POSC 215Part V

Kesselman, pgs. 668-671, C:CP27-15


True or False Questions

1. The decentralization of power that has accompanied economic reform has givenprovincial and local governments a lot more clout in the policy process in China. True or False

2. In spite of the economic reforms in China, institutions such as nonparty experts, the media, outside the party apparatus continue to exhibit little to no-voice in the policy making process. True or False

3. Because the PRC is a unitary system, subnational levels of government have little policy-making autonomy. True or False

4. The decentralization of power that has accompanied economic reform has givenprovincial and local governments a lot more clout in the policy process in China. True or False

5. As China has moved in the direction of a capitalist, free market economy, it no longer proclaims it is following communist ideology and its goal is to create a socialist China. True or False

6. In the CCP’s view this is superior to democracy in capitalist countries where wealthy individuals and corporations dominate politics and policy-making despite multiparty politics. True or False

7. On paper, the National People’s Congress is assigned a significant amount of powers, but the fact remains that such powers can only be implemented with the permission of the Communist Party. True or False

8. The chair of the National People’s Congress does not have to be a member of the CCP. True or False

9. Deputies of the National People's Congress are full-time legislators, planning and directing the agenda when they meet. True or False

10. The NPC never deals with sensitive political issues with the CCP monitoring the election process to assure that only acceptable members are allowed into that body.True or False

11. On a positive note, the media is now being allowed to cover the legislative process in China and print editorial opinions on the issues. True or False

12. In spite of the fact that China has adopted a free-market economy, it still refuses to allow private business owners and entrepreneurs to join the CCP. True or False

13. In the two most powerful political institutions in China, the 25 member Politburo and the 7 member Standing Committee, there are 11 women representing close to 35 percent. True or False

14. Even though many Chinese believe that communist ideology is irrelevant to their lives and the nation’s future, being a Communist party member remains a prerequisite for advancement in many careers, particularly in government. True or False

15. New political parties are allowed to form in communist China by simply registering with the proper authorities. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Though still highly centralized, the following refers to China’s policy-making system as: a) a simple top-down decision-making structure, b) fragmented authoritarianism, c) a pluralistic model, d) horizontally formulated.

2. China's political system is officially referred to as: a) party democracy, b) Communist democracy, c) socialist democracy, d) centralized democracy.

3. The constitution of China grants the following the power to enact and amend the country's laws, approve and monitor the state budget, and declare and end war: a) the central committee, b) the Politburo, c) the Chinese Communist Party, d) the National People's Congress.

4.Who makes up the largest contingent of deputies in the National People’s Congress? a) workers and farmers, b) intellectuals and professionals, c) members of the CCP, d) military.

5. About how many members currently comprise the Chinese Communist Party out of a population of 1.3 billion people? a) 25.7 million, b) 36.2 million, c) 54.3 million, d) 86.7 million.

6. What percent of CCP membership is comprised of women? a) 10.2%, b) 13.7%, c) 16.2%, d) 23.8%.

7. What is the primary function of the non-communist parties of China? a) to offer an alternative to communist rule, b) to challenge policies that are detrimental to their constituents, c) provide advice on non-political matters and generate support for the CCP’s policies, d) to build a strong opposition base for a future truly democratic system in China.

8. How many non-Communist political parties are allowed to exist in China today? a) 5, b) 8, c) 13, d) 16.

9. What happened to a group of former Tiananmen square protesters that tried to form and register a new China Democratic Party in 1998? a) their party was legally acknowledged and allowed to organize and quickly added a large membership, b) they attempted to form a party that the people of China ignored and it quickly died, c) they were arrested, forced into exile, and the party banned, d) the party was allowed to function legally and became popular in some of the major cities only with a small constituency.

Fill-in Questions

1. The fragmented authoritarian model sees many other sources of influence in the policy-making process in Communist China which include:

a) This model sees policy as ______not only from commands from above,

b) but also as a complex interplay of ______, conflict, and bargaining among political actors at ______levels of the system.

c) The focus on ______development has also led to the growing influence of ______experts, the media, and non-governmental organizations within the policy- making loop.

2. What are some of the powers of the National People's Congress?

a) It has the power to electand recall the ______and the ______of the PRC,

b) the ______of the Central Military Commission,

c) the head of China's ______,

d) the Procurator ______,

e) and has final approval over the selection of the premier and members of the


3. The National People’s Congress:

a) is a ______legislature with nearly _____ members (called “deputies”)

b) who meet only for about ____ weeks every March.


True or False Questions

1. True

3. True

5. False

7. True

9. False

11. False

13. False

15. False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. b

3. d

5. d

7. c

9. c

Fill-in Questions

1. a) evolving, b) cooperation, various, c) economic, nonparty

3. a) unicameral, 3000, b) two
