailed information on 19 target plants. OGCS members and others were encouraged to download this section to become better informed on how to identify these plants.
  • Upper Lands Study Review Working Group: Alan reported on the progress of the Working Group, of which he is a member. Much community input has been received since the WG was established in late 2012. As a result three community core values re the Upper Lands were established: protecting its natural environment, recognizing its outstanding recreational opportunities, and creating a neighbourhood community. Hugh Hamilton and Katharine Steig were invited to provide input at a Fall 2014 WG discussion on the environment. David Cook and Terry Taylor plan to undertake a biophysical inventory of the Brothers Creek old-growth in 2015.WG’s recommendations to Council this spring will include keeping residential development below the 1200’ elevation and ensuring protection of the land west of Eagle Creek. Three Open Houses for additional public input are planned for April 11, 14 and 15 before the WG’s final report goes to Council in June.

Plans for 2015include the following:

  • 1990 Golf Course Referendum 25th Anniversary: Celebration with a cake planned for November in the OGC.
  • Eustace Smith Log Recovery:Borrowing North Shore Wetland Partners’ log carriers and taking out the already cut section of the fallen yellow-cedar containing the “S” trademark. The ES tree section will be stored off-site until it can be placed in the WV Nature House.
  • Summer trips into OCG:With inadequate snow for OGC snowshoe trips in 2014 and 2015, the summer trips have become increasingly important in helping people appreciate the OGC. Trips will be offered again in 2015 when conditions permit, probably in August.
  • Black Creek Fund Grant Criteria:The Black Creek Environmental Fund has existed since 2013 and has grown in value. OGCS will be establishing grant criteria so that these funds can be put to good use.
  • Community Day and Coho Festival: OGCS will continue our public outreach in 2015 by participating in these well-attended events.
  • CC Trail Maintenance:While the trail has stood up well over the last five years, some drainage issues are occurring near the bridge that need addressing.
  • Ongoing OGC Monitoring: OGC monitoring is an ongoing activity. OGCS directors will also be reviewing the Brothers Creek old-growth area for unwanted intrusions.
  1. Special Acknowledgement of Outgoing Directors: Before the election of 2015 Directors,Alan Bardsleythanked outgoing Directors for their support over the years. Miles Hume had been obliged to resign in early 2014, having taken the job of Organics Collection Coordinator in Whitehorse. His help with the OGCS website was greatly appreciated. Michael Evison and Alexandra Mancini are retiring as Directors this year. Michael’s helpful insights re Council’s perspective were recognized, as were Alexandra’s organizational skills, especially regarding the interpretive sign work.
  1. Election of Directors for 2015:As Nominating Committee Chair,Alan noted that OGCS bylaws state that directors will serve two-year terms, with half the positions coming up for election each year in order to ensure Board continuity.There can be no fewer than 5 directors on the Board and no more than 11. The following three directors have agreed to stand for re-election this year:Marshall Bauman, Hugh Hamilton and Katharine Steig.Karen Marzocco was appointed to the Board in March 2014 and has also agreed to stand for election. There are three unfilled positions on the Board. Jaclyn Delacroix was introduced as a potential director to help round out the recreation side of the Board. She is a mountain biker and coach of the Mud Bunnies Team. Directors must be members in good standing for at least six months. Jaclyn has applied to join the Society and has been invited to participate as a non-voting member in the monthly Directors’ Meetings. If all goes well, the Board can appoint her as a director in seven months. Motion to accept the report of the Nominating Committee: Moved by Hugh Hamilton, seconded by David Cook, carried unanimously by show of hands.

Alan stated that four nominations have been made by the Nominating Committee and asked three times if there were further nominations from the floor. Hearing none, he declared the above four nominees acclaimed as directors.

OGCS Directors for 2015 are:

Alan Bardsley, Marshall Bauman, David Cook, Hugh Hamilton, Bruce McArthur, Karen Marzocco, Katharine Steig, Herb Storm.

  1. Presentation by Bob Sokol, DWV Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits:

West Vancouver‘s Upper Lands – Balancing Conservation, Recreation and Future Neighbourhoods.Bob Sokol has served as DWV Director of Planning since 2008. Using Powerpoint slides, he provided a comprehensive report on the work of the Upper Lands Study Review Working Group over the last nearly 30 months. This included the Group’s mandate, timeline, public consultation sessions, core community values established through these sessions, and planned recommendations to be made to WV Council based on the three core values re the Upper Lands: environmental protection; recreational opportunities; a sustainable neighbourhood community. More opportunities for public comment will be provided in April before the Working Group’s final report goes to Council in June. Several questions were asked by the audience,including the showing of watersheds on maps, amount of old-growth within the Upper Lands, level of environmental knowledge about the Upper Lands, and plans for land management. Appreciation was expressed to Bob for his report on this very important District undertaking.

8. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn: Moved by Alan Bardsley,seconded by Katharine Steig and carried unanimously by members’ show of hands, the meeting was declared closed at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Katharine Steig, OGCS Secretary