The Ohio Pork Council’s
The Capital Club
Columbus, Ohio February 10, 2015
- Three chefsfrom throughout Ohio will be selected to participate. Three finalist will be selected based on recipes submitted to the Ohio Pork Council and judged a committee of chefs from the Columbus ACF.
- Each contestant must present three original courses of their choosing, each containing at least one cut of pork, for judging.
- Each contestant must provide a minimum of 50 bite size samples of each course to the reception attendees.
- The competing restaurant will provide a restaurant gift certificate for dinner for four. The restaurant gift certificate is to be turned in to the OPC by January 10, 2015. The gift certificate is non-refundable. The certificate must be open-ended with no dollar amount attached; it may say, “For four dinner entrees and non-alcoholic beverages.” If an expiration date is necessary, the certificate may not expire before February 28, 2016.
- All of the above including contestants’ information regarding pork cuts, quantities and recipes must be received by email tthe OPC by January 10, 2015, to maintain contest position. All materials must be received in order to hold the chef’s position on the competition list. OPC will maintain an alternate list. In the event a competing chef does not meet a deadline, a chef from the alternate list will be substituted.
- OPC will procure pork for each chef to use in the competition if the chefs have submitted their recipe, gift certificate and pork order to the OPC office by the deadline. The pork will be delivered to the chef the week prior to the event.
- Limited working space will be available to the contestant for preparation at The Doubletree. OPC encourages that as much preparation be done prior to arriving as possible, so only minimal preparation is necessary on location. Although workspace is provided by the hotel, and a cooktop/stove is available, the use of a gas burner, sterno flames or small electric appliances is permitted and encouraged, if chefs desire for recipe preparation.
- Each contestant may bring a maximum of two staff for assistance. The event is invitation only, so any other guests must be preapproved by OPC.
- No place settings, flatware, or table decorations will be provided by the contest sponsors. Plates and service ware for sampling will be provided.
- Each contestant is responsible for the following:
All recipe ingredients
Utensils, equipment for food preparation
Table cover (if desire other than white) and table decorations
Serving dishes and four place settings (three of these will be for the judges, the fourth is for the “People’s Choice” award)
- Contestants must be unloaded and available for an orientation meetingat the Doubletree no later than 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, February10, 2015.
- Once contestants arrive for the competition they may not leave the premise.
- Table set-up should be complete by 4:00 p.m. Judging will begin at 5:15 p.m. and end at approximately 6:00 p.m. The three judges will spend no more than 15 minutes with each contestant. Chefs may not dismantle their table until the conclusion of the awards reception.
- All contestants will be notified of their precise judging time by letter prior to the contest.
- Selection of winners will be according to the following criteria:
Taste50 points
Tenderness of pork, maximum juiciness and flavor of pork, correct preparation (medium); and pleasing combination of texture and flavor.
Appearance30 points
Appetizing color combination; attractively served, appropriately garnished.
Originality20 points
New ideas utilized in pork preparation, creative use of pork displayed.
- An awards reception will be held at approximately 7:00 p.m. The following awards will be presented:
The Chef Par Excellence (first place) will be awarded $1,000.
The Superior Chef (second place) will be awarded $500.
The Premier Chef (third place) will be awarded $250.
The People’s Choice Award is selected by the guests in attendance, judged on appearance only of the finished plate as displayed for publicity. The winning chef will receive a special award of recognition.
- In the event of a tie score, the judges will determine the winner. The judge’s decisions are final. Score sheets will only be accessible to judges and OPC staff.
- There will be three judges who may represent the following areas: chef, food service industry, culinary education or news media.
- If, during the time between entering and the actual contest, a chef leaves one restaurant and joins another, the chef is responsible for informing OPC as to whether he or she will compete representing the former restaurant or the new restaurant. If the chef chooses not to compete, the former restaurant will have first opportunity to enter a new chef. If the former declines, then one of the alternates will be eligible.
OPC Staff Contact and Event Coordinator:
Jennifer Keller
Phone: 614-882-5887