(to be completed for all fostering households)
Foster Carer’s Name:
Household Members:
Name of Person Completing Risk Assessment:
Date of Risk Assessment:
Type of Foster Carer: / Prospective Carer / Registered Carer / Connected Person Carer / Short Break Carer / Relief Carer
Description of Risk
Identify the activity / vulnerability / hazard creating the potential risk. Identify who is at risk, potentially at risk, i.e. child, carers, peers. Are thereadequate control measures in place to address the risk?
Checks and References
Any information in the references and checks undertaken that highlight potential risks or vulnerabilities:
- DBS (link to report for any positive check)
- Employment Checks including IFA reference (for carers transferring to KCC)
- Agency and system checks (including LADO, Ofsted, school references and Other Local Authority)
- Health
Personal References
Personal references must remain confidential and should not be disclosed to the applicant / foster carer. Where there is any information identified as a risk within the references this should be included as a closed confidential appendix to the risk assessment. To include:
- Personal References
- Ex-partner
- Adult children’s references
Accommodation, Environment, Health and Safety
Household - Any identified hazards or areas of risk, i.e. ponds, hot tubs, pets and animals, fire risks, weapons/fire arms, location of bedrooms:
Attitude to compliance with Health and Safety:
Perception of Self and Relationships
Risk associated with childhood experiences – has any abuse been disclosed?
Unresolved loss or trauma:
Couple’sphysical relationship including sex life and how intimacy is shown – How will couples protect their sexual relationship and privacy when fostering?
Single applicant’s personal relationships:
History of prison or time spent in Youth Offenders Institution, impact and experience – respect for law and boundaries:
Adult children in prison / not in contact with to be reviewed:
Implications of employment on fostering role:
Online Safety and Social Media
Access, restrictions, attitude and personal use of Social Media, internet browsing history including use of pornography, online meeting websites – type, frequency, particularly use of App’s and interest groups:
Assess Integrity and risks of bringing KCC into disrepute:
Household and Network
Including extended family members and visitors to the home (Risk by Association):
Implications of Staying Put or Shared Lives arrangements on current or future household members:
Ability to disclose and discuss sensitive issues about family members and friends, i.e. Pending police investigations, convictions or suspicions about abuse:
Fostering Capacity / Behaviours and Attitude
Evidence of openness and transparency, sharing of relevant personal information from past or present:
Working in partnership with others, displaying appropriate and professional conduct with adults and children:
Equality and diversity, understanding of difference, political views:
Rules and boundaries within the home – are they appropriate for Children in Care:
Level of expectation of children, understanding traumatised children’s needs:
Safeguarding Children
Understanding of child abuse including child sexually exploitation and reporting concerns:
Responses to disclosure, ability to talk about sexual abuse:
What are the carers understanding of privacyand boundaries, specifically in the bathroom/bedroom:
Roles of the carers within the household:
Consider the placing of siblings sharing a bedroom:
Training and Development
Skills to Foster Feedback including comments from young people interviews:
Approved carers training - attendance, presentation and evaluation of learning:
How has the carers learning on Safe Care impacted on the care provided:
Areas that are worrying:
Areas that are a strength:
Attendance and contributionat Support Group:
Allegations,Complaints and Practice Concerns
Outcome of any allegations, complaints and practice concerns:
What was the carers response:
Are there any themes and / or learning from concerns raised:
Analysis of the information gained, the level of risk identified and the control measures and management of risk required.
If children in placement match how the risk is managed for each individual child.
What is working well?
Management of risk, control measures in place?
What are we worried about?
Risks that have been identified, potential risks and level of risk?
Is this household able to provide safe care for looked after children?
What needs to happen?
Control measures that need to be put in place to safeguard children in the fostering household?
What is the plan to enhance safe caring and address concerns:
CIC Social Worker’s views
What agreements are in place with the child’s social worker and supervising social worker to assess the risks in the household together:
Date to be Reviewed:
To be reviewed at least annually at foster carers’ annual review or earlier if there are changes to the risk and/or control measures which require more frequent monitoring.
Foster Carer Signature:
Foster Carer Signature:
Fostering Social Worker Signature:
Appendix to Risk Assessment
Any confidential information from Personal References that cannot be shared with foster carers under Data Protection:
KCC Fostering Service Risk Assessment – 7.11.17