Meeting January 26, 2010

10:00 a.m.

Oxford Presbyterian Church

8501 Stenton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19150


“As the Father has sent me, so I send you”

John 20:21b


Items for New Business must be in the hands of the Stated Clerk before the Lunch recess to be considered at this meeting.

10:00 Presbytery convenes with Prayer The Moderator, The Rev. Mr. Stuart H. Spencer

10:05 Arrangements The Rev. Ms. Ethelyn Taylor

Introduction of New Elders

Seating of Corresponding Members including our Zambian Partners

10:10 Approval of the Docket The Rev. Mr. George Blakesley

Consent Agenda (A)

10:15 Worship with the Lord’s Supper

Installation of the Moderator and Vice Moderator

11:45 Committee on Ministry (C) Elder Catherine Nazzaro (Bensalem)

Proposed Sexual Ethics Training Schedule – 2nd Reading and vote with Amendments

12:15 Lunch Recess

1:15 Open Microphone for Announcements

1:20 Nominations (N) Elder Eric Greenhow (Wayne)

1:25 Associate for Care of Ministers The Revs. William G. Thompson and Mindy M. Huffstetler

1:35 Presby’s Inspired Life The Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Muth

1:55 Committee on Preparation for Ministry (P) The Rev. Mr. Jack K. Norrie

Examinations of Faith Williams & Kurt Pleim from Inquirer to Candidate status

2:15 Financial Management (F) The Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Muth

2:20 Stewardship The Rev. Mr. Philip Olson

2:25 Congregational Strategy Team (S) Elder James Graf (Abington)

Recommendation to dissolve the Bristol Presbyterian Church (G-11.0103i)


Attestation to Session & Congregational Action

Members speak

Discussion & Vote

Litany & Prayer

Commissioning of Congregational Coaches

2:55 National Black Presbyterian Caucus–Philadelphia Chapter

The Rev. Mr. Anderson E. Porter

3:00 Self Development of People The Rev. Mr. Sanford D. Hull

3:15 Committee on Mission Oversight (M) Elder Joan Bergsteinsson (Bryn Mawr)

3:20 Presbytery Staff Report The Rev. Ms. Jeanne Radak

3:25 Stated Clerk (Q) The Rev. Mr. Bruce A. Barstow

3:30 Open Microphone for Personal Joys and Concerns

3:35 New Business

Attendance Report The Rev. Dr. Keith D. Lawrence

3:40 Closing Prayer The Moderator, Elder Catherine Adams (Oxford)

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you”

John 20:21b


Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church in Germantown

35 W. Chelten Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19144
