Job Evaluation Matrix of tasks and formula used to determine salary / grade

Post / SCP Range / Tasks / Formula /
Environmental Services Manager
SCP 93-116
Grade 5
Level 1-13
Matrix: 6/11/11 / SCP 93-108 / Ensure that budget targets are achieved and appropriate financial advice and information is available. / No formula available
SCP 93-108 / Develop and implement comprehensive performance management systems to ensure optimum performance aligned with the principles of best value.
SCP 93-108 / Develop and monitor effective methods of communication within the service, including partnership working with trade unions and stakeholders.
SCP 93-108 / Manage, support and direct the service effectively deploying and adapting resources to meet service delivery.
SCP 93-108 / Contribute to the strategic decisions and planning framework within the service.
Area/HQ Manager
SCP 90-94
Grade 4
Level 9
Matrix: 30/03/05 /

SCP 90-94

/ Manage authority-wide statutory application processes.
SCP 90-94 / Manage the planning appeals process including preparation, leading and presenting the Council's case at Appeals, Hearings, Tribunals and Public Inquiries.

SCP 90-94

/ Manage the interface, liaison and advisory processes with elected members.
SCP 90-94 / Ensuring that consistent Service procedures, practices and guidelines are operated across the four area offices to meet a high standard of service to all users.

SCP 90-94

/ Processing mineral, waste disposal and other statutory applications and issuing decision notices on behalf of the Council.
SCP 90-94 / Initiating enforcement action to secure compliance with mineral/waste disposal approvals, where necessary including the service of Notices to require the cessation of unauthorised activities.
Divisional (Environmental Services)
SCP 79-94
Grade 4
Level 2-9
Matrix: 9/11/11 / SCP 90-94 / Formulate and develop the Council’s Environmental Service policies to ensure that the Council’s statutory obligations with regard to national and devolved governments, regulatory bodies and other agencies are met. / 4 Advisory 4 3.5
SCP 90-94 / Achieve regulatory compliance by the most proportionate means, using a range of informal and formal methods, within the context of the rules for civil and criminal legal procedure, guidelines issued by national and devolved governments, regulatory bodies and other agencies. / 4 Advisory 4 3.5
SCP 83-88 / Identify the Environmental Services contribution to the Council’s organisational objectives by effective service planning to develop robust mechanisms for the monitoring of service outcomes to achieve Council objectives. / 4 Process 4 3
SCP 83-88 / Assume responsibility for allocating resources to meet the Council’s objectives, including the monitoring, review and adjustment of operational and financial requirements to meet targets / 4 Process 4 3
SCP 83-88 / To identify opportunities to improve service delivery or efficiency within the framework of the service’s ISO 9001 accredited quality management system and other Council quality initiatives. / 4 Process 4 3
Section Leader (Regeneration and Inclusion)
SCP 79-94
Grade 4
Level 1-9
Matrix: 01/03/05
Section Leader (Regeneration and Inclusion)
Section Leader (Regeneration and Inclusion)
Cont….. / SCP 75-80 / Contribute to the effective management and monitoring of the revenue budget / No formula available
SCP 75-80 / Lead and contribute on information and database development
SCP 75-80 / Support for Corporate Policy development as appropriate (i.e. input to Community Planning programme etc
SCP 75-80 / Work with other Service sections and external Services as appropriate. Establish effective working relationships with Elected Members and in developing a constructive, proactive and customer orientated approach to service delivery. Establish effective and constructive relationships with external agencies and bodies including community and business groups
SCP 79-83 / Contribute to the development of a corporate Financial Planning Framework relating to the capital and revenue funding of all projects and initiatives
SCP 79-83 / Contribute to the review and preparation of policy and the implementation of corporate and other service strategies
SCP 79-83 / Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of the property advisory service
SCP 79-83 / Ensure the efficient and effective delivery of the business support programmes/ external funding/ rural regeneration.
SCP 79-83 / Ensure the range of business support programmes are fit for purpose, which are regularly reviewed, amended and redesigned
SCP 79-83 / In conjunction with the Head of Service and Manager, prepare and present reports and other matters to Committee
SCP 79-83 / Lead and contribute to cross service / joint agency initiatives or other appropriate working groups to deliver specific funding and development projects/ rural regeneration initiatives/ business development support programmes and initiatives.
SCP 79-83 / Lead and contribute to programme funding, project monitoring and evaluation.
SCP 79-83 / Supervise & manage Company Development staff in the delivery, administration and co-ordination, in conjunction with business development network partners, of all business support programmes & initiatives.
SCP 79-83 / Work with the Executive Director, Head of Service and Manager to achieve effective performance through work and performance monitoring/assessment, setting performance targets and conducting regular Employee Development interviews. To meet regularly with the Manager, to review work progress and performance standards and targets and to appraise the Manager of current issues.
SCP 83-88 / Advise and support Economic Development Manager, Head of Service, Elected Members, Council Partners on Company Development and/ or Funding and Development and/ or Rural Regeneration related matters.
SCP 83-88 / Chair a Resource-specific, partnership or corporate working group to establish a strategy or programme.
SCP 83-88 / Contribute to development and implementation of Council Strategy on Company Development and/ or Funding and Development and/ or Rural Regeneration.
SCP 83-88 / Manage input to projects from other Services, Members, External bodies and the General Public.
SCP 83-88 / Develop and evaluate incentives for public/private sector partnership by the use of partnership models and business appraisal techniques which minimise public expenditure and risk.
SCP 83-88 / Ensure that, when required, projects are developed corporately by establishing effective working relationships between service departments, other public bodies and private sector funders.
SCP 83-88 / Have the day to day management responsibility for the progress of all business development support programmes or; funding and developing initiatives or; rural regeneration initiatives, programmes and projects.
SCP 83-88 / Lead in a supervisory capacity, corporate and partnership projects and initiative. This will include acting as Project Manager on corporate and resource projects.
SCP 83-88 / Management of the Company Development Team ensuring the provision of appropriate business support to assist company growth and up-skilling of the local workforce
SCP 83-88 / Management of the Funding and Development Team ensuring the provision of professional advice and assistance on the development, promotion, implementation and co-ordination of external funding applications
SCP 83-88 / Management of the Rural Regeneration Team, ensuring the development, management and implementation of initiatives, programmes and projects within the rural area. The range and type of initiatives, programmes and projects include South Lanarkshire Rural Partnership; Leader+; Reviving our Rural Areas; SLAED Rural Sub-Group and Tourism initiatives.
SCP 83-88 / Review and preparation of economic development policies and to the preparation and implementation of Corporate and other Service Strategies
SCP 83-88 / Review the Council’s Capital and Revenue Programmes in order to ensure that approved projects have been developed/programmed to conform with the various funding opportunities and mechanisms which are available. And to ensure that the Capital and Revenue Programmes maximise the use of external funding, partnership models and alternative mechanisms
SCP 83-88 / Take a proactive approach to project development by providing advice and assistance, which will ensure a fit with the criteria of the various funding, bodies, partnership models and/or mechanisms
SCP 83-88 / Work with the Manager and Head of Service on Service Planning and Best Value Reviews
SCP 83-88 / Work with the Manager and Head of Service to advise, develop and promote the delivery of services through the Business Gateway and contribute to the development of the Business Gateway model for the delivery of services to all businesses
SCP 83-88 / Work with the Manager and Head of Service to, investigate, develop, promote and advise on rural regeneration initiatives, programmes and projects which will provide value to the efficiency and effectiveness of Council Department service delivery
SCP 83-88 / Work with the Manager and Head of Service to, investigate, develop, promote and advise on the use of external funding opportunities and mechanisms which will provide value to the efficiency and effectiveness of Council Department service delivery
SCP 90-94 / Develop and monitor a Service Plan or programme.
SCP 90-94 / Establish financial and performance management procedures and standards and ensure these are maintained.
SCP 90-94 / Establish, co-ordinate and monitor contracts and Service Level Agreements for the delivery of Economic Development and/or Funding and Development and/or Rural Regeneration related projects.
SCP 90-94 / Lead in developing and implementing a strategy and action programmes/ initiatives for Company Development and/ or Funding and Development and/or Rural Regeneration.
SCP 90-94 / Manage, monitor, evaluate using performance data to deliver continuous improvement.
SCP 90-94 / Management of budgeting and staff performance and professional development of team.
SCP 90-94 / Provision of advice and support to businesses, communities, individuals, agencies or aspects of Economic Development; or Funding and Development; or Rural Regeneration.
SCP 90-94 / Represent the Service on internal and external groups establishing effective and constructive relationships with external agencies and bodies including community and business groups.
Senior Development Officer
SCP 83-88
Grade 4
Level 5
Matrix: 23/03/05 / SCP 79-83 / Act in a supervisory capacity for regeneration programmes, projects and initiatives. / No formula available
SCP 79-83 / Lead in the design, development and management of specific regeneration programmes, projects and service level agreements, ensure that these are developed and implemented appropriately and that elected members, partners and Council officials are advised of progress and performance as required.
SCP 79-83 / Lead/contribute to corporate/partnership initiatives or other appropriate team and working groups to deliver a specific project/outcome.
SCP 83-88 / Assess the provision of contracts for the supply of the services on behalf of the Council and partners.
SCP 83-88 / Ensure that procurement arrangements comply with the Council's Standing Orders.
SCP 83-88 / Lead in the monitoring and evaluation of regeneration programmes and initiatives which implement the Council's polices and objectives.
SCP 83-88 / Manage the development of projects from feasibility stage to implementation.
SCP 83-88 / Responsible for the development of Corporate Policies and Strategies in relation to Regeneration/ Community Regeneration.
SCP 83-88 / Responsible for the preparation of bids, tender submissions and performance agreements seeking funding from external bodies.
SCP 83-88 / Ensure that financial claims to partner agencies and payments to suppliers are accurate and meet agreed standards.
Local Partnership Manager
SCP 79-88
Grade 4
Level 2-5
Matrix: 24/06/02 / SCP 55-65 / Co-ordinate the activity of the support team members in pursuit of the Partnership aims, objectives and priorities. / 4 Resources 2 2
SCP 55-65 / Manage and support a staff team of professionals and clerical workers from a variety of disciplines. / 4 Resources 2 2
SCP 67-74 / Develop appropriate information strategies in relation to the Partnership and its activities. / 4 Advisory 3 2
SCP 67-74 / Develop and maintain appropriate staff structures. / 4 Programme 3 2
SCP 75-80 / Establish, co-ordinate and maintain appropriate programme and project monitoring and evaluation systems and prepare reports for Partnership. / 4 Programme 3 3
SCP 83-88 / Represent the Partnership Board as required. / 4 Resources 4 3
SCP 83-88 / Support the Partnership Board in developing strategic objectives and implementing strategies. / 4 Advisory 4 3
SCP 83-88 / Develop Partnership policy and strategy in line with Partnership Board decisions and to manage and co-ordinate the implementation of this. / 4 Programme 4 3
SCP 83-88 / Identify and access funding sources in relation to Partnership and project activity. / 5 Resources 2 2
SCP 83-88 / Develop a programme of agreed cross partner service reviews. / 4 Programme 4 3