Apology (Zone 10) Chairman
Mrs M Pestell OAM (Zone 2) Mr G Hamer (Zone 3)
Mrs F Pennell (Zone 4) Mrs J Alston (Zone 5) Mrs M Tanti (Zone 6) Mr P Logue (Zone 7)
Mrs J Morgan (Zone 8) Mrs K Wood (Zone 9)
Ms A Davis (Zone 11) Apology (Zone 12)
Apology (Zone 13) Apology (Zone 14)
Apology (Zone 15) Mrs N Smith (Zone 16)
Apology (Zone 17) Mrs S Woodhouse (Zone 18)
Dr F Kelleher (Zone 19) Apology (Zone 20)
Not available (Zone 21) Mrs M Marsh (Zone 22)
Ms A Wunderlich (Zone 23) Mr P Petherbridge (Zone 24)
Mrs S Adams (Zone 25) Apology (Zone 26)
Mrs L McRae (Zone 27) Mrs E Caswell (Zone 28) Chair
Mrs D Cullen (State President) Apology (State Coach)
Mrs K Britton (Executive Officer)
Mrs E Caswell opened the meeting opened at 10.55am where it was noted that there were 16 voting members’ present and updated members on Mrs J Frankum’s recovery and asked that Ms Jane Frankum’s report be dealt with first so that she may return home. Permission granted for report to be moved forward.
iii) State Coaching Coordinators Report – Jane Frankum circulated and attached
Z34/16 That the State Coaching Coordinators report be accepted.
Moved: Mr P Petherbridge Seconded: Dr F Kelleher (carried)
Ms Jane Frankum said that it was very important for Zones to note that they could hold a State run Instructors School every year however they must hold one every second year (as per letters circulated) with the a ZCI run school to be held on the alternate year.
Discussion held that it was very important for all instructor to see what is required of them from a state perspective which is why the mandatory changes have been made. Ms J Morgan said that she thought that it was compulsory for all instructors Old System and NCAS to attend a state run instructor’s school in order to be re-accredited. Mrs K Britton said that only renewing (continuously held) Old System Instructors could renew under a ZCI run instructor school all NCAS and those Old System Instructor who would like to re-accredit need to attend State run schools.
Dr Fr Kelleher asked if we could look at including attendance at Regional School as part of the renewing process as instructors gained valuable skills and knowledge from watching these highly qualified instructors. Ms Jane Frankum said that updates to NCAS allowed points for attending other clinics and courses and we could investigate a similar system for Old System Instructors Certificates possibly attendance watching two days of a regional school could count as attendance of one day at an instructors school. Ms Jane Frankum to provide a summary for the next meeting.
Ms Jane Frankum reminded members present that the core business of pony club was to provide instruction to young riders not just to run competitions and we needed to be mindful that we don’t get too far away from that core business and encourage riders to complete their rider certificates and participate in horsemanship activities.
Ms N Smith asked if Ms Jane Frankum could provide a template for clubs to use for rally day instruction so that those with less experience had something to work from.
Ms Jane Frankum thanked the meeting and left at 11.20am
APOLOGIES: Mrs J Frankum (Zone 10), Ms K Slattery (Zone 12), Ms B Williamson (Zone 13), Ms K Taylor (Zone 14), Mr P Painter OAM (Zone 15), Mr A Morrall (Zone 17), Ms M Hodges (Zone 20), Mrs S Johnston (Zone 26).
Z35/16 That these apologies be accepted.
Moved: Mrs F Pennell Seconded: Mrs L McRae (carried)
2. MINUTES of Zone Chief Instructors Meeting held Monday 25 July 2016.
3. CONFIRMATION of the above Minutes.
Z36/16 That the Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 25 July 2016 as circulated be adopted as a true and accurate record of that Meeting.
Moved: Mrs N Smith Seconded: Dr F Kelleher (carried)
4. BUSINESS ARISING out of the above Minutes.
i) Chairman of Chief Instructors Committee –
Mrs E Caswell said that due to Mrs J Frankum’s ill health there wasn’t a written report.
ii) Advisory Committee Reports and Recommendations.
Recommendations from the Advisory Committee
Sporting, Campdraft & Team Sporting
Mrs E Caswell noted that there would be an Executive recommendation to the Council meeting that the fee for Sporting, Campdraft and Team Sporting be $45 per rider with the cattle levy for Campdraft and Team Sporting to be included in this fee.
For Sporting remove the Running T and replace with the Key Hole Race.
Z37/16 That the Running T be removed from Sporting and replaced by the Key Hole Race.
Flag Race, Barrel Race, Diamond Flag, Key Hole Race, Bending Race, Bonfield Bounce Bend, Three Mug Race.
Moved: Mrs S Adams Seconded: Mr P Petherbridge (carried)
Z38/16 That for Sporting – the qualifying times for all riders under 13 be as follows:
Barrel Race 23 seconds
Bending Race 14 seconds
Flag Race 49 seconds
Bonfield Bounce 37 seconds
All other ages remain the same.
Moved: Mrs S Adams Seconded: Mrs J Alston (carried)
Mr P Logue noted that an update needed to be made to the Campdraft section of the handbook to clarify that the judge’s score was what was used for Inter State and Zone Awards rather than the riders position – Mrs K Britton to update.
Team Penning
Mrs E Caswell asked Ms F Pennell to explain how the scoring would be conducted for Team Penning, Ms F Pennell noted that the ultimate goal of Team Penning was to pen all three cattle therefore teams who have penned all three cattle take priority over the fastest time. Details would be provided in the Team Penning rules and added to the website as well as circulated to the judge.
Single Section teams would again be accepted for 2017 and Dr F Kelleher to provide contacts from Polocrosse NSW to follow up on Area Instruction days for riders.
Mrs E Caswell reminded Zone Chief Instructors to access the suitability of riders for the Bareback class noting the high number of falls at the last championship in this class.
Z39/16 Showriding – take out the Working Hunter for 2017 and replace with Pony Club Mount (with snaffle bit optional noseband) may use a whip or spurs. Routine to be circulated in schedule.
Moved: Ms F Pennell Seconded: Mrs S Adams (carried)
Z40/16 Showriding – That the heights for the Working Hunter class be broken into three heights Ponies 30cms, Galloways 45cms and Hacks 60cms. Heights should not exceed 60cms with riders to supply a Showjumping grading card to enter.
Moved: Ms J Morgan Seconded: Mrs S Adams (carried)
Mr P Petherbridge advised that a recommendation had been made by the Executive to Council in regard to the pass mark for an EA Showjumping judge was only 85% not the previously stated 95% and that EA judges only needed to complete 1 two day course and pencil four times for a Level 2 EA Judge whereas pony club said two, two day courses. Mr P Petherbridge recommended that we amend our rules to bring it more in line with EA but suggest pencilling for a Level 1 EA judge so that there were more judges available.
Mrs E Caswell advised that optimum time for E Grade needed to be amended so that it read the same as the other grades in the handbook, Mrs K Britton to action.
Z41/16 Showjumping – include another grade in each age group as follows:
Under 13 – B, C, D
13 – under 15 – A, B, C
15 – under 17 – A, B, C
17 – under 25 – A, B, C riders may be balloted if numbers too high in lower grades
Ribbons will be provided for the lower grades only.
Moved: Mrs N Smith Seconded: Mr P Petherbridge (carried)
Mrs E Caswell noted that the maximum starting height for the first class of a competition cannot exceed the maximum starting height of any grade. Mrs N Smith recommended that the wording for a suitable motion be held over until the next meeting.
Mrs E Caswell advised that the tests for 2017 Dressage championship be the same as 2016 with the inclusion of an optional Freestyle Dressage test, information to be provided on the rules for a Freestyle Dressage test (EA Section 6 of Dressage rules), this test will not count towards the overall champion and ribbons only to be provided. It should also be noted that riders may be balloted depending on numbers.
Z42/16 That an optional Freestyle Dressage test be offered broken into three age groups of Under 13’s, Under 17’s and Under 25’s as optional only ribbons to be given with no points to the age champions, Freestyle rules will need to be circulated as soon as possible and limits may need to be applied depending on the numbers received.
Moved: Mrs K Wood Seconded: Mrs J Alston (carried)
Jumping Equitation
Z43/16 All riders who use illegal bit will be illuminated
Moved: Mrs E Caswell Seconded: Mrs M Pestell (carried)
Mrs E Caswell said that the Bit Dictionary would be linked to the online version of the schedule and included in the Handbook Section on the website.
Mrs E Caswell said that when cars were used for Judges at the Championship the area surrounding these cars would be bunted off so that riders were aware of where the judges were.
Mounted Games and Team Sporting
The games for Mounted Games to remain the same for 2017 as 2016 and would be as follows:
Balloon Bursting Race Old Sock Race
Hurdle Race Five Flag Race
Postman Chase Rope Race
Sword Race Pyramid
Stepping Stones Tack Shop Race
For Team Sporting:
Z44/16 That one (1) Associate rider per Zone Junior Team be allowed.
Moved: Dr F Kelleher Seconded: Mr P Petherbridge (carried)
One Day Event and Combined Training
Z45/16 Combined Training – include an extra grade for Combined Training as below with ribbons only to be provided for the lower grade to 5th place:
Novice Advanced
Under 11 1.1 test, 65cms 1.2 test, 75cms
11-under 13 1.2 test, 75cms 1.3 test, 80cms
13 – under 15 1.3 test, 80cms 2.1 test, 85cms
15 – under 17 2.1 test, 85cms 2.2 test, 90cms
17 to under 25 2.2 test, 90cms 2.3 test, 105cms
Moved: Mrs N Smith Seconded: Mrs S Woodhouse (carried)
These recommendations to be taken to the Council meeting
ix) Other reports –
Meeting suspended for lunch at 12.50pm resumed at 1.30pm
Z46/16 Ratification of the following Zone Chief Instructors
Zone 3 Mr Gary Hamer
Moved: Mrs S Adams Seconded: Mrs S Woodhouse (carried)
Z46/15 That Bettina Lattwell be accepted to the Paid Instructors Panel.
Moved: Mrs A Wunderlich Seconded: Mr P Petherbridge (carried)
Dr D Kelleher requested that Ms Jane Frankum draft a statement to go to all new instructors for the panel to confirm best practice for instruction at pony club.
Mrs N Smith flagged that Danae O’Keefe had nominated for the panel Danae was a PCAQ member and A Certificate examiner who will be a benefit to the panel. Mrs N Smith suggested that we might look at using her to examiner the A Certificate riders at State Camp if it could be organised.
Mrs E Caswell said that all riders wishing to be examined needed to supply EOI forms and their workbooks by the 12th December 2016 so that they can be looked at by Ms Jane Frankum with the view to completing assessments on the 13th January 2017. Mrs K Britton to liaise with Ms Jane Frankum and riders.
· Work Health and Safety – Mrs K Britton noted that the WH&S act was currently under review however much of the review process focused on the building industry. The draft Code of Practice has been circulated and comment provided by the office with no date yet as to when it will be implemented.
Mrs K Britton reminded everyone to follow up with their clubs to send in their Safety Checklists for 2017 and all accident reports.
1. S Johnston - acceptance of position on Polocrosse Advisory – letter read and discussion held that due to Mrs S Johnston being unavailable for meetings due to her work commitments the position would remain vacant.
2. SafeWork NSW re review of WHS Act – as per agenda items.
3. PCA National Coaching Committee – feedback requested on Quiz, Tetrathlon rules – circulated via email the ZCI Committee to provide feedback by the 10/12/16 to the office so that it can be sent to PCA.
4. PCA National Coaching Committee – NCAS Level 2 draft frame work feedback request – circulated via email – as per item 4
5. PCA National Coaching Committee – suggested amendments to Tetrathlon rules – as per item 4, Mrs A Wunderlich said that her zone had purchased laser pistols for practice and that she would provide a link to the website for other zones to review.
6. EA Helmet regulations update – new helmet standards advised noting that the Executive have a recommendation to go to Council that these be added to the approved helmets list.
· Mrs N Smith said that she was concerned the many riders would have very little performance for updates forms for the Nationals as many rally days and competitions have had to be cancelled due to bad weather, Mrs D Cullen said that this would be taken into account when final selections were completed.