Prayer Requests

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16)

1.  Worship

·  Speakers, Worship Leaders, Singspiration Leaders, Ushers, and Chinese Choir.

2.  Outreach

·  Children’s fellowship every Saturday evening.

·  Pray for the evangelism training from 11/28 to 12/19.

·  Pray for the 12/26 Christmas evangelistic service.

·  Pray for establishing a collage fellowship to reach out to St. John’s University and the colleges in the community.

3.  Relationship

·  Health of Arthur Eng, Sister Yu, and Lee Sung Sin Lin.

·  Pray for Brother James Ying’ vision problem.

·  Pray for Sister Anna Zou’s chemotherapy.

·  Pray for next baptismal class.

·  Thank God for a new site for next year's memorial day weekend's church retreat. It will be at Montrose Bible Conference Center. The theme is Living for Jesus. Pray for our 2 speakers: Rev. David Kuo (Chinese) and Dr. David Eckman (English) and camp site.

4.  Discipleship

·  The children Sunday school & the need for more co-worker and teacher.

·  God will use the church website to reach the world for Christ.

·  God will use the prayer meeting to revive His church.

5.  Stewardship

·  Good relationship with the Korean Baptist Church.

Eng. / Chi. / English / Chinese
Worship / 28 / 75 / Stewardship / $ 150.00 / $ 703.00
Sunday School / ─ / 20 / Thanksgiving / $ 200.00 / $ 220.00
Children Worship / 6 / Building Fund / ─ / $ 350.00
Baby / 1
Evangelism / 22
Baptismal Class / 10
Children Choir / ─ / Total / $ 350.00 / $ 1,273.00

·  Pray for how to use the Barber shop space properly and wisely also pray for the roof repair.

Great Commission Bible Church

English Service

December 5th 2010 / #323

Vision statement of the church: To love God by obeying

all of Christ’s W.O.R.D.S in the power of the Holy Spirit

one choice at a time.

“This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3)

9:30 AM English Worship Service

11:30 AM Chinese Worship Service (Mandarin/Cantonese)

80-22 164th Street, Jamaica, NY 11432

(718) 380-0110

Church Website:

Church Email:

Pastor: Rev. Dean DeCastro

Worship Service
Prelude / Pianist
Praise & Worship / He Has Made Me Glad (#42)
Come and Sing Praises (#57)
Isn’t He? (#53) / Congregation
Prayer / Rev. Dean DeCastro
Written Word / 1 John1:1—10 / Paul Fung
Spoken Word / The Word of Life
1 John 1:1—10 / Mr. Joe Birgeles
Song of Response / Thy Word (#43) / Congregation
Offertory Prayer / Paul Fung
Doxology / Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost / Congregation
Benediction / Rev. Dean DeCastro
Amen / Silent Prayer / Congregation
Announcements / Paul Fung
Postlude / Pianist
This Sunday / Next Sunday
Singspiration / Winnie Szeto / Sophia Brooks
Worship Leader / Paul Fung / Stephen Giraldo
Pianist / Sabrina Su / Sabrina Su
Audio/Video / Henry Ye / Henry Ye
Usher / Nancy Huang / Jan Chen
Flowers / Christina Lee / Karl Lui
Cleaning / Group 4 (Rosa Wang) / Group 1 (Dr. Chow)
Communion / ── / Henry Ye、Henry Jia


1.  We welcome our first-time guests. Please fill out the connection card and drop it at the offering box in the back.

2.  We welcome and extend our thanks to our guest speaker Brother Joe Birgeles. May God richly bless his ministry.

3.  Let us continue praying for the deficits of our church’s building project. We need to raise $750,000 (including the renovation expenses of $150,000). Last week, we received $350.00 for the building fund (total $711,427.08). Please prayerfully consider your commitment to this project.

4.  The Church will be holding a Christmas Day evangelistic combined service on Sunday, Dec. 26th at 10:30am. Please reserve the time and bring friends and families to join us. We will also have lunch after the service. Please contact food coordinator Rita if you wish to bring food.

5.  Henry and Sharon Jia want to invite all the brothers and sisters to their house warming gathering this afternoon at 4:30pm. The address is 731 Carlisle Rd., Jericho, NY 11753 and the phone # is (212) 464-8264.

6.  In view of repairing of church roof and next year’s 11th summer conference, the church has setup a goal of raising $30,000 as the Year-End Thanksgiving Offering fund, starting now and through January 31st, 2011. Aside from the 2 church special events, this fund also includes supporting some of the local para-church and mission organizations. Please give generously over and above your regular tithes and offerings. To date, we have received $3,765.00.

The Word of Life

1 John 1:1—10

Mr. Joe Birgeles


1.  Faith Founded on Facts

2.  The Message

3.  Honesty