The Ohio State Alumni Association of Shelby County
Minutes of October 10, 2017
Board Meeting
President Tina Hottle called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM at the Sidney American Legion. Stephanie Everett moved to accept the secretary’s August meeting minutes sent electronically, Chuck Craynon made the second; motion passed. Stephanie gave the scholarship report announcing that she will get a news release in the paper soon and check with Leslie Smith on the status of the scholarship funds. She will also double check on the date for the scholarship interviews with the Extension office. Applications will be to high school counselors prior to Thanksgiving break.
During the call for the Membership report, Tina announced that she will mail membership cards to Dana Geuy and Hank Wurth. She will ask Cindy Stangel about the possibility of name tags. There was discussion about providing some form of recognition for the club’s life members including our mission statement. Ronda Fogt gave the treasurer’s report with a current balance of $17,045.37; the report was filed for audit.
Old business: The squareboard for the Ohio State/Michigan game currently has 33 unsold squares. Ronda will put the information on the website. If board members sell squares they should contact Joe Smith so that he knows ASAP. Tina will be working to complete the Calendar of Events (July 1-June 30) for the club. Similar events to last year will be planned with some new events discussed as well. Some ideas were: buckeye art with Kelly Walker, the movie “Selma”, OSU Trivia, Gateway Arts Council “Bad Art by Good People”.
New business: Ronda will check with the Moose about having a game watch on November 4th at the Sidney Moose. We discussed playing Buckeye Bingo at the game watch. The club is not ordering a block of basketball tickets this year because there was not a firm commitment that all the tickets would be sold.
The club will be volunteering at the Blood Drive on November 21st (11:30AM-6:00PM) at the Sidney American Legion. Chuck moved to donate S200 to the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee for food for the event. Roger Bender gave the second and the motion passed. We will have items for door prizes. Alumni member Ted Borchers’ wife Kay will be donating many of her OSU creations for the event. Members are encouraged to promote this event and to volunteer during the blood drive. Shirts for the volunteers are available; contact Tina Hottle if you need a shirt and can help on November 21. Members discussed promotion of the event through Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and other media sources. Roger will be sending a letter to the editor about supporting the Blood Drive. We also discussed having a “Child Watch” available so that children could color and do “buckeye” activities while their parents give blood. Tina will check on the legality of doing this.
The Annual Banquet is scheduled for March 27, 2018 at the Sidney American Legion. Tina discussed some potential guest speakers and will be checking on those possibilities.
Roger moved to adjourn the meeting, Stephanie gave the second and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen Ward, Secretary