02 January 2018
Uniform Regulations
- The Council of Masters shall be the governing authority on uniform regulations.
- Wear of uniforms is authorized for knights, sergeants, corporals, squires, cadets, and pages. Chaplains and heralds who are not knights do not wear uniforms.
- Uniforms should be worn at all Order sanctioned events. The level of attire will be announced by the Officer in Command of all Order sponsored events. Uniforms may be forgone in exchange for appropriate civilian attire at the direction of the Officer in Command.
- Uniforms are intended to be functional and professional. Individuals are expected to act in a dignified manner when in uniform.
- Title Tapes
- All knights wear “KNIGHT.”
- All sergeants wear “SERGEANT.”
- All corporals wear “CORPORAL.”
- All squires, cadets, and pages wear “CADET.”
- Rank Insignia
- The Grandmaster wears four silver stars.
- The Master of the Order wears three silver stars.
- The Chaplain of the Order wears one silver star and a silver cross.
- The Herald of the Order wears one silver star and a silver badge.
- Masters and Generals/Admirals/Marshals wear one silver star.
- Knight Commanders wear a silver bar with four black squares.
- Knight Deputies wear a silver bar with three black squares.
- Chaplains wear a silver cross.
- Heralds wear a silver feather.
- Knight Captains wear a silver bar with two black squares.
- Knight Lieutenants wear a silver bar with one black square.
- Knights wear a silver bar.
- Chief Sergeants wear three chevrons with bottom.
- Staff Sergeants wear three chevrons.
- Sergeants wear two chevrons.
- Corporals wear one chevron.
- Squires wears three pips.
- Cadets wear two pip.
- Pages wear one pip.
- Formal Attire
- Levels of Formality
- Class A Formal Attire consists of shoes, pants, belt, undershirt, shirt, tie, and blazer. Pocket squares or boutonniere may be worn at more formal occasions.
- Class B Formal Attire consists of shoes, pants, belt, undershirt, shirt, and tie.
- Class C Formal Attire consists of shoes, pants, belt, undershirt, and shirt.
- Black Dress Shoes. Low quarters are preferred. Shoes may be genuine leather or corfram. Shoes must be clean and polished.
- Black Dress Socks. Socks must be clean.
- Black Dress Pants. 5.11 Covert 2.0 pants are preferred. Pants must be clean and pressed.
- Black Gun Belt. 5.11 gun belts are preferred.
- Crewneck Undershirt. Black or white preferred. Shirt must be clean.
- OD Green Shirt with Breast Pockets. 5.11 Taclite Pro preferred. Shirt may be long sleeve or short sleeve. Shirt must be clean and pressed.
- Black Last Nametape with Silver Lettering. Velcro preferred. Nametape should rest above the right breast pocket.
- Black Title Tape with Silver Lettering. Velcro preferred. Title Tape should rest above the left breast pocket.
- Rank Insignia. Vanguard insignia preferred. Rank insignia should be worn on the collar, centered, parallel to and spaced one inch from the forward edge.
- Black Tie. Windsor knot preferred. Tie should fall at about the belt line. Tie tack with Christian Flag, heraldic badge, rank insignia, Order or personal heraldic badge may be worn on the tie at about the sternum.
- Black Blazer. Blazer must be clean and wrinkle-free.
- Black Beret. Beret must be clean. Berets are not worn indoors.
- Watch. Black, silver, or gold is preferred.
- Identification. Driver’s license or Government Issue identification is preferred. A medical identification card with doctor’s contact information, insurance information, a list of all known conditions, allergies, and medications.
- Tools. Concealed firearm optional, 9mm preferred. Concealed fixed blade knife optional. Multitool, lighter, lock pick, flint and steel, paracord, whistle, and other easily pocketed tools recommended. First aid and trauma kit mandatory.
- Utility Attire
- Black boots. 5.11 Sidezip boots preferred. Boots must be clean and polished.
- Black Boot Socks. Socks must be clean.
- OD Green Utility Pants. 5.11 TacLite Pro pants preferred. Pants must be clean and wrinkle-free.
- Black Gun Belt. 5.11 gun belts are preferred.
- Crewneck Undershirt. Black or white preferred. Shirt must be clean.
- OD Green Shirt with Breast Pockets. 5.11 Taclite Pro preferred. Shirt may be long sleeve or short sleeve. Shirt must be clean and pressed.
- Black Last Nametape with Silver Lettering. Velcro preferred. Nametape should rest above the right breast pocket. Nametapes are not worn in hostile environments.
- Black Title Tape with Silver Lettering. Velcro preferred. Title Tape should rest above the left breast pocket. Title tape is not worn in hostile environments.
- Rank Insignia. Vanguard insignia preferred. Rank insignia should be worn on the collar, centered, parallel to and spaced one inch from the forward edge. Rank insignia is not worn in hostile environments.
- Black Hat. Hat must be clean. Hats are not worn indoors.
- Watch. Black athletic watch with at least 50 meters of water resistance is preferred.
- Identification. Driver’s license or Government Issue identification is preferred. A medical identification card with doctor’s contact information, insurance information, a list of all known conditions, allergies, and medications.
- Tools. Firearm optional, 9mm preferred. Fixed blade knife optional. Multitool, lighter, lock pick, flint and steel, paracord, whistle, and other easily pocketed tools recommended. First aid and trauma kit mandatory.
- Informal Attire
- Black shoes. Shoes must be clean.
- Black Socks. Socks must be clean.
- Blue jeans. Designs on the back pockets must be simple. Jeans must be clean and rip-free.
- Black Gun Belt. 5.11 gun belts are preferred.
- OPTION ONE: OD Green Shirt with Breast Pockets. 5.11 Taclite Pro preferred. Shirt may be long sleeve or short sleeve. Shirt must be clean and pressed.
- Crewneck Undershirt. Black or white preferred. Shirt must be clean.
- Black Last Nametape with Silver Lettering. Velcro preferred. Nametape should rest above the right breast pocket.
- Black Title Tape with Silver Lettering. Velcro preferred. Title Tape should rest above the left breast pocket.
- Rank Insignia. Vanguard insignia preferred. Rank insignia should be worn on the collar, centered, parallel to and spaced one inch from the forward edge.
- OPTION TWO: OD Green Polo Shirt. Order heraldic badge should be on the right breast or above the right breast pocket.
- Black Hat. Hat must be clean. Hats are not worn indoors
- Identification. Driver’s license or Government Issue identification is preferred. A medical identification card with doctor’s contact information, insurance information, a list of all known conditions, allergies, and medications.
- Tools. Concealed firearm optional, 9mm preferred. Concealed fixed blade knife optional. Multitool, lighter, lock pick, flint and steel, paracord, whistle, and other easily pocketed tools recommended. First aid and trauma kit mandatory
- Exercise Attire
- Athletic shoes. Shoes must be clean.
- Socks. Black ankle length socks preferred. Socks must be clean.
- Black Shorts. No insignia preferred. Shorts must be clean.
- Sweat Pants. Black or gray with no insignia preferred. Sweat pants must be clean.
- Solid Color Shirt. No insignia or Order heraldic badge, local heraldic badge, or personal heraldic badge preferred. Shirt must be clean.
- Sweat Shirt. Black or gray with no insignia or Order heraldic badge, local heraldic badge, or personal heraldic badge preferred. Sweat shirt must be clean.
- Reflective Belt. Yellow/green reflective belt preferred. Reflective belt is worn when exercising outdoors, especially on roadways.
- Reflective Hat. Yellow/green reflective hat preferred. Reflective hat is worn when exercising outdoors, especially on roadways.
- Watch. Black athletic watch with at least 50 meters of water resistance is preferred.
- Identification. Driver’s license or Government Issue identification is preferred. A medical identification card with doctor’s contact information, insurance information, a list of all known conditions, allergies, and medications.
- Tools Within Reach. Concealed firearm optional, 9mm preferred. Concealed fixed blade knife optional. Multitool, lighter, lock pick, flint and steel, paracord, whistle, and other easily pocketed tools recommended. First aid and trauma kit mandatory.