17th and 24th December 2017

The Parish of Bushey is a Registered Charity, number 1130540 - www.busheyparish.org

Who’s Who… Ministry Team

Rector: Vacant

Revd. Dave Poultney (Associate Vicar, with responsibility for Holy Trinity) 01923 805061

Revd. Mary Kingsley (Assistant Priest, with responsibility for St. Paul's) 01923 771172

Revd. Anne Underwood, Revd. Verity Harvey, Rob Whitethread, Joe Palfreyman and Harry Gibbins are all contactable via the Parish Office

Parish Wardens: Ann White & Catherine Brant

Parish Office 020 8421 8192

Sinead English Parish Finance Officer


SJ = St James’s Church HT = Holy Trinity Church

SP = St Paul’s Church CH = Church House

Sunday 17th December – Third Sunday of Advent

0800 Eucharist with Prayer for Healing (SJ)

0930 Sung Eucharist (SJ)

1030 All Together Service with Holy Communion (HT)

1115 Sung Eucharist (SP)

1600 Christingle Service (SJ)

1600 Carols on the Green, North Bushey

Monday 18th December

0900 Morning Prayer (SJ)

1000-1100 Bushey Manor Rehearsal (SJ)

1330-1445 Bushey Manor Carol Service (SJ)

1500 Youth@SP (SP)

1830 Holy Half Hour (SJ)

Tuesday 19th December

1030 Falconer School Carol Service (SJ)

Wednesday 20th December

1000 Coffee, Cake, & Chat (SP)

1230 Eucharist (SP)

Thursday 21st December

0900 Morning Prayer (SJ)

1100 Eucharist (SJ)

1200 Bible Study (SJ)

1930 Bell Ringing Practice (SJ)

Friday 22nd December

Saturday 23rd December

1100 Coffee and Cake (CH)

1200 Leisurely Light Lunches (CH).

1830 Service of Nine Lessons and Carols (SJ)

Sunday 24th December – Fourth Sunday of Advent

0800 Eucharist, (SJ)

0930 Sung Eucharist (SJ)

1030 All Together Service with Holy Communion (HT)

1115 Sung Eucharist (SP)

1400 Crib Service (HT)

1500 Crib Service (SJ)

1630 Crib Service (SJ)

1800 Crib Service (SP)

2330 Midnight Mass (SJ)

Monday 25th December – CHRISTMAS DAY

1000 Parish Family Eucharist with Bishop Michael (SJ)

Tuesday 26th December – Stephen, Martyr

1000-1600 Church open to remember

George Michael RIP (SJ)

Wednesday 27th December – John, Apostle and Evangelist

1000 Coffee, Cake, & Chat (SP)

1230 Eucharist (SP)

Thursday 28th December – The Holy Innocents

0900 Morning Prayer (SJ)

1100 Eucharist (SJ)

1930 Bell Ringing Practice (SJ)

Friday 29th December Thomas Becket, Martyr

Saturday 30th December

1100 Coffee and Cake (CH)

1200 Leisurely Light Lunches (CH).

Sunday 31st December – First Sunday of Christmas

0800 Eucharist (SJ)

0930 Sung Eucharist (SJ)

1115 Sung Eucharist, joint with HT (SP)

2000-0100 New Year’s Eve Dinner/Dance (CH)


CHRISTMAS DAY FAMILY EUCHARIST: We are delighted to welcome Bishop Michael to St James’s to celebrate our Christmas Day Parish Family Eucharist. Do bring any family or friends you may have visiting for Christmas. All welcome. Please note that this is the only service in the parish on Christmas Day and will take place at 10am.

SAM FRAMPTON: We are also welcoming Sam who will be helping us with our Christmas Crib services and Midnight Mass. Welcome back Sam!

PARISH OFFICER ADMINISTRATOR: We are looking to recruit to this post for the duration of the vacancy. Hours are for a minimum of 10 hours per week @ £10ph. If you are interested or require further information, please email

CHRISTMAS COLLECTIONS: The collection from our Christingle service will as usual be donated to the Children’s Society. The collections from the rest of our Christmas Services, will support our work with vulnerable young people in Bushey. By completing a gift aid envelope for your donation, we can claim an extra 25% on the amount you give.

You can also donate online by going to: https://goo.gl/3dBajr Thank you for your generosity in supporting our vulnerable young people.

THE PARISH MAGAZINE is looking for a volunteer to help it maintain and develop its good relations with existing and potential local advertisers. Duties are mainly as a point of contact and liaison. No financial paperwork involved, but some familiarity with Bushey’s businesses (if only as a customer) would be an asset. If you are interested, please drop an email to

LIGHTHOUSE NEW ARRANGEMENTS: (St James's Sunday school). This will now take place once a month (usually third Sunday) to complement our first Sunday All Age Eucharist services. Children are, of course, welcome at all services!

NEW YEARS EVE: Church House @8pm to 1am Come and celebrate New Year with a five course Dinner (and possibly some dancing). Bucks Fizz on arrival. There will also be a between courses seasonal quiz. Festive fizz or wee dram at midnight. Cash bar for wine. Lifts can be arranged for those without transport.

Tickets £20per person (to include soft drinks) from Ingrid Harris, Felicity Cox or Gill Onslow,

THE RECTORY: The Diocese have now let the Rectory to a tenant. This means that we can no longer park there. Please respect this and the tenant’s privacy,

GEORGE MICHAEL RIP: Christmas Day marks the first anniversary of the passing of George Michael. To mark the anniversary, St James’s church will be open on 26th December, from 10am to 4pm. All are welcome to come and light a candle, listen to his music or just reflect, pray and remember George in your own way.

PARISH BREAKFAST @ St James: Due to various house moves etc we have lost several of our team and really need some more helpers. Please talk to Catherine or email

NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS: Note this will take place on SATURDAY 23 Dec @St James’s Church.

TOTS PRAISE: This will next take place on 11th January.

JOB VACANCIES: The Diocese of St Albans have advised us that they have several vacancies. If you are interested, please go to:


Please send all items for LOOK to “” by the previous Tuesday

‘Look‘ can also be read online on our website under the Resources tab

Please pray…

for our ministry to the local community, and especially;

HT: We pray that everybody this Christmas may experience Christ love in their lives.

SJ:. We pray that all in our community will experience the joy of the Holy Family at the birth of the Christchild.

SP: For God's continuing blessing on our activities in the community.

for those who suffer in body, mind or spirit: Betty Benell, Sophie Clark, Richard Crampton, Roy Hotchkiss, Izzy Hopper, Eileen Law, Catherine McCardle, Sally Steadman-Smith, Mary Medadues-Badohu, Barrie White, Jonathon Bennett,

for the recently departed:

for those whose anniversaries of death occur at this time: Eileen Smith, George Michael, Philip Hopkins, Pam Parry

+ May they rest in peace and rise in glory