
Prof. Dr. Anis Ahmad Curriculum Vitae

Present Position Prof. Ahmad is Vice Chancellor of Riphah International University Islamabad. And Meritorious Professor of Comparative Religion.

He is also Editor-in-Chief of West and Islam, an Academic journal/Published for Islamabad.

He carries a Ph.D. in Comparative Religion and Islamics from Temple University, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Academic Position Vice President, International Islamic University, Islamabad.


► Founder Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad.

► Dean, Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, International Islamic University, Malaysia

► Founder Dean, Faculty of Islamic Learning (Usuluddin), International Islamic

University, Islamabad.

► Founder Director General of the Da’wah Academy of International Islamic University, Islamabad.

► President, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, U.S.A

Taught as regular or

Visiting faculty at:

The Appalachian State University, North Carolina, U.S.A.

The Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

International Islamic University, Malaysia

. Lanzho University, China

International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

The Karachi University, Karachi, Pak

National Defense College, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Foreign Service Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan

Federal Judicial Academy, Islamabad.

National Institutes of Public Administration, Pakistan.

Staff Colleges.

Shari’ah Academy of the IIU, Islamabad and other academic institutions.

Members hip in

Professional Association of Muslim Social Scientists (A.MS.S.), U.S.A


American Academy of Religion.

Special Awards University Fellow (1969-1971), Temple University, Philadelphia.

Published works Most recent works include:

1.  Family in Pakistan: Challenges and prospects” in Dr Umar caha, Ed..Gunumuzde

Aile Istanbul, 2007.P191-213.

2. Fundamentalsim, Extremisim and Isalm”in Critariom, vol2.(july-sept

2007), number 3.P 89-105.

3. ’Iran and Future of Peace in the Reign’’ The West and Islam vol xi, no 1-2

Islamabad, July 2007.

4.  Women and Social Justice: An Islamic Paradigm, Islamabad (Pakistan), Institute

Of Policy Studies.

5.  Kaden Ve Sosyal Adalet, Beyan Yayinlari, Istanbul (Turkey).

6.  Al-nisa al-Muslim at wa al-ta’lim al-ali, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, (Arabic).

7.  Muslim Women and Higher Education, Islamabad (Pakistan), Institute of Policy studies,

8.  Islamic Da’wah Programmes and Prospect, Monograph, Islamabad (Pakistan), International Islamic University.

9.  Islah-i-Mu’ashrah: Some Ideas For Islamic Social Reform, Monograph, Islamabad (Pakistan), International Islamic University.

10.  Mashahir-I-Islam, Karachi, Jamiat al-Falah, Tr. Ed.(Urdu).

Articles contributed ► Encyclopedia of Islam, Istanbul, Turkey.


► The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Muslim World, N.Y., USA

► The Muslim World Book Review, Leicester, UK.

► The Policy Perspective, Islamabad.Pk.

Titles of some of 1. “Ramadan”, the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World New

The published York, 1995, Vol. 3.


2. “Sayyed Abul A’la Mawdudi: Life and works”, Encyclopedia of Islam,

Istanbul, Turkey.

3. “Shibli Nu’mani: life and Works,”Encyclopedia of Islam ,Istanbul, Turkey.

4 “Family in Pakistan”, Worldwide State of Family, ed. Gordon L. Anderson,

St. Paul. Minnesota, PWPA, 1995.

5  “Cultural Clash in a New Context”, West and Islam (Quarterly Urdu), Institute of Policy studies (IPS),Islamabad,NO.19,Vol.5,issue 4,October-Desember 2001.

6  “Islam and Muslims from an American Perspective”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad No. 18, Vol. 5, Issue 3, July-September 2001.

7  “Muslims Countries, Democratic Traditions and Islam”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad No. 17. Vol., Issue 2, April-June 2001.

8  “A Clash of Civilizations or a Dialogue”, West and Islam IPS, Islamabad No. 16, Vol. 5, Issue 1, January-March 2001.

9  “A Century of Islamic Revivalist Movements”, West and Islam IPS, Islamabad No. 13, Vol. 4, Issue 2, April-June 2001.

10  “West and Islam: The changing Perspectives”, West and Islam IPS, Vol. 3, Issue 4, October-December 1999.

11  “Secularism, Fundamentalism and Development”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad, Vol. 3, Issue 3, July September 1999.

12  “Modern Movements for Revival and Ijtehad”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 9, Vol. 3, Issue 2, April-June 1999.

13  “Modernism, Reform and Revival II’, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 8, January-March 1999.

14  “Modernism, Reform and Revival II’, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 7, October-December 1998.

15  “The Muslim Minorities Problems and Prospects”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 6, July-September 1998.

16  “Intellectual and Cultural Colonialism”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 5, April-June 1998.

17  “Islam and Liberation of Women”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 4, January-March 1998.

18  “West and its Political Apprehensions”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 3, October-December 1997.

19  “Fundamentalism: An Analysis”, West and Islam, IPS, Islamabad. No. 2, July-September 1997.

20  “Political Economy: An Islamic Paradigm”, proceedings in 2nd International Business Forum, Istanbul (Turkey). Nov 96, P1-25.

21  “Islamic Philosophy of Education”, proceedings in COMMECS, Karachi (Pakistan) May 1996.

22  “Islamic Movements as Agents of Social change: Framework for Analysis”, proceedings in International Conference on Islam & Change, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). 1996, P 1-27.

23  “Islamization of Laws and Economy: Case Studies on Pakistan”, introduction at Seminar at institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad (Pakistan). 1996, P11-31.

24  “Use of Technology for Training of Da’wah”, proceedings in International Conference on Role of University in Da’wah, Al-Azhar University Cairo (Egypt). April1987

25  “Towards a Long-Term Strategy for Islamic Education”, proceedings in Regional Islamic Education Seminar, PERKIM, Kuala Lumpur. Nov1986.

26  “Pakistan”, Political Handbook of the World, ed. Arthur S. Banks, New York (McGraw-Hill Book Co.).1979.

27  “Opinion Formation in Islam”, proceedings in The Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Gray, Indiana. May 1974.

28  “Islam and the Oppressed Sex”, al-lttihad (Quarterly journal of Islamic Studies), Plainfield, Indiana. Vol.15, No. 1.

29  “The Miracle called Qur’an at the Mercy of Charlatans“, al-lttihad, Plainfield, Indiana. Vol. 15, No. 1.

30  “Introducing the Qur’an”, The Voice of Islam, Karachi (Pakistan). June 1968.

31  “Personal Liberty In Islam”, paper read at the Fourth All-Pakistan Political Science Conference and published in Proceedings of All-Pakistan Political Science Society. Reproduced by the Al-Muarif (Journal of the Institute of Islamic Culture), Lahore. June 1968.

32  “The Concept of Man in the Qur’an”, paper read at the All-Pakistan Philosophical Congress in May, 1966. Published in Fikro-Nazar (Journal of the Central Institute of Islamic Research), Rawalpindi (Pakistan). September 1966.

33  “Educational Thought of Ibn-e-Khaldun”, paper read at the Sixteenth All-Pakistan History Conference at Karachi in 1958, published in the Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, Karachi (Pakistan). Vol. XVI, Parts II & III, 1958.

Participation in Keynote addresses and talks delivered in International conferences, Seminars and

International Workshops in: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Guyana, Hungary, Iran, Japan, Malaysia,

Conferences Mauritius, Nepal, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey,

Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the USA among


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