Title / Strategy and Planning in the Public and Voluntary Sectors
Code / SSM221
Level / 7
Credit rating / 15
Pre-requisites / Participants for this 15c module will be studying normally towards a programme of learning for a Higher Specialist Social Work Award and must be engaged in relevant practice for a minimum of 15 hours per week
20c version available in GPHSS
Type of module / Intensive/online
Aims /
  • to examine strategy and planning theory and its relevance to public service strategic management and planning
  • to explore quantitative and qualitative research exercises that can be used as planning aids.
  • to critically evaluate the role of published reports in the planning and strategy making process.
  • to explore competing planning rationalities in the new public sector.

Learning outcomes/objectives / By the end of the module students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of strategic and planning theory and its relevance to the practice environment.
  • Appreciate the variety of qualitative and quantitative methods that can be used as planning aids and tools.
  • Integrate different planning methodologies and practices, including strategic, operational, team and risk management plans
  • Solve challenging problems about how best to implement strategic planning exercises in the practice environment

Content / Strategy and Planning theories, typologies and rationalities, Organisational issues in planning,
Strategic management and planning in the public sector
Implementing strategies and plans
Data analysis and planning
The use of secondary data in plans and strategies
The role and presentation of published plans.
The commissioning of research to aid planning and strategy
Consultation and Participation methods
Risk management in planning
Teaching and learning strategies / Participants will reflect on their own recent and knowledge of a planning exercise, or be directed to suitable process and document that they can use as a case study.
At the beginning of the module, tutors and visiting lecturers will introduce key concepts and issues designed to promote discussion and reflection in the student group. Students will be encouraged to identify and develop a planning project early on which they later will analyse for their assessment. This may relate to work based project, or alternatively a government strategic plan in which the student has particular interest. This involvement in planning, either direct or indirect, will feed into ongoing discussion and reflection.
At the end of the course students will present their own academic critique of the strategy and planning process that they have observed. Students will demonstrate how theory relates to the process explored.
The workshops will allow for discussion from with the group participants and feedback from the tutor.
Learning will be achieved by a variety of methods that draw on this self reflection, including lectures, computer sessions, exercises and discussion.
All students will be introduced to the computer skills required to take place in on-line delivery. Learning will be via www directed reading and exercises and on-line discussion. Participants will have access to tutorial support during the module programme.
Formative assessment
Students will prepare a description of a service plan and planning process and present this to the class at a series of seminars. Students will be through discussion to apply a theoretical analysis to the planning process they have described.
15 hours teaching contact. 30 hours student online learning. 105 hours private study
Learning support / David, F. 2003 Strategic management: concepts and cases. New York: Prentice Hall.
Fisher, C. 1998. Resource Allocation in the Public Sector : Values, priorities and markets in the management of public services. London: Routledge.
Haynes, P. 2003 Managing Complexity in the Public Services. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Chapter five.
Haynes, P. 1999. Complex Policy Planning: The Government strategic management of the social care market. Aldershot:Avebury
Healey, P. 1997. Collaborative Planning. London:Macmillan
Hughes, O. E. 2003. Public Management and Administration: An Introduction. 3rd Edition. Macmillan: London. Chapter 7. 'Strategic Management.'
Jenkins, M. ed. 2002. Strategic Management: a multi perspective approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Johnson, G. & Scholes, K. 2002 Exploring corporate strategy. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
6th Edition
Joyce, P. 1999 Strategic Management for the Public Services. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Johnson, G. & Scholes, K. 2001. Exploring public sector strategy. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Sadler, P. 2003 Strategic Management. 2nd Edition. London: Kogan Page.
Saloner, G. et al 2001. Strategic Management. Chichester: Wiley
Thompson, A. 2001. Strategic Management: concepts and cases. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Walker, A . 1984. Social Planning. A Strategy for Socialist Welfare. London: Basil Blackwell.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
International Journal of Public Sector Management
International Public Management Journal
Strategy and Leadership
Assessment tasks / The final summative submission will consist of 2,000-2500 word critique of a current or recent plan and planning process, with recommendations about how it can be improved
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / The module examines the complexity of governmental and voluntary sector planning, with specific reference to central and local government, including managerial and organisational issues, and the application of relevant planning methodologies to the public and voluntary sectors.
Area examination board to which module relates / SASS
Module team/authors/ coordinator / Philip Haynes
Semester offered, where appropriate
Site where delivered / Falmer
Date of first approval
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this version / 2007
Version number
Replacement for previous module
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / PQ Social Work Programme
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in course / PGDip Higher Specialist Leadership and Management in Social Work (M)
PGDip Higher Specialist Mental Health Social Work (O/M)
PGDip Higher Speciailst Social Work with Adults (O/M)
School home / SASS
External examiner / Alan Butler University of Leeds