Open Keelboat Weekend

9/10 September 2017


Organising Authority

The event will be organised by Loch Lomond Sailing Club.


Racing will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. Section 3 ‘Rules of Navigation’ of the Loch Lomond Byelaws 2013 apply when meeting boats that are not racing. This changes the Part 2 preamble. Competitors can view a copy of the Loch Lomond Byelaws 2013 in the Race Office and at the website .


The event is open to LLSC members’ keelboats and to visiting keelboats. Classes with 4 or more boats will be considered separate classes and be granted separate starts. RYA PNs published in 2012 will be used and may be amended by the organisers.

The following classes will race / Accommodation List
  • Keelboat Handicap
  • Other classes with a minimum of 3 entries
  • The Oak Tree InnBalmaha01360 870357
  • Mrs Bates, Bay CottageBalmaha01360 870346
  • Mrs Cronin, Conic View CottageBalmaha01360 870297
  • Balmaha House B&BBalmaha01360 870218
  • Passfoot B&BBalmaha01360 870234
  • Balmaha BunkhouseBalmaha01360 870218
  • Mrs MacFadyen, DunleenMilton of Buchanan01360 870274
  • Mrs Nichols, Mar AchlaisMilton of Buchanan01360 870300
  • Winnock HotelDrymen01360 660245
  • Campsie View Self CateringDrymen07734833988
  • Bramblewood B&BDrymen01360 660450
  • Drymen InnDrymen01360 660123
  • Ashbank B&BDrymen01360 660049
  • Millarochy Bay Camping & Caravanning Site
Balmaha01360 870236
See also :


The Entry Form on page 3 of this Notice of Race should be completed and signed by all competitors. Cost of Entry for visitors will be £25 per boat. Advance entries may be sent to Peter McLaren, 28 Laurelhill Gardens, Stirling, FK8 2PT (cheques payable to Loch Lomond Sailing Club) or e-mail (pay at Registration). Entries postmarked not later than Saturday 2 September will have a £5 discount, i.e. entry fee of £20 per boat.

The Parent/Guardian Declaration on Page 4, must be completed and signed for competitors under the age of 16.

Competitors may register in the clubhouse from 10am on Saturday 9 September. Sailing Instructions, evening meal tickets and Camping Permits (£10 per night per campervan, £5 per night per tent) will be available at Registration

Racing Programme

Racing will be on Loch Lomond off the club grounds. Four races are scheduled (1 discard if 4 races are held) and 1 race is required to be completed to constitute a series. Courses will be set around islands and club racing marks.

First Warning Signal / Start Time
Saturday Briefing / 1200
Saturday / 1255 / 1300 (1 race)
Sunday / 1025 / 1030 (3 races)

Disclaimer of Liability:

Competitors are entirely responsible for their own safety, whether afloat or ashore, and nothing reduces this responsibility. It is for competitors to decide whether their boat is fit to sail in the conditions in which it will find itself. By launching competitors confirm the boat is fit for those conditions and they are competent to sail and compete in them. Nothing done by the organisers can reduce the responsibility of the owners and/or competitors, nor will it make the organisers responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury, however it may have occurred, as a result of the boat taking part in the racing. The organisers encompass everyone helping to run the event. The provision of patrol boats does not relieve owners and competitors of their responsibilities.


Snacks and soup will be available during both days.

An 3 course evening meal will be available in the clubhouse on Saturday evening from 1930.

A cooked breakfast will be available from 0800 until 0930 on Sunday mornings.

The Club Pub will be open on Saturday. No alcohol may be purchased or consumed on Club grounds/premises by anyone under 18 and we reserve the right to ask for proof of age before serving young drinkers.

If there is conflict between this Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the latter will take precedence.

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Open Keelboat Weekend

9/10 September 2017


Class / Boat Name / Sail Number / PN (2012):
Helm / Crew
Home address:
Age if under 16
Sailing Club
During the Event:
Accommodation address:
Emerg/Mob Tel:
Total number of additional members in party at time of registration
I/We agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-216, the Rules and Bye Laws of Loch Lomond Sailing Club, Loch Lomond Byelaws 2006 and all other rules that govern this event including the Disclaimer of Liability in the Notice of Race, which excludes my/our right to claim compensation in certain circumstances
I/We declare that during the event we will hold valid and current third party insurance of at least £3m.
Competitors, & members of their party at time of registration, will be made temporary members of Loch Lomond Sailing Club for the event.
Entry fees (visitors’ boats): / £25 per boat
Early Entry Fee…… @ £20 per boat£......
Late Entry Fee…… @ £25 per boat£………………..
Saturday Dinner…… @ TBA per head£......
Campervan…… @ £10 per night£………………...
Tent…… @ £5 per night£………………..
Names additional to competitors...... ………………………………………
For campers under the age of 16 please enter below the name of a supervising adult who will be acting in loco parentis for these competitors, in the absence of a parent or guardian, including evening and overnight camping.
Parent/Guardian Declarations:All helms and crews who are under 16 years of age must submit declarations signed by their parent or guardian with their entry form or at registration (see page 4 of this Notice of Race).

Parent/Guardian Declaration

This form is required for all competitors under 16 years of age. It must be signed by the parent/guardian of the young person and NOT their representative.

Name of competitor: / Sail number:
Date(s) applicable:

Parent/Guardian Declaration:

Under law, this competitor is my dependent. I accept the Disclaimer of Liability below, which excludes my dependant’s right to claim compensation in certain circumstances. I declare that during the event the boat sailed by my dependent will have a valid and current third party insurance of at least £3m or the equivalent in another currency. I confirm that my dependent is competent to take part.

During the event (tick one box):

I will be responsible for my dependent throughout the event, and during the time my dependent is afloat I will be available at the event venue.

I appoint the person named below, who has agreed to act in loco parentis. He/she will be responsible for my dependent throughout the event. During the time my dependent is afloat he/she will be available at the event venue.

Disclaimer of Liability:

Competitors are entirely responsible for their own safety, whether afloat or ashore, and nothing reduces this responsibility. It is for competitors to decide whether their boat is fit to sail in the conditions in which it will find itself. By launching competitors confirm the boat is fit for those conditions and they are competent to sail and compete in them. Nothing done by the organisers can reduce the responsibility of the owners and/or competitors, nor will it make the organisers responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury, however it may have occurred, as a result of the boat taking part in the racing. The organisers encompass everyone helping to run the event. The provision of patrol boats does not relieve owners and competitors of their responsibilities.

Name of parent/guardian:
Contact telephone/mobile:
Person appointed in loco parentis:
Contact telephone/mobile:
Signature of parent/guardian:

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