The Ohio PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association


Proudly Present

2014 OPANA Fall Seminar

Continued Growth through Sharing

Saturday, October 18, 2014, 0800-1630

Siegel Center, Mt. Carmel East Hospital, Columbus. Ohio

Program agenda

0700-0750 Registration/Continental Breakfast

Meet & Greet ASPAN President Jacque Crosson, MSN,RN,CPAN

0750-0800 Welcome

OPANA President, Rose Durning, MS,BSN,CAPA

0800-0900 Robotic Surgery Update

Dale Nelson, BHS-HA

0900-1000 Propofol: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Magdalene Hines, MSN,BSN,CRNA

1000-1030 Break

Visit Vendors and Poster Presentations

1030-1200 Perioperative Pain Management ( A Team Approach)

June Litmer,MS,RN,ACNS-BC

Theresa Topp, BSN,RN,CPAN

Susan Haines,BSN,CRNA

1200-1245 Lunch

1245-1315 OPANA Membership meeting

1315-1415 Ethics of Evidence Based Practice

Patricia O’Malley, PhD,RN,CNS,CCRN

1415-1430 Break

1430-1530 Waste Anesthetic Gas in the PACU

Cathleen Scheer, BSN,RN

1530-1630 Skin Care Study Update

Tammy Menke, RN

Nicole Verdejo, BSN

1630-1645 Evaluation

Accreditation Statement:The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OH-057, 2/1/2016) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91) an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

1. Patricia O’Malley, PhD, RN, CNS, CCRN
Nurse Researcher -Center Of Nursing Excellence
Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio
Nursing Adjunct–Undergraduate & Graduate Faculty
Indiana University-East, Richmond, Indiana
2. Magdalene Hines, MSN, BSN ,CRNA
Anesthesiology Associates of Akron
Akron General Medical Center, Akron, Ohio
3. June Litmer, MS, RN, ACNS-BC
Manager-Acute &Perioperative Pain Program
Kettering Medical Center , Kettering, Ohio
4.Theresa Topp, BSN, RN, CPAN
Clinical Nurse Manager PACU
Kettering Medical Center , Kettering, Ohio
5. Susan Haines, BSN, CRNA
Kettering Anesthesia Asssociates, Kettering, Ohio
6. Cathleen Scheer, BSN, RN
Charge Nurse, Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Community Surgery Center, North
Indianapolis, Indiana
7. Tammy Menke, ,RN
Staff Nurse, Post Anesthesia Care unit
Akron General Medical Center, Akron, Ohio
8. Nicole Verdejo, BSN
Clinical Quality/Education Manager- Surgical Services
Akron General Medical Center, Akron, Ohio / Overall Purpose/Goal of the activity
The nurses will be able to increase their knowledge base and skills needed to provide high quality care for a diverse group of patients in the perianesthesia setting.
Target Audience: All perianesthesia nurses
Program Disclosure
No member of the Planning Committee has any conflict of interest to disclose.
No Presenter has any conflict of interest to disclose.
No commercial support was received for this program.
Participants must attend 80% of the event and submit an evaluation form to receive Nursing Contact Hours.
*OPANA Board Meeting to be held at 8:00 pm on Friday, October 17, 2014 in the hotel meeting room.
Accommodations available at:
Country Inn Suites, 6305 East Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43213
Call (614)322-8000 or (800)456-4000 to make reservations.
A block of rooms will be held until October 10, 2014 for OPANA
Rate- $ 89.00 plus tax. Continental breakfast available.
For directions to the Siegel Center at Mt Carmel East Hospital, visit www.
Cancelation policy: Full refund for cancellations up to 72 hours prior to the program.
Contact Alabelle Zghoul, BSN,RN,CPAN, 614-561-3941
Registration Form-2014 OPANA Fall Seminar-Continued Growth through Sharing
City: ______
State: ______Zip:______
Phone: H______
Facility:______/ Cost:  ASPAN member $ 65.00
ASPAN Member #______
 Non-member $75.00
 Undergraduate Nursing Student $25.00
Registration deadline October 13, 2014
Make checks payable to OPANA and mail to:
Sharon Gallagher
6356 Chimney Court
Mason, Ohio 45040
For more Information, contact:
Alabelle Zghoul, BSN,RN,CPAN –(614)561-3941