Saturday, February 10th – 4:00 PM
Chen Muniz/Alice Muniz
Sacristan: Alice Muniz
Greeters: Char & Jerry Habeck
Lector: Alice Ross
Gifts/Ushers: John & Penny McClaflin
Euch. Min.: John & Penny McClaflin,
Tim Ross
Servers: Walt Pleban, Paul Hartenstein
Sunday, February 11th – 11:00 AM
Rose Ockenga/Paul & Evelyn
Sacristan: Cheryl Nolan
Greeters: Kathy & Shawn Burke
Lector: Jeff Whitacre
Lit. of Word: Polly Wolf
Gifts/Ushers: Kathy & Shawn Burke
Euch. Min.: Paul Hartenstein,
Sr. Carroll, Sue Bommer
Servers: Nicole Kraus,
Madelyn Beury
Money Counters for Feb.11:
Barb Fashing,
Shawn Burke
Church Cleaners for week of Feb. 12-13:
Val Sabo,
Nora Bartlett
DON’T FORGET about FEB. 24… OUR BISHOP THOMAS IS COMING to CELEBRATE THE 4 PM MASS WITH US. Followed by a meet and greet at a lite meal. This is truly a BIG OCCASION for our parish. Bishop Thomas has never been here before. He’s in for a real TREAT, don’t you think?!?! IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, PLEASE COME TO THAT MASS ON SATURDAY. There will be an 11 AM Mass on Sunday, however.
Saturday, February 3
Sunday, February 4
Parent Mtg First Com.
12 Souper Bowl Luncheon
Kickoff for “31 Days..Winning”
Parish Mtg re: rental house
Monday, February 5
Tuesday, February 6
Wednesday, February 7
6 PM Exercise
Thursday, February 8
10 AM Communion Service
Friday, February 9
7 AM Communion Service
Saturday, February 10
Sunday, February 11
Sacrament of the Sick within Mass
It is Sunday Mass-goers
opportunity to receive the Sacrament of the Sick within Mass. With all that is going on with the flu, and other diseases, you are encouraged to receive this sacrament especially if you are older or have a situation where your resistance is low.
This Week’s Scriptures
Monday 1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13
Ps 132:6-7, 8-10
2/05 Mark 6:53-56
Tuesday 1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30
Ps 84:3, 4, 5, 10, 11
2/06 Mark 7:1-13
Wednesday Dan 5:1-6, 13-14,16-17,23-28
Wednesday 1Kings 10:1-10
Ps 37:5-6, 30-31, 39-40
2/07 Mark 7:14-23
Thursday 1 Kings 11:4-13
Ps 106:3-4, 35-36, 37, 40
2/08 Mark 7:24-30
Friday 1 Kings 11:29-32
Ps 81:10-11, 12-13, 14-15
2/09 Mark 7:31-37
Saturday 1 Kings 12:26-32; 13:33-34
Ps 106:6-7, 19-20, 21-22
2/10 Mark 8:1-10
6th Sunday Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46
of Ordinary Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11
Time 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
2/11 Mark 1:40-41
Parish Staff
Pastoral Leader: Sr. Carroll Schemenauer
Parish Chaplain: Fr. Kishore Kottana
Finance: Cece Mees
Administrative Assistant
Catechetical Leader
Sr. Rosemary Hug
Finance: Diane Wolf
(440) 839-2185 (H)
Steve Matus
Youth Leaders:
Kristie Jarrett, Jenn Nolan
& Libby French,
Dear Parish Family,
Last week in the Gospel, we saw Jesus calls Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John to become his disciples. Today we see these same four men in today’s Gospel. In Simon Peter’s house they witness his first healing miracle. Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. Isn’t it interesting that the first healing involves not a cancer, not a paralysis, but a fever.
In one of his prayers, Blessed John Henry Newman refers to this life as a “fever.” He asks God’s support until “the fever of life is over…” How well we know. We go through life agitated about many things and when we look back, we can hardly remember what they were about.
In the nineties when the Internet was just getting going, according to a priest friend, he got into an argument with a guy he didn’t even know because he had attacked the priest’s Catholic faith, and although he can’t recall how, he does remember obsessing about it. Even during Mass he confessed to thinking about how he was going to respond. A fever gripped him, but hardly the kind described in a popular song!
There are other types of fever… gambling, sex, money, alcohol, sports. All can be good in themselves, but they can take over a person and lay him low. When Jesus saw Simon’s mother-in-law laid low by a fever, he took her hand and raised her up.
She immediately began to serve (in Greek “diaconia.”). It’s where we get our word “deacon.” Jesus heals because he wants us to serve…to become deacons and deaconesses wherever we find ourselves. Right near us are hungry people and at our doorsteps people with various diseases, including those troubled by demons.
Pope Francis challenges us to
reach out to those who are hurting, to people on the margins. In his visit to the Philippines, the Pope said that we need to learn to cry with those in need. “Those on the margins cry. Those who have fallen by the wayside cry. Those who are discarded cry.
But those who are living a life that is more or less without need, we don’t know how to cry.”
That of course is the first step in healing: to learn to cry, to identify with the person who suffers. I sometimes wonder if, on a human level, Jesus’ power to heal comes from his compassion, his ability to enter into the suffering of the other person. When a person is hurting, sometimes even more than a cure, a person wants someone who senses what he is going through.
Undoubtedly, this can seem scary as no one of us has the capacity for compassion that Jesus has. Often it can be overwhelming…to constantly listen and pray, and still be tested in faith. And Jesus knows we need times of renewal and rest. In today’s Gospel he takes Simon and the other disciples “to a deserted place.” Could it not be called the first Christian spiritual retreat?!
To be alone with Jesus is an end in itself. From here we get to know Jesus’ invitation to discipleship in the call to serve.
For today we see Jesus and his disciples embodying the words of the Psalm: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
Many of you are doing a splendid job in commiserating with others in need. Please write or call those of our own parish who are in need of support, help, encouragement in the many ways you have shown. You will be blessed a hundred fold in this life…
LIFE for sure.
Sr. Carroll
Last Week $ 1,574.00
Electronic Deposits 35.00
M.T.D. January 12,240.00
F.Y.T.D. 73,386.34
KICKOFF FOR “31 Days of Winning” on March calendar is this weekend. Tickets are available in the back of church after Mass: tickets are attached to the March calendar. Since this is our major fund raiser, many of you will want to purchase 6 tickets for $50.00. We will be selling the tickets BEFORE Mass also, so that you could come a bit early and fill them out right there and then after your purchase or at the end of Mass. One ticket is $10. We are getting many sponsors ($150) and super-sponsors ($500) and we will list them in due time.
If your ticket is pulled as a winner, your ticket is put back in the hopper to possibly win again. We thank the members of the committee who are working very hard to make this a very FUN and ENRICHING fundraiser: Tara and Matt Clemons, Chandra and Barrett French, and Libby and Justin French! Congratulations on all your enthusiasm and hard work.
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to Sr. Rosemary, Judy Moats, Dan Scherry (90) and to Tim Griffin. May each of your special days be surrounded with friends and family who love you!!
BIG TIME FISH FRY coming on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, FROM 4 PM – 7 PM. Joe Bennett has arranged for Sean to bring his concession truck. Service will be faster to be sure, and the food will be very good. Tickets are on sale now after Mass for $15 each. You can also take a pack of 10 with you to sell them. You would be responsible for the tickets or the money. Call the office and stop by to pick up your tickets or to sell more. MENU will be the same, you will ENJOY this dinner guaranteed.
We NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS TO WORK ONE OF THE SHIFTS (1 and a half hrs.) so that you can enjoy the fish fry yourself with your family the
other shift. THANK YOU TO THE
YOUTH who have already signed
up. We could use more to serve as
bus boys or girls. The paper is in the back of church on the card table.
All you younger and more experienced retirees (was that the right expression?) are reminded about the SENIOR LUNCHEON ON FEB. 21 AT 12 NOON. The ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE THE WELL-KNOWN JIM BUSEK and his most interesting TRAVELOGUE through all 50 states. Not too long and you will love it! $3 is the offering for the luncheon. PLEASE REGISTER by calling Lisa at 419-668-6245. Deadline is Tuesday, February 13th. If you were at the Jan. senior luncheon, you already signed up.