PO Box 2054

Wausau WI 54402-2054

The primary purpose of Connexus Association is to provide scholarships for education, to assist educational institutions and to provide financial literacy education to help borrowers and savers reach their financial goals.

Connexus Association awards grant dollars to local schools and non-profit organizations for the purpose of promoting education and financial literacy.

What We Look For

  • Preferred if organization has 501(c)3 status
  • Organization must not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, national origin, disability, handicap, age, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law
  • Purpose of grant must emphasize support for programs that focus on education and/or financial literacy
  • Priority consideration given to grants that will support schools or non-profit organizations within the Connexus service area
  • Grant applications that demonstrate community impact and outreach
  • Schools applying for a scholarship grant must have an established scholarship program and be willing to choose the scholarship recipient(s) based on provided established criteria:
  • Must major in Business or Education
  • Minimum grade point average of 3.50
  • Minimum of 2 extracurricular activities

Once submitted, your application will be evaluated based on

  • Alignment with our overall focus on education and financial literacy
  • Organization’s impact in the communities where Connexus Credit Union employees live and work

Application Deadlines

Submit completed applications to by 5 p.m. on the first working day of January, April, July, and/or October. The board of directors awards grants quarterly. Applicants are generally notified regarding the status of their application within 30 days of the application deadline.

Disclaimer: Any photographs that are submitted may be used in the Connexus Association publications or marketing materials.

Describe Applicant

Name of organization:

501(c)3 status Educational Institution Other non-profit

Contact Person:

Phone: Email:


City: State: Zip:

Purpose of organization:

Area organization serves (cities, counties, states):

Describe Project

Amount of grant requested: Total project expenses:

Are you submitting grant requests to other organizations: Yes No

How grant funds will be utilized:

Describe the individuals who will benefit from this grant request, including how many:

How does the use of funds fit into the mission of Connexus Association:

Other essential information about project:

Have you applied for funding with Connexus Association in the last 12 months: Yes No

How did you hear about ConnexusAssociation:

I certify that the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Connexus Association may request additional information as their Board of Directors reviews this request.

PO Box 2054

Wausau WI 54402-2054

Contact Person (Print Name)

Contact Person Signature



PO Box 2054

Wausau WI 54402-2054