The Pre-Holiday 21 Day Paleo Challenge

Nov 2014

Designed to improve the well being of CFNH members, by focusing efforts on clean eating and proper nutrition. While there is a competitive spirit to the challenge, in the end, it is an individual program and designedfor your personal goal setting, while learning or maintaining proper nutrition. Take this challenge seriously, but,don’t let it rule your lives. Please join the CFNH Nutrition and Challenge Group Facebook Page, as challenges, daily tips, and general support, will be found there. Your teams will also have their own pages or other forms of social media for support.

21 Days is all it takes to get started

They say that breaking a bad habit takes 21 Days. This challenge will last for only 3 weeks, starting on Monday, November 3rd and end on November 23rd. One 'week' of the competition will span Monday - Sunday.


You are placed on a team. Each team will 'face off' weekly. Total points for the week will determine the weekly winning teams. In the event of a tie, food journals will be reviewed to make a decision based on the quality of the food being eaten (yet another reason to keep your journal updated!).

After three weeks, the team with the most points is the overall winner. CFNH will offer the cash prize(total cash $$ pot will be based on total players for the challenge).


  • The Baseline workout: “21” 3 rounds of: 21 box jumps (ball slams are the sub/mod), 21 kb swings, 21 Burpees. That’s it. For TIME. The modification for burpee is squat thrusts. You pick the weight of the KB. If you are looking for an Rx, it is 53/35#.
  • Weigh yourself: Only one day & time, in the morning of 11/3/14. Then again on 11/24/14.
  • Measurements: Waistline only. Horizontal around the belly button. That is the only area that will count.

Points: Daily points will be given on a variety of things: clean eating, sleep, fish oil supplements, and, of course, WODs.

Food: Points will be determined by the athlete's adherence to the Paleo Diet (guidelines to follow). We will follow the simple concept of “eating clean.” If you eat clean for the day, you are given one point. If you cheat, small, medium, or large, you will not receive a point for that day.

Alcohol: A note on alcohol, there is none. No discussions.

Sleep: Proper sleep is one of the essential parts of health and fitness. For each night you sleep at least 7 hours, you will win a point. For the week, you have the opportunity to win 7 sleep points.

Fish Oil: One bonus point will be awarded for each day if the athlete takes 1.8 grams of fish oil AND 2000 IU of vitamin D3 (

WODs: You can gain one point for each WOD (up to five points) per week. For the week, you have the opportunity to win 5 WOD points.

Journals: Journaling of ALL your food will be on-line on WODIFY. Your team captains will review your journals and tell you if you have received your daily points. You will keep totals.

Challenges: Throughout the Paleo Challenge, each week an extra challenge will be presented. Be on the look out for a sneak challenge—an extra challenge that may present itself during the Challenge. Easy way to get extra

Your Team Captains:

Your captains are Carla or Molly. They are right alongside you during the Paleo Challenge. They are your ‘goto’ for all questions you might have about Paleolithic Nutrition. At the end of the day, there is an intuitive feel to these rules that will differ from individual to individual. All daily points will be self-scored daily by the individual. Everything is done on the honor system. Team captains will gather all weekly data. Team captains will be available to all teammates for all comments and questions.

Your Teammates:

Your teammates are your support mechanisms. Exchange emails, phone numbers, Facebookand other source of social media necessary. Use each other. Talk through the “troubled” times. Gather around together for meals. Invite family and friends over for a dinner. Meet each other for lunch if you have time. Share recipes and tales of what is working that gets you through the day.

Shopping Lists and Recipes to answer additional questions on paleo eating and servings

My favorite recipe websites:

Daily Points Rules Bonus Points Rules

1. Eat real food. Lean meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, healthy oils (EVOO, coconut, avocado, walnut) Avoid canola, vegetable, & seed oils like sunflower, safflower, rapeseed, etc.). Eat foods with very few ingredients, pronounceable ingredients or best yet, no ingredients listed at all!

2. Do NOT eat dairy. This includes cheese, yogurt & milk. And, yes, cream in your coffee.

3. Do NOT eat grains. This includes breads, rices, pastas, corn, oatmeal AND any “gluten-free” pseudo-grains” like quinoa, millet, or sprouted grains. No tapioca flour, rice flour, etc.

4. Do NOT eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds, lentils & peanuts. No peanut butter!

5. Do NOT eat sugars of any kind, real or artificial. No sweeteners (truvia, Splenda, cane sugar, cane syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, glucose, dextrose, maltose, anything ending in “-ose”, etc.), agave syrup.

6. Do NOT eat processed foods. Protein shakes, meal replacement/protein bars

7. Do NOT consume alcohol, in any form, even in cooking.

Bonus Points Rules

Earn one bonus point per day that you get 8+ hours of sleep.

Earn one bonus point per day (maximum of 5 per week) for each workout you complete at CFNH.

Earn TBD bonus points for performance and improvement on benchmark workouts & skills.

*Points are awarded on the honor system. Be honest!