FitnessGram Brochure Project
Directions: You will be creating a brochure for the FitnessGram fitness tests. This brochure would be used to explain the importance of the tests taken. The information below you may find useful.
1)Each Panel must have a Title.
2)Each panel needs to have a Picture. The picture can be a generic Internet photo/image; can be a photo of you or a photo you took of someone.
3)Each panel must have a clearly written reason: Why is this test included by fitnessgram or why is it important to you or why is this component an important part of fitness.
4)Each panel needs a clearly stated goal: What do you hope to do the next time you are tested.
5)Name of the test= the test we took that measure this component of fitness. For example body composition was determined by height and weight BMI.
6)Panel 5 examples should be used by you for that panel.(They are underlined and in bold).
7)Follow Directions, Ask Questions & Be Creative!!!!!!
Components of Fitness
1) Cardiovascular Endurance: Shows how efficiently your heart, circulatory system, and respiratory system work together over a long period of time. Examples to increase cardiovascular endurance: Running, cycling, swimming.
2) Muscular Strength& Endurance: The amount of power a muscle can produce. Examples to increase muscular strength: Weightlifting, gymnastics, using playground equipment. Endurance is a muscle's ability to produce power for a long duration. Examples to increase muscular endurance: Running, swimming, weightlifting.
3) Flexibility: The ability, of joints to move through their full range of motion. Examples to increase flexibility: Stretching, gymnastics.
4) Body Composition:Shows the relative amounts of fat body mass to lean body mass.Examples to lower fat: All cardiovascular activities.
Panel #1:
•Title of your brochure (T)
•Picture of a fitness activity or a student (P)
•Student Name
Panel #2: Cardiovascular Endurance/ Aerobic Capacity
•Title of the Panel: (T)
•Name of the test.
•Picture of the cardiovascular endurance test or an activity that emphasize this test. (P)
•Why is this tested/an important part of fitness or important to you (written in complete sentences) (SR)
•List your goal for this cardiovascular endurance test.(SG)
Panel #3: Muscular Strength/Endurance: Upper Body Strength/Endurance
•Title of the Panel: (T)
•Name of the test.
•Picture of the cardiovascular endurance test or an activity that emphasize this test. (P)
•Why is this tested/an important part of fitness or important to you (written in complete sentences)
•List your goal for this upper body strength/endurance test.
Panel #4: Flexibility
•Title of the Panel (T)
•Name of the test.
•Picture of the cardiovascular endurance test or an activity that emphasize this test.(P)
•Why is this tested/an important part of fitness or important to you (written in complete sentences)
•List your goal for the flexibility test.
Panel #5: Body Composition
•Title of the Panel: Body Composition
•Name of the test -Height/Weight for Body Mass Index
•Picture of the body composition test that you want to take.(P)
•Why is this tested/an important part of fitness or important to you:
The purpose of this test is to test is to determine thepercentage of body fat in your body compared to lean muscle mass. A BMI in the Healthy Fit Zone is considered optimal for leading a healthy lifestyle. People who have an unhealthy level, either low or high percentages of body fat are moresusceptibleto health risks and diseases.(SR)
•List your goal for the body composition test you have chosen:
My goal for the height/weight test is to achieve a healthy level of body fat in my body, to be in the healthy fit zone.(SG)
Panel #6: Personal Information
- Title of Panel: (T)
•Student's Full Name (first and last names)
•Physical Education Teacher
•Physical Education Period and Squad