The PB* Weekly Update

The PB* Weekly Update

The Pawelski/Klutterman Weekly Update #1: Friday, December 6, 2013

Conversation starters for you and your child!

News and Notices:
  • We told Mr. Klutterman a “See you later!” this week. The students showed their appreciation by showering him with cards, food, and high fives! (It has been great getting to know each one of the students in here over the past three months. You have taught me a lot and hopefully I was able to teach the kids a few things as well. I am sure I will be back to Emerson to see everybody sooner rather than later.-Mr. Klutterman)
  • Ropes Course was our very successful first field trip. The students climbed their hearts out if they desired.
  • Spelling Bee try-outs begin next week. Five students and one alternate will be selected in each 4th or 5th grade classroom. Your student brought home information for the Spelling Bee on Wednesday, Dec. 4th. We had a fun practice try-out this week.
  • CCSS (Common Core State Standards) are important to our school and every school in the nation. It means we all need to work harder together to make sure our children are performing at their very best. Magnets with the standards for fourth grade are attached to this newsletter. On the back of it are suggestions for how to use the magnet at home. Please let Mrs. Pawelski know if you have any comments/questions. Thanks!

  • Blue folders continued to come in daily for most students. Only 9 students had their planners signed and filled out this week (out of 26 students.) Please help your student organize their work. Remember, your student should be showing you his or her planner every Monday-Thursday, filled out, for you to sign it once he or she shows you homework.

  • We are learning about probability. We learned the vocabulary and simulated a digital coin flip.
Social Studies/Science:
  • Science began today for the first time since testing concluded. We are continuing to study magnetism and electricity.

  • The field trip took the place of shared reading and our writing time this week, with the exception of making cards for Mr. Klutterman, Torin’s birthday book, and thank you cards to the East High students for their assistance on the ropes.

Peace, Lara Pawelski (Mrs. P)Email: Lara’s cell for calls or texts: 575-1012

MMSD Magnets Attract Attention to Common Core State Standards…

The Common Core State Standards indicate what kids need to know in grades kindergarten through 12th grade. Teachers use the standards to help plan for just-right teaching. Please find enclosed with this week’s newsletter a magnet and a quick reference for reading and writing standards in our grade. Many parents, guardians, and caregivers have asked about these standards. For more information on the Common Core State Standards, visit This site offers good information to help you support your son/daughter’s learning at home. Here's how a quick glance at your refrigerator magnet can help you boost your child's learning:

  • You are preparing dinner. Your son bursts into the kitchen to express his excitement about an upcoming birthday party.
  • Posted on your refrigerator is an at-a-glance list of your son's grade-level standards in Language Arts, held in place by a magnet that reads, Get More from the Common Core.
  • The list reminds you to use your child's excitement to fuel a learning opportunity. For example, in first grade, children will learn to retell stories, using details, and be able to answer questions based on what they have read.
  • So while you are chopping vegetables you ask, "Does the invitation say where the party will be?" or "What kind of party is it? Does the invitation say you should bring anything?"
  • Your child rereads the invitation, summarizes the facts he has read, and even makes a few inferences!

By understanding what is expected in the Common Core State Standards, an everyday conversation with your child can become a simple, yet powerful way to support your child's learning!