
Parent Involvement and Communication


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide guidance to educators on building partnerships with families within Stonnington Childcare Services.


Stonnington Childcare Services believes that the partnership between family and the service is important in assisting to provide high quality care and a truly meaningful program for each individual child. The service seeks parental involvement and opinion in regards to all aspects of the program and operation of services.


This policy applies to parents/guardians with children enrolled in the service and all educators within Childcare Services, including any agency relief educators engaged by the City of Stonnington.


Childcare Services Co-ordinator

Team Leaders


  1. Procedure
  • The relationship between home and the service begins at orientation. A great dealof information about the child and their parents/guardians is gained through the enrolment process; however educators working with the child will endeavour to enhance this information and understanding through their ongoing relationship with the family.
  • Stonnington Childcare Services acknowledges that effective and ongoing two way communication is achieved through mutual respect and understanding, educators will acknowledge parents/guardians requests regarding their child’s routines and needs.
  • Service practices will always be based upon what is developmentally appropriate and what is in the best interests of the child.
  • Educators will apply their training, qualifications and experience to strive to balance and prioritise the needs and attention of each individual child within the group.
  • Educators including relief educators who are new to the service are encouraged to introduce themselves to children and their parents/guardians upon arrival to support a welcoming environment.
  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to participate in the daily program. Involvement such as this should be discussed and planned for beforehand with the educators in the room/service e.g.;
  • Have lunch with the children
  • Read a story
  • Join in or lead a singing or music group
  • Talk to the children about their profession – nurse, fire-fighter, dentist, vet, etc.
  • Cultural celebrations
  • Attending excursions or incursions
  • Parents/guardians are welcome to visit the service at any time or call throughout the day to discuss their child’s day or any other issues or concerns they may have. (Unless court orders are in place prohibiting a parent/guardian from having access to the service or the child).
  • A daily exchange of information is necessary to provide adequate care both during the day at the service and then in the evening after childcare. This exchange of information may be in the form of:
  • Verbal exchange of information
  • Whiteboard (bottle, sleep information)
  • Daily diary booklet
  • Daily sheet to be completed by the parent/guardian on arrival and by educators throughout the day. This is mostly for information regarding child’s day and routines.
  • Other communication tools may include:
  • Noticeboards – for display of current program, daily routine, parent/guardian education, service news & events, names and photographs of educators, relieving educators and student info.
  • Fliers – for parents/guardians information.
  • Newsletters – will be distributed at least quarterly containing relevant information about Childcare Services and industry.
  • Parent/Educator meetings – these are arranged by request from the parents/guardians or the service to discuss the child’s care and/or development, the program or any other issues.
  • Childcare services will ensure that all parents/guardians are given the opportunity to provide feedback on the services with a satisfaction survey annually. Parents/guardians are able to provide feedback regarding the delivery of the service, information provided is used for future planning and quality improvement of the service.
  1. References

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

National Quality Standards

Version Control: 2 / Date Issued; 26 October 2011 / Date Reviewed: 22 February 2016

G:\Child Family Serv\Childcare\Policies & Procedures Manual\Policies and Procedures\CCS PP - Parent Involvement and Communication.doc