Fall, 20___

Dept. # Course Name

______/ Spring, 20___
Dept. # Course Name
Summer, 20___
______/ Summer, 20___
Fall, 20___
______/ Spring, 20___
Summer, 20___
______/ Summer, 20___
Fall, 20___
______/ Spring, 20___
Summer, 20___
______/ Summer, 20___
Fall, 20___
______/ Spring, 20___
Summer, 20___
______/ Summer, 20___

Have you checked to be sure that

  • Courses are offered in the semester for which you have listed them?
  • You will have satisfied the prerequisites for each course?
  • You will have the appropriate class standing for each course?
  • You will have completed all G.E. requirements?
  • You will have completed all Major requirements?
  • You will have satisfied requirements for unit count, residency, etc?
  • Received written approval from the Registrar for transfer or off-campus programs courses to satisfy G.E. requirements?
  • Received written approval from the Dept. Chair for transfer or off-campus programs courses to satisfy Major requirements?

Psychology Major Suggestions:

  • Read your catalog – be familiar with the Major program
  • Take General Psychology (PSY 001) during freshman year
  • Take Statistics (MA 005) during freshman year
  • Take Experimental Psychology (PSY 013) during Fall of sophomore year
  • Choose your lab and lecture courses with a view toward your Senior capstone project (Research or Practicum)

Not-too-unusual problems:

  • Taking PSY 013 too late (should be taken Fall of sophomore year)
  • Assuming Westmont in San Francisco will satisfy Practicum requirement (4 units of the WISF internship may be used as upper division elective units in the major, but not as Senior Captstone Practicum)
  • Failing to notice that many classes are only offered 1 semester each year (planning to take a course with prerequisites may require planning a year or more in advance, especially if you are going on an off-campus program)
  • Counting units incorrectly (many courses taken elsewhere transfer in with fewer units than the equivalent Westmont course; even though the course requirement may be met by transfer, you are still responsible for the correct number of units to fulfill graduation and major unit requirements)