Name: ______
Date: ______
Block: ______
The Outsiders Web Quest
Students may complete the tasks below for Grade Boosters. The assignments are not required, but students who complete the assignments will have the grades added as an additional formative assessment. The Web Quest can only help your grade. The links to the websites can be found on your teacher’s webpage.
Task #1: S.E. Hinton
Read the information about S.E. Hinton and complete the questions below.
Biography Section:
1. Where was Hinton born?
2. What influenced her to write The Outsiders?
3. What year was The Outsiders published?
4. What happened to Hinton as a result of her novel’s popularity?
5. What is the title of her second novel?
6. When was the movie of The Outsiders released?
7. Go to the Movie Section: Look at the cast list for The Outsiders movie. Which actors do you recognize?
Task #2: Paul Newman - The Celebrity
Paul Newman is a movie star who is mentioned at the beginning of the novel.
Although he might seem inconsequential, he helps put the time period into perspective. View the web-site dedicated to Paul Newman and answer the related questions.
- Have you ever heard of Paul Newman before? If yes, where/when?
- For what is Paul Newman currently known?
- In which movies did he star?
- Click on the ‘photos’ icon in the upper left. Locate and view some of thephotographs from Newman’s younger years. Ponyboy, the main character in The Outsiders, idolized Newman. Why do you think Newman was Ponyboy’s idol?
- If you were an author of a modern-day novel, what famous actor would you haveyour main character idolize? In other words, what actor do you thinkepitomizes (perfectly represents) American movie stars today?
Task #3: Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley was another person who the “outsiders” idolized. In fact, one would say that they based their ‘style’ on this very famous man.
Read over the information about “The King” and answer the questions that follow.
- What is Elvis Presley also known as? ______
- Who would you give this title to now? Why?
- List three of Elvis Presley’s most popular songs.
- Provide two or three interesting facts about Elvis Presley.
Task #4: A Look at Oklahoma
Oklahoma is the state in which all of S.E. Hinton's novels are set. Please gather five interesting facts about the state.
- Identify fivefacts about the state of Oklahoma.
Task #5: TV in the 1950's
Even though the book was published in the mid-sixties, the main characters of the novel would have grown up mostly during the fifties and early sixties. Check out the following site to get a feel for what life was like back then.
- What was popular in the fifties? (Consider television shows, people, toys, etc.)
- What information about the 50’s did you find most interesting?
- Explain the differences between growing up inthe fifties and growing up today.
Task #6: The Beatles
The Socs idolizedThe Beatles. Spend some time looking at the following site. View a sampling of their videos/songs.
- Who were The Beatles?
- What do you think attracted the Socs to The Beatles?
- List some of their most popular songs?
- Consider the differing musical tastes of the Greasers and the Socs. What does thisimplyabout their gangs?