“Respecting Others In & Out of Sports”

Week 2 Session 2

Objective: Teach the children to always include everyone in an activity. Explain how respecting others can benefit them both in and out of sports.

Equipment Needed:

2 balls, 2 batons, 8 cones

3:00-3:05 Greetings

· Greeting Handshakes

· Make Name Tags

· Check Ins

o In small groups, have the kids name each of the 6 pillars

§ Create a skit that exemplifies one of the pillars

3:05-3:15 Large Group

· Opening Sharing Moments

o Who can name one of the 6 pillars? Go around until all 6 are named

§ Did anyone see someone display a pillar at school today?

· Explain rules of the game: Cookies and Cream

o Children line up in two single-file lines

o The first person (leader) in each line holds a ball

§ The leader is able to run/walk wherever s/he pleases and the rest of the kids in the line follow

o The leader can stop at anytime and yell and do a command such as 5 jumping jacks or spin in a circle, etc.

§ The rest of the kids in the line will stop and complete the command

§ Afterwards the last person in line will move to the front, gaining the possession of the ball and becoming the leader

o Repeat this until everyone has had a turn being the leader

· Explain rules of the game: Relay Race

o Four children will comprise a “relay team”

o Children will spread out in equal distances to make up the four legs of the race

o Each child will run the baton to the next teammate and pass off the baton until the anchor runs through the finish line

3:15-3:35 Game: Cookies and Cream; Relay Race

· 3:22 Stop and briefly process how we have been using peaceful behaviors and incorporating the pillars (thumbs up/thumbs down/thumb sideways)

o How can we improve?

3:35-3:40 Game Closure

· Congratulate and shake hands with all participants

· Clean Up

· 45 second water break

· Separate into small groups

3:40-3:55 Group Discussion

· Remind the kids that respect is one of the six pillars that make a good peacemaker

o Respect

§ Treat others with respect, follow the golden rule, be tolerant of differences, and be considerate of others’ feelings

· How was the respect during the games? (thumbs up/down)

o Specific behaviors/comments/actions the children made

· What are some reasons it is important to be respectful?

o Makes the other person feel good

o Shows that you care about the other person

o Helps you listen and follow directions

· How did it feel to be respected when you were the “leader?”

o How does it feel when you are disrespected?

o Discuss how being disrespectful doesn’t fit in with being a good peacemaker

· How can we show that we are being respectful? (act out)

· How did we do as a group involving everyone in the games? (thumbs up/down)

· Why is it important to involve everyone in the activity?

o So everyone can have fun

o Shows we care

o People’s feelings might not get hurt

o It’s respectful

o The more people the more fun

o We get to know more people when everyone’s involved

· How does it feel to be left out?

o Do you feel respected when you are left out?

· How can we make sure everyone is involved? In sport? Out of sport?

o Suggest activities that lots of people can do

o Take turns

o Invite people we see standing by themselves

o Ask for each other’s input

o Vote

3:55-4:00 Session Closure

· Pass out journals; have kids draw or write about a time they were respectful

· STAR Program; Remind kids they can take a star if they think they displayed positive peacemaking behaviors

· Closing peace tunnel