Pinecrest News

Visitus at

The Pinecrest Board

Currently only two people serve on the Pinecrest Board. The boardcould use the help of homeowners that would be willing to give some of their time to serve on the board. The board meets four times a year. Generally, we meet once every three months. Please consider joining the board.

Inspection Letters

An inspection was performed early this summer by TWC and violation notices were sent to the homeowners. If you have any questions regarding the violation, please contact TWC at 703) 437-5800.

Volunteers Needed

At one time Pinecrest had block representatives that worked with the board. Everyone wants their individual block to look the best.

We need people that would be willing to work on a landscape / plant committee. It would give you a larger voice in what happens in the community. If you would consider volunteering for the a plant / landscape committee, or to help get a design committee started please call TWC and give your name to Kim Hendon. We do have someone in the community that would be willing to assist on a committee that would help in beautifying each block.. Kim will put you in touch with that person.

We also need a people that would be willing to sit down and review the design standards. It needs to be updated. If you would be willing to volunteer some time to review and update Pinecrest’s standards ( I believe ROA would help) this would be a huge help. Again, please call Kim Hendon at TWC so we can get this going.

SouthgateCommunity Center

SouthgateCommunity Center is open and has many activities to offer for both youths and adults.

Some of the current on going activities include after-school activities for youths as well as a game room and indoor basketball court for all ages free of charge.

Last year they had classes for people that needed to learn English. They may still be holding classes for this purpose. Give them a call to find out what the SouthgateCommunity Center offers.

SouthgateCommunity Center is located at 12125 Pinecrest Rd. The phone number is 703-860-0676, TTY 711 or you can visit their website at:

Trash Pickup

Regular trash pick-ups for household trash and recycling are included in your homeowners fees.However, bulk items and construction materials are not included. For such items it is the homeowners’ responsibility to contact AAA Recycling to arrangement for their removal. Please call AAA Recycling at (703) 818-8222.

Trash pick-up is Mondays and Thursdays – only. You are required to use trash cans for pick-up, not plastic bags on the curb! Please place trash on the curb after 6 p.m. the night before and return the trash can behind your house (or fence) by Monday or Thursday evening. Proper trash storage can help keep our community clean while preventing rodents and pests from finding an easy food source. Violation of these rules can result in a fine up to $50. If you would like to file a complaint against any resident who violates this rule, please complete a violation form and submit to TWC. The form is also located online on the Pinecrest cluster website.

Noise Complaints

Please note that between the hours of 10 PM and 7 AM residents and guests shall keep noise levels low so that their neighbors are not disturbed. However, the noise ordinance is in effect at ALL TIMES. If you wish to report the complaint, you can contact Fairfax County Police (non-emergency) line at (703) 691- 2131.

Home Improvement Reminders

Remember to check with Reston Association [RA] when making improvements to the outside of your home. Certain doors, windows, and colors may not be approved. To avoid violations and possible costly corrections, contact Reston Association Covenants Department.Responsibility for our cluster is now with Mike Walsh.His direct telephone number is 703-435-6578, his email is you have other suggestions for changes, contact a BOD member.

Leash Laws

It is a FairfaxCounty ordinance that all dogs be on a leash, cord or chain when off the owners’ property. If anyone observes an unrestricted dog, whether it is aggressive or not; they should call the police non-emergency number 703-691-2131, an animal control officer or police officer will be dispatched to the scene.

Playground Hours of Operation

The five playgrounds and one tot lot located around Pinecrest are paid for and maintained by you: the residents. The costs to remove trash and graffiti have been a significant burden on you: the resident. To help protect these resources and to better ensure public safety, all playgrounds are closed at 8 p.m. The police will be called for anyoneresident or notwho trespasses. Residents are requested to call the police, who do not ask for personal information, if you see anyone in the playgrounds at night. The police non-emergency phone number is: (703) 691-2131. You are also requested to contact the police to report any suspicious activity.

Reston Factoid

Reston has over 1,350 acres of open space.


1. Trash Pickup days are Mondays and Thursdays. Recycling pickup is Thursday only.

2. Please Remember That Noise Rules Are In Effect From 10:00 PM Until 7:00 AM Every Day.

3. Please keep our community beautiful. Do not leave trash on the side of the road and make sure that your children do not leave trash such as popsicle sticks and candy wrappers outside.

4. Please keep your dog on a leash and Clean Up After Your Dog.

5. Do not park large commercial vehicles and commercial vans in the parking lot.

6. Please do not work on vehicles in the parking lot. It is against environmental laws to change your car’s oil.

Pinecrest Board of Directors


Vice President…Neil Guttler (703) 476-6897

Vice President…DaveBarker()

Treasurer…….… We need you

Secretary…….… We need you

Important Phone Numbers

TWC, Kim Hendon……………….….(703) 437-5800

AAA Recycling……………………....(703) 818-8222

Battlefield Towing………………..….(703) 709-7723


(Non-emergency)………...(703) 691-2131

Visitus at