East and West Orchard with Margaret Marsh joint Parish Council


The 138th meeting will be held on Tuesday 25th August 2015 at Manston Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm


Prior to the start of the Full Council meeting the Chairman will invite questions and comments from the members of the public present.

1.  Apologies for absence

2.  Declaration of Interests

3. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting held on May 19th 2015.

4. Matters arising from the 137th Minutes

a. Telephone Kiosk West Orchard

b. Street Name Plate Church Lane East Orchard

c. Cherry Tree at West Orchard

d. Publication of PC agendas and draft minutes

e. Willow trees Margaret Marsh Pond

5. To receive the following reports

a. County Cllr Andrew Cattaway

b. District Cllrs Charles Dowden / Mrs Jane Westbrook

6. Correspondence

a.  New Surgery at Childe Okeford

b. Potential Badger Cull in North Dorset

7. Planning Matters

(i) Swainscombe Farm Church Lane East Orchard -

(ii)  Hillyfields Parsons Lane Hartgrove

(iii)  Marsh Farm Maret Marsh

(iv)  Jopps Farm Green Lane Margaret Marsh

(v)  Great House Farm East Orchard

(vi)  Millbush Farm Drove Lane East Orchard

(vii)  Chestnut Cottage Parsons Lane Hartgrove

8. Highways Maintenance Issues

(i). Blocked culvert at Margaret Marsh (Cllr Mrs Stokes)

(ii) Winchells East Orchard – Flood warning signs and flood level indicator posts. (Cllr Bone)

(iv) Poor condition of the road surface at West Orchard (Cllr Mrs Stranger)

9. To review the Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Agenda for Meeting 25th August 2015 continued-

10. Finance

a. Internal Auditors report for FY 2014-2015

b. Review of the effectiveness of the internal audit (Explanatory notes and Risk Assessments


11. Payments

a. Internal Auditor

b. Clerks net Salary Feb –August 2015

c. Clerks PAYE Feb –August 2015

d. Clerks Expenses Feb –August 2015

e. Manston Hall Hire

12 Matters PertinentInclusion of items at the discretion of the Chairman. Members to notify Chairman prior to the start of the meeting of any matter they may wish to raise.

13. Date of next meeting

Phil Knott Clerk to the Parish Council (Tel No: 01963 365852)