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25th September 2014

Dear Ms Laura Robson

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – Birmingham South Central CCG –Translation Services - Ref: FOI/002992

Thank you for your request received 19th August 2014. You asked for information regarding Translation Services.

Your request for information has now been considered. I will answer your queries below in turn:

Under FOI legislation, could you please provide me with financial information relating to the: costs of face to face interpreting services costs of telephone interpreting services costs of written translation services I would appreciate it if you could send all of the above information for the last 2 financial years, the current year and budget for next year? I would be grateful if you could provide information that includes:

  1. The annual cost for each of the services
  1. 13/14 Actual Year End £155,601.20
  1. Face To Face £145,989.19
  2. Non Spoken£8,817.28
  3. Telephone £550.33
  4. Written£244.40
  1. 14/15 Forecast Year End £180,262.50
  1. Face to Face £168,615.75
  2. Non Spoken £11,077.80
  3. Telephone£568.95
  4. Written£0.00
  1. Breakdown of the top 10 most popular languages (In order of magnitude: total number of requests)

Farsi, Arabic, Cantonese, Somali, Romanian, Mandarin, Polish, Urdu, Kurdish, Bengali

  1. Details of your current provider(s) (company name, date contract was awarded)

Existing Contract with NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU, 01/04/2014

  1. Spend per language service provider (LSP)

NHS Midlands and Lancashire 13/14 £155,601.20

NHS Midlands and Lancashire 14/15*£60,087.50*(up to month 4)

  1. When are your current language service contracts with your LSPs due to end?

31 March 2016

  1. Where do you advertise your face to face interpreting/telephone interpreting/translation contracts?
  1. Name, addresses and contact point(s) for your Procurement Department responsible for awarding Interpreting and Translation contracts.

Good and Services Procurement Team

NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU, Kingston House , 438-450 High Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 9LD

Tel: 0121 612 1500


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please contact the Information Governance Manager at Midlands and Lancashire CSU, Information Governance Team, Corporate Governance, Heron House, 120 Grove Road, Fenton, Stoke on Trent, ST4 4LX or telephone 0300 404 2999 ext. 8253 or email

You can also refer to the Information Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 01625 545700

Yours sincerely

Robert Irwin

Senior Executive for Corporate Governance

Midlands and Lancashire CSU