Model of the application form of the

South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020

To apply for funding the application and its annexes must be

submitted via electronic programme management system PROMAS

Published by the Managing Authority

Publication date 30 January 2017

Funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland.


1. Basic information ......

2. Requested financing ......

3. Lead partner and partners ......

4. Summary of the project ......

5. Relevance ......

6. Analysis of the problem......

7. Thematic indicators ......

8. Project specific indicators ......

9. Work plan/Activities ......

10. Activity planner/Add activity ......

11. Sustainability......

12. Implementation ......

13. Project budget ......

14. Financial plan ......

15. Annexes ......

16. Signature ......

4. Summaryoftheproject

Oneof the specific characters of innovative economics is intensification of contradiction between new science intensive and current traditional technologies, which considerably influence on professional-qualification structure of different sector of economics. This structure is forming, on the one hand, under the influence of increasing process of social division of labour, differentiation of fields andkinds of professional activity, professions and specialties, on the other hand, it is characterized by the integration processes expressing in constantly increasing significance of wide-sectiontraining including versatile interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.

In addition, the national education and training systems are characterized by the insufficient adaptability to changing labour market demands,which results from sectoral shifts of economics. This fact is attended by aging and decreasing of the highly skilled specialists, technical and engineering employees,weak geographical, and as a result, qualification mobility of population as well as heterogeneity of professional knowledge and skills (qualification heterogeneity) within the framework of identical professional groups. Consequently, so-called professional-qualification rupture between labour force professional capabilities and demand of enterprises and organizations is formed. Overcoming of the rupture is possible only on conditions that institutional environment, contributing to formation and development of labour force quality characteristics, will be created.

Within the framework of the project it is suggested to research qualification and competence requirements to personnel structure of enterprises and organizations in order to identify their influence on implementation and development of innovative technologies.

The research results can be basis for the institutional transformations aimed at reinforcement of the adaptive capabilities and economics receptivity to innovative type of development.

5. Relevance

Relevance of project realization is conditioned by the necessity of identification of the most effective cooperation models and mechanisms of enterprises (clusters), education organizations, institutes of development in the field of labour and education in order to provide steady growth of national economics and create socially favourable conditions for population.

The innovative economics creation needs new objectives solution and new types of specialists. Planning based on new professions is the only way to restore labour balance that allows to take into account the last changes of requirements to labour force and forecast the future needs, take into account needs of the new industries for new professions and qualifications. Alsoitwillallowto rapidly develop perspective sectors, change labour force demand and number of jobs, optimize business-processes without aftershock for labour markets.

Training system under conditions of transformation of technological structures and markets should meet the challenge of training and retraining on two levels: first – assurance of current personnel needs of enterprises for decreasing of skilled specialists deficit and increasing of investment projects realization; second - creation and development of human resource potential based on the new labour market requests.

Fast changing of market conjuncture needs efficient reaction of education system in order to in trend of changes – quality and quantity labour market demands, themes of developments and scientific research tasks. The situation of fast-changing requests and conditions needs quite professional analysis of markets and transformation of their demands into s objectives. It is complicated development and scientific activity of educational institution. Current practice, when departments develop programs and arrange with manufacturing companies about researches, ceased to be effective: this work is rather professional and needs specific preparation and organization.

Development of the professional qualifications and systemic competencies of specialists should correspond to the existing trends for development structure of technological businesses in the world, including:

- transition from selection of present projects to purposeful activity of projects creation on the basis of developers and entrepreneurs teams, their technological solutions;

- decreasing of time for transition from one step of technological lifecycle to another one;

- regulating of payroll part in the project investment costs.

The global trend of projects creation on the basis of developers and entrepreneurs teams significantly indicates the requirement of focus displacement of eco-systemic support of innovative projects formation to the stimulating of existing companies activity in determined area of professional activity. Mentioned trend has particular importance for high-tech sectors as technically complicated fields of professional activity, where successful development of business requires high level of projects teams professional qualifications and competencies.

Elimination of the stated qualification deficits require development of business and education systems cooperation. Among the organizations, involved in the present Russian education system, the higher education organizations, that collaborate with enterprises (clusters) to a considerable degree, have the biggest potential of development of existing cooperation models and mechanisms.

6. Analysis of the problem

The enterprises of high-tech economic sectors have considerable needs of high-skilled personnel. Companies mark out insufficient qualification of workers as significant problem; the main directions of peopleware improvement are employment of workers that possess appropriate qualification from labour market and extension work of present workers.

The companies use different infrastructure tools for elimination of the internal qualification deficits, including by means of development and realization of the complementary professional education programs on the basis of the core universities. Significantheterogeneityofhigh-techenterprises,in terms of size, growth rate, market and industry presence, complicates the identification of factors, influencing on formation of companies educational request, revelation of their connection with the preferable forms of request satisfaction.

Development and implementation of the claimed educational programs for high-tech industries is recognized, complicated, multiple-aspect objective. The solution for this task is not exhaustively formed by one of the countries that actively develop innovative initiatives. The majority of researches marks that assurance of competitive quality of high-tech programs, generally in term of their content, has such problems as:

necessity of advance formation of specialists competencies, as request constantly changing along with knowledge development. It makes complicated to use traditional methods of educational programs creation, based on analysis and decomposition of labour market requests, as well as use of professional standards tools;

necessity of formation of the interdisciplinary educational programs, characterized by “true” interdisciplinarity, that forms complex approach, which is not connected with by the methodological restrictions of one discipline, instead of “false”interdisciplinarity, provided by formal inclusion into the different disciplines training;

lack of significant experience of teaching such disciplines, as well as lack of specialists with nanoindustry practical work experience (involving of these specialists into educational process in the capacity of staff teachers, like Japanese universities experience, dramatically increases quality of training).

Development of implementation forms of educational programs and projects, that meet demands, also has difficulties and not always can be applied within the framework of current training structure.

In addition, objective of the educational institutions is complicated by the fact that majority of the high-tech companies is micro- and small companies, including start-ups. That size companies, as a rule, don`t have resources for producing of formed educational request, mechanisms of interaction with universities. Accumulation, processing and aggregation of the such companies educational request can be conducted by formation of network interaction structures.

Strategic project goal – steady growth and development under conditions of transition of the national economics to the new technological modes and markets by means of socio-economic transformations aimed at human resource quality development.

Strategic project objectives

Improvement of compliance between national education and training systems supply and labour markets demand, including providing of conditions for the population for learning throughout life by means of cooperation of education system and potential customers efforts for labour market researches and identification of correct needs.

Increase of young people employability, including through the qualification assessment system availability as the basis for labour mobility and increase of adaptability level to the fast changing socio-economic conditions.

Assistance in development of high-tech sectors of the national economics by means of liberalization of professional qualifications national systems, including reinforcement of trust factor of training results and transparent mechanisms of quality assurance, including qualifications assessment mechanisms.

Global recognition of methodologies and technologies of qualification assessment systems for investment breakthrough of high technologies, based on combination of the best global practices for development of new promising professions (qualifications), their assessment and validation.

Creation of conditions for development and effective use of scientific and technical, expert potential of the professional qualifications national systems participants.

7. Thematic indicators

The request of high-tech companies to qualifications and competences of specialists, involved in innovative activity, based on the new promising professions is determined.

The qualification and competence profiles of the high-tech companies specialists (qualification standard) are formed.

Educational programs for appropriate qualification profiles (units) are developed and tested.

Education and training of specialists according to the qualification profiles, including workspaces are conducted.

Training of the qualification assessment experts is conducted.

The developed qualifications are assessed by means of the qualification assessment procedures testing in the form of the candidate professional exam.

The methodological recommendations for development of the models and mechanisms of educational institutions and enterprises cooperation are prepared.

The functional information platform for qualifications system participants is made.

8. Projectspecificindicators

Numberofdevelopednewprofessional standard, taking into account the competence requirements to personnel, ___ PCs.

Newprofessionalstandardsaredeveloped, takingintoaccount the competence requirements to personnel, ___ PCs.

Numberofcandidates, passedthroughthequalification assessment within the framework of testing, ___ people.

Numberofexperts (forqualificationassessment, assessmenttools development), that were trained and confirmed training results.___people.

Numberofdevelopededucationalprograms, which meet the current request, ___ PCs.

Numberofdevelopedelectroniceducationalmodules, ___ PCs.

Numberofcreatedscientificproductionsites, ___PCs.

Not less than ___ universities and ___ companies representatives involved in the qualification assessment system.

9. Work plan/Activities


1ststep - 2018 year

Organizationalsubstep: formationofoperativeparts (interstateoperativeparts, expert groups, supervisory board etc.). Development and approval of the further cooperation conception, including principles, minutes and quality indicators, formation of general glossary, cooperation regulation. Formation of the first year schedule of project implementation activities, including description of the target groups.

Monitoring of labour markets and educational services of the pilot sector will be conducted at the 1st step, including identification of requirements (demands) of labour market for the new promising professions (qualifications), identification of the qualitative disproportions of the labour market and educational services demand and supply, forecast of the new perspective professions needs. The pilot sector of market will be determined by the membership of project participants.

Decomposition of the 1st step work plan is conducted as an example (see below).

Detection of the need for new professions qualifications:

Analysisof the current employment structure, demand and supply structure;

Identification of labour market demand and supply dynamics;

Identification of educational services demand and supply dynamics;

Forecast of the new professions (qualifications) demand in terms of technological directions.

Companies business-processes audit:

Formation of functional sector map, taking into account professions identification and description;

Identificationof the selection approaches and criteria for formation of professions catalogue;

Identification of structure of information about profession profile.

ApplicationofPSinthe area of personnel management:

Analysisof application of PS for selection and administration of personnel, determination of personnel functional;

Anaysisofapplicationof PS for work tariffing, determination of official salary, additional payments, bonuses and salary coefficients, stimulating payments calculation;

Application of PS in the area of education:

Analysisof compliance between approximate educational programs and PS;

Identificationof need and dynamics of actualization of professions, specialties, education directions;

Analysis of application of PS for quality examination of the professional educational programs and training programs;

Identificationof current and perspective need for educational programs (ETP).

Identification of the new PS development need:

Analysis of application of the current professional standards in the field of labour and education;

Analysisof the new PS need, taking into account technological trends;

Forecastof need for the new professional standards development, based on the regional labour market needs;

Analysis of application of the approved qualification in the field of labour;

Forecastof the new qualifications development in the field of labour;

Identificationof need for actualization of current PS.

Identificationof demand and supply structure for qualification assessment:

Operationof the comparative researches for implementation and approval of QA, taking into account know-how of Russian and foreign practice (using experience of not less than _____ countries):

Assessmentof the current and perspective target groups readiness (business, labour, education) for use of QA results;

IdentificationofQAdemand and supply dynamics;

Analysisof QA application for personnel examination;

QA need forecast.

AT Provision and quality:

Analysis of AT provision of qualifications;

Identification of AT development need;

Analysisof AT application for intermediate and final personnel examination in the educational institutions.

IQA procedures and results:

Analysis of the professional exams results;

Satisfaction analysis;

Analysis of professional paths of the examined nationals.

Quality of the experts, developers personnel potential:

Identification of provision by the necessary amount of experts and their qualification;

Complianceof competence of the experts, that take part in the qualification assessment procedures, to the qualifying standards;

Identificationofthe specific requirements to the QA experts;

Forecast of need for experts amount and qualifications.

Developmentofcommunication space:

Analysis of information exchange quality;

Analysis of needs for development of information exchange infrastructure.


Analysis of QA pricing policy.

Analysis of QAC formation starting position.

QA cost structure (employers, candidates, QAC).

QA profitability.

Forecast of QA economics development.

Development of QAC business-models, examination sites, taking into account network cooperation.

Sample volume of the business participants monitoring can include microenterprises, midsize and small business companies, start-ups and clusters representatives (employers association) as a single subject of qualification request, forimplementationofthe 1ststepofresearch. The initial list of research includes: enterprises of the high-tech segments of the economy real sector.

The sectoral focus and technological areas will be considered: instrument-making, shipbuilding, transport, chemistry and petrochemistry, industrial materials and electronics (optoelectronics), new materials and coatings (composite materials, fine chemistry), photonics and others.

Geographical focus:

Географическийфокус: partner countries of the Baltic sea.

The list can be updated and corrected in order to ensure the representativeness of the samples for each high-tech sector of the economy.

2ndstep – 2018-2019

Development and substantiation of the models, mechanisms and tools of labour market participants cooperation. Development of the professional standards, qualifications names and requirements, development and testing of assessment tools, development of methodology and technologies of the qualification assessment procedures testing, introduction of professional standards into the business processes of enterprises will be conducted on the basis of the coordinated list of promising professions and professional competencies. The educational institutions will develop educational programs, teaching materials, R&D.

The activities of this step can be decomposed if it is necessary:

Formation of the new promising professions list.

Development of professional standards.

Development of qualifications names and requirements.

Development and testing of assessment tools.

Development of the procedures technologies.

Formation of the technologies and assessment tools library.

Development of the educational programs and training of the qualification assessment experts.

Development of the main higher education training programs (Bachelor's degree, specialty, Master's degree).

Development of the complementary professional training programs (skills improvement programs, professional retraining)

R&D development.

Specialists training

Qualification assessment procedures testing.

The events of this step will be performed in the basis of discussions of the representatives’ experts in an amount of not less than ___ enterprises and educational institutions, other experts. Systematization and prioritization of the promising professions, which will develop professional standards, will be conducted upon the results. The basic professional competencies of specialists were marked in order to determine readiness levels for innovation-oriented activities. In addition to the general prioritized list of competencies, the individual lists of competencies for individual sectors, groups of companies, united by some objective characteristics, can be generated upon the results of the work at this step.

The qualification assessment procedures testing will be performed in the form of professional exam, based on the created qualifications and requirements, developed assessment tools of the QAC.

Within the framework of this step the forms of satisfaction of the companies` qualification request can be tested by means of educational system supply:

1)use of the formal tools of standardization, broadcasting workers (in the first place, professional standards) in the educational system and qualification assessment;

2)formation of the institutional structures of interaction, including consortiums, training and production clusters, scientific and production associations.