Selflife Sets Sexuality
Peter Lock
Copyright ©Peter Lock 2008
Permission is not required to copy or quote from this book, provided the author and source are acknowledged in writing and that no such copying is done for financial profit.
First Published in June 2008 by
Queen of the South Press
POBOX 504, Hindmarsh. S.A. 5007
Queen of the South is a non-profit educational undertaking, challenging and daring to pass judgment on much past and present thinking.
The National Library of Australia
Lock, Peter, 1923- .
The Oneness of Togetherness.
1st Edition.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-9804088-1-2 (pbk.).
Interpersonal Relations.
Identity (Philosophical concept)
Dewey Number 302
Cover design by Sue Abbott
In homage to Regina Austri
by Peter Lock
The Quest of Science for the Self of the Cosmos
The Ause of the Role of Money in the Marketplace
Unity and Infinity in a Self-Evolving Universe
An Other Pentateuch
Selflife Sets Sexuality
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POBOX 504, Hindmarsh S A 5007
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Down under
at the ends of the earth,
in the Southern Land of the Holy Spirit, lies the City of Adelaide. It is called Queen of the South,
being founded and named in 1836 after the reigning Queen Adelaide.
The Author.
Peter Lock was born in Adelaide on August 10th. 1923. In 1946, he gave up his work as a Pharmacist and embarked on a career in the Educational Religious Order of The Salesians of St. John Bosco. He was ordained a priest in 1956. In 1969, health considerations obliged him to choose, as his doctor said, between sanctity and sanity. He decided to discontinue this ministry and return to the lay state. His Superior wrote “He ceased active service with us with our blessing, our good wishes and our friendship. He is a man of sterling character and of the highest integrity.”
He has University degrees in Pharmacy, Science and Theology and has taught a wide variety of subjects from Religious Education and English Expression to Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. For many years he was an active member of both the Science Teachers’ Association and also the Mathematics Teachers’ Association of Victoria. For a short period he lectured at Tertiary level on the teaching of The New Mathematics.
As far as he knows, his Thesis of Self-Other Existential Relativity is unique. It initiatesa newoneness and togetherness approach to themes in Science, Mathematics, Philosophy and Theology.He restructures the logical basis of Cantorian Set Theory in The New Mathematics and byusing the simplest linguistic analysis, removes the paradoxes from Set Theory, thus providing a consistent foundation for Mathematical Logic. The implications of Existential Relativity require updating Theologyby interpreting the Self of the Cosmos in terms which are familiar to modern culture.
In 1985, he was diagnosed as having terminal cancer. Soon after, he experienced a supranormal recovery and continues now to enjoy good health. He lives at LargsBay in his home town of Adelaide.
Researching The Other Books has been a lifelong dedication and the writing of them an ever-absorbing and challenging project. Personal witnessing of and involvement in other supranormal events have maintained his morale and given much added encouragement to accomplishing this literary task of writing a definitive scientific and mathematical exposition of the Mother Self of the Cosmos. More details of his life are set out in Section One of his recently published book Faith Fact Fiction by Queen of the South Press.
The author dares to question many long-standing and cherished ideas about our patriarchal traditions and to pass judgment on the theological foundations and development of male monotheism. He nowise intends to depreciate or destroy the latter but to free, both it and all other thinking about culture and religion, from the contrived fictions in which patriarchal make believe has implicated them over the course of the last few millennia.
We are coming to the end of a period in History of almost exclusive male domination and patriarchal rule. Beginning some time after the invasion of the Middle East by warlike tribes from the North, the Patriarchal Age, as Westerners know it today, received its principal characteristics from Jewish Mythology and the cult figures of Abraham,Mosesand David.
The three great male expressions of monotheistic thought, Judaism, Christianity and Islamism all link themselves with this accepted first patriarch, Abraham, who is dated now by current biblical scholarship as living probably sometime around 1000 BCE.
In contrast, for thousands and thousands of years prior to this in the Near, Middle and Far East, there flourished matriarchal societies in which was worshipped The One Great Mother Goddess, The Divine Ancestress, The Queen of Heaven, Mistress of the Universe. The Great Goddess was known under a variety of names, but they all were facets of the one Divine Maternity.
In the matriarchal cultures of the distant past, the mystery of new life, of birth and growth focused attention on maternal aspects of this many titled Great Mother Goddess whose very first representations were artistically exaggerated female figurines. In seeming rhythm with the lunar cycle, woman's body bled. This would stop mysteri- ously for long periods pending the miracle of birth when from her body issued both men and women and also nourishing milk.
In prepatriarchal myths, a goddess was understood to reproduce parthenogenetically, that is, by self-fertilization. This perception of the source of life remained long after paternity was divined by men. It persisted on in both folklore and ecclesiastical culture well into the Christian Era where overtones of it were adapted by writers and teachers to complete gaps in popular religious traditions and to makemore acceptable their newly developed formal theological systems.
It is essential, for any understanding of the evolution and history of modern societies and their religions, to be mindfulthat in the Hebrew language, there was, and still is, no word for divine mother
orgoddess. Theologically speaking, in the patriarchal mindset, Judaism and its offspring were, and still are, motherless children. They are all born and live outside any sort of wedlock. Female divinities were officially anathema to it and to its later derivatives, Christianity and Islamism. Their common folk were continually reprimanded for whoring after the “unspeakable” abominations of their godless neighbours.
Patriarchal Judaism, the Apostle Paul, Gospel writers and the Fathers of the Church had their own concepts about sexuality, about fatherhood and motherhood, but these only reflected prevailing mindsets. For the most part they were merely a priori contrived fictions.They knew nothing of the realities of BiologicalScience. In their ignorance of such, patriarchal authorities arrogantly,and withprejudiced assessments, considered the female as merely the receptacle of the male semen from which all new life had its assumed beginnings. Philosopher-Scientists like Aristotle, and others with a questioning frame of mind, put forward theories of sexual propagation. For Aristotle, homunculi existed in the male seed. Homunculi were fully formed miniature human beings ejaculated into the female womb in copulation. The same agenda applied to other creatures.
Women had considerable economic value. Nevertheless, they were inferior servant beings, useful like animals for breeding and mere labour activity. They served also as desirable objects for lusty male pleasure in sexual gratification and in glorifications of dominance.
In naively, indeed childishly,perpetuating an insistence on the inerrancy of Scripture and Tradition, the Authorities in Christendom are unwittingly effecting the rejection and demise of all its Dogmatic Theology. This book and the author’s previous book Faith Fact Fiction remove the mystery from the so-called Mysteries of Religion. Whilst affirming the historical reality of the Nazarene Jesus, they remedy the inconsistencies of the past and provide the foundations for the oneness and togetherness of a truly catholic incorporation.
Some mindsets are perceptive of a heightened self-consciousness and increased selflife awareness withinthe human psyche.Thisexperience is both conceptual and perceptual.Though it patterns the
traditional First Coming of Jesus in several respects, it isprofoundly different, being the fulfilment of the Ultimate Mystery of Divine Maternity, the togetherness of The Mother Self of theCosmos and All Humanity in her womb. Humanity is no longer a Motherless Child. To understand and appreciate the subtle reality of this psychical Second Coming is part of the intent of this book.
The goal of Biological Evolution on Planet Earth would seem to be the human placental mammal.Considered on their own, men are not placental mammals. Their nipples make evident vestigial traces of their having been born of woman, but they have neither a womb nor mammary glands by nature. Pregnant Woman is Nature’s most comprehensivemanifestation of self-other Existential Relativity. Women rejoiced as bearers of life. Men gloried in destroying it. Biologically, the father-son relationship is one merely of the trans- mission of a set of distinct genes. There can be neither father nor son without a mother.Exclusive all powerfulLord and Masterdeities were primitive folklore, men’s myths and legends. For Jesus to be a son of man, he must have had the genes of his parents Mary and Joseph. They must have consummated their marital union.
The Medieval Schoolmen, in the development of their Scholastic Philosophy and Theology, gave much earnest consideration to a being who had life from itself, i.e., a se. Such a being was said, in
Latin, to possess the attribute aseitas, in English, aseity.
Language, under a male hegemony, tended to favour masculine gender words like mankindwhich collectively also included woman. Gender expression, at times, ignored feminine distinction.The time has come to abandon the use of the masculine gender word god in empirical scholarship and replace it with the perception and concept of Aseity, the Mother Self of the Cosmos.
It is a logically valid extension and meaningful innovation to use the proper noun Aseity as the personal name for the being whose act and art is unveiled in the self-functioning self-evolving Universe. Aseity IS selflife. Her essence or nature IS selfexistence. Aseity is not only selflife in her own very self, but is also shared selflife for all her begotten spaced time imaging otherselves. If she did not exist, nothing, i.e. no other thing, would exist. Beginning and End are not in the Selflife of THE ONE whose Act, in her unbounded continuum, is an eternal present tense “I AM”, and without the latter there would be no “Thou Art”.
The emergence of a dignified feminism and a sense of global pluralism associated with being the children of the same Great Earth
Mother are not passing New Age intellectual fads. The yearning for increased conscious self-awareness and inner perceptual experience of the numinous, are laying the foundations of new cultural move- ments to replace the outknown myths and outgrown cults of a dying conservative male-dominated Christianity. The latter has reached its
use by date. It has become impotent to fertilize the human psyche any further for good, but only for evil. Armed with stockpiled nuclear weapons of war, some motherless belligerent patriarchal religions would seem hell-bent on their own eventual self-destruction and at the same time effecting the demise of all life on Mother Earth.
The Land, supposedly promised to the Patriarch Abraham and to his seed for ever mightwell be destined to lie as a waste radioactive desert for an ensuing four and a half billion years. This is the half-life time of the depleted uranium now used in American and Israeli warheads to hopefully restore and establish forever the formerKingdom of Israel.
Epitaph for a Patriarchal Past
Worlds pass, their myths outknown,
their creeds and cults outgrown.
Selflife evolves, forever new.
Chapter Page
Prologue 1
1 CulturalEvolution 4
2 Existential Relativity 30
3 Sets and Togetherness 46
4 Self-functioning Systems 69
5 Biological Evolution 95
6 Aseity Incorporated 116
7 Act and Art 140
8 Parousia 155
Epilogue 170
Bibliography 171
Index 173