Our vision, as a community, is to inspire a passion for learning.
WEBSITE: 16 February 2016Phone: 9354 5233
Email: School Admin: Absences Only:
Dear Shelley Families
It is hard to believe that we are into week 3 already! Our two weeks of swimming has come to a close and although attending swimming lessons is a disruption to our regular learning program, it is a very necessary learning activity to support students to become safe in and around water. Next Friday from 5pm to 8pm is the Family Fun Night on the school oval organised by our hard-working P&C. I hope that all families from Kindergarten to Year 6 will be able to attend and my staff and I look forward to seeing you there.
Each year is very busy and taxing on the endurance of our students. We expect our students to strive for excellence at all times and this can be very tiring, but worthwhile. Our staff has been able to replenish their stores over the vacation period and is looking forward to working as a team and in partnership with you to meet the needs of all children in our educational environment. All our teachers work in teams to support each other and develop common planning and assessment across the year levels. All teams work together to ensure consistency in planning and practice and in a context of excellence. Our specialist teachers also belong to these teams and they work closely with classroom teachers to ensure that the whole education of a child is considered in striving for excellence.
My key message to all staff is that we are here to ‘Make a Difference’. It is about connecting with children and insisting that they be the best that they can be. We are all committed to invest our time and energy in our nation’s most valuable resource - our children.
Focus 2016
The Director General’s Focus 2016 sets out our system priorities for schools in four key areas, with details available from this website, under Director General (on the right):
Success for all students
- High expectations of success for every student in every school.
High quality teaching
- A renewed and relentless focus on the best possible teaching practices
Effective Leadership
- Strong and empowering leadership in every school and across the whole system.
Strong governance and support
- A capable and responsive organisation for now and into the future.
Our School Strategic Plan 2015-2017 is linked to these priorities and signals the work that we need to pursue to embed a culture of ‘high performance and high care’ for our students and staff at Shelley Primary School. I will expand on this further in the next few newsletters.
Attendance – “Every day does count”
In 2013 the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research at UWA conducted a study into the link between attendance records and results from national literacy and numeracy tests (NAPLAN).It found:
- That any absence from school had a cumulative negative effect on students’ future achievements in reading, writing and maths.
- In all analyses, average academic achievement on NAPLAN tests declined with any absence from school and continued to decline as absence rates increased.
- With absence, there is no “safe” threshold.
- The effects of absence also accumulate over time.
I ask parents to be aware of these relationships, and understand that when your child misses school it can have an ongoing impact on their learning. Put simply, all children need to be at school every day unless they’re ill, at an appointment or involved in an education related activity.
Kind regards
Gillian Murgia - Principal
Copies of excursion/incursion notes are on the website under newsletters and notes/student notes.
Report after hours vandalism, trespassing, etc to SCHOOL WATCH: 1800 177 777
DIARY DATES - Term 1 2016What’s on in the next four weeks?
Week 3
Tuesday 16 February / Years 1 & 2 Class Meetings Rooms 3 – 6 at 6:30pm in respective rooms
Wednesday 17 Feb / Year 3 Class Meetings Rooms 1 & 17 at 6:00pm in respective rooms
Year 4 Class Meetings Rooms 9 & 10 at 6:00pm in respective rooms
Bookclub due date and LOOP close date.
Thursday 18 Feb / Year 5 & 6 Class Meetings Rooms 7, 8 and 11 at 4:00pm in respective rooms
Friday 19 February / P & C’s Welcome Family Fun Night
Week 4
Friday 22 Feb / Rooms 9 & 10 Aboriginal Culture Workshop
February 26 Feb / HEALTH CARE SUMMARY FORMS DUE – School Office
Multiples Day – Twins, Triplets, Quads, Quintuplets –Dress Up Day
Do not tear off bottom section
Individual Health Care Summary Forms – return by FRIDAY 26 FEB.
A sheet with your child’s details printed on it has been given to them today and parents are asked to check and update the summary sheet. This sheet is a requirement for students attending excursions and participating in activities in the school. Please make every endeavour to return these by Friday 26 February to the school office.
The term planner appears in two places on the website. If you wish to print it please go to the Quick Links on the left hand side of the front page.
All teachers will be holding Parent Information Sessions this term. The purpose of these meetings is to outline to parents the teaching and learning programs planned, together with organisational structures used in the room. Teachers will discuss Curriculum, Behaviour Management, Homework, Communication and other day to day operations of the class. These meetings are not designed to allow time for parent/teacher interviews. Interviews can be scheduled at a later date. Staff will communicate with you the planned meeting time. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.The following meetings have been organised:
Monday 15 February / PP Class Meetings – Rooms14 & 15 9:00am at 9:00am in the LibraryTuesday 16 Feb / Years 1 & 2 Class Meetings Rooms 3 – 6 at 6:30pm in respective rooms
Wednesday 17 Feb / Year 3 Class Meetings Rooms 1 & 17 at 6:00pm in respective rooms
Year 4 Class Meetings Rooms 9 & 10 at 6:00pm in respective rooms
Thursday 18 Feb / Years 5 & 6 Rooms 7, 8 and 11 at 4:00pm in respective rooms
Parents, please take note of your child’s classroom as this is the number that you will use on your school forms, bookclub orders, notes and canteen orders, etc.
The senior students have organised a dress up day for FRIDAY 26 FEBRUARY. Students may come dressed just like your “multiple”. Last year Mr Leeuwangh and Mrs Chandler were fabulous as THING 1 and THING 2. Let’s see if we can reach their dizzy heights of dressing up.
Students who dress up as multiples will receive a raffle ticket each that will be drawn out at lunch time.
Students in years 3 and 5 will be bringing home today a brochure with Information for Parents in relation to NAPLAN 2016. NAPLAN is the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy which all students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 across Australia participate in every year. This year these tests are scheduled for during week 3 of term 2 (May 10-13). Staff at Shelley Primary School are working with students to ensure that they are familiar with the format, language, response types and time constraints of the tests.
If you are seeking exemption, withdrawal or adjustments for disabilities in relation to these tests please talk to your classroom teacher and make an appointment with Gillian Murgia so that we can begin the required paper work. All forms for these purposes need to be signed and submitted before the end of term.
As the brochures for Issue 1 arrived last week we decided to change our mind and run with Issue 1 – we hope you received the brochure. Information about Bookclub is as follows:
issue 1 ORDERS DUE by: AM Wednesday 17 FEBRUARY
For parents and students who are unfamiliar with these bookclubs, you may like to know that it operates in the school twice each term. A bookclub brochure is distributed to each child in the school. The school receives a “commission” which is spent mostly on library books but sometimes on school resource books as well.
You can place an order on-line using the LOOP system or send a manual order to school paying by cash and cheque (made payable to Shelley PS).If you are placing an order at school please complete the order form neatly (so that we can read it), PUT YOUR FULL NAME & ROOM No AT THE TOP (so you get your order back), detach from the pamphlet, place in a sealed envelope containing the correct money (cash or cheque made payable to Shelley PS only) and put it in the specially marked box in the Office.No late orders can be accepted.
SCHOLASTIC BOOKCLUBS - LOOP (Linked Online Ordering and Payment System)
We encourage parents to order and pay using the Loop to create orders and pay online! For more Information on using LOOP and payment options please click on the link below:
When you use loopDO NOTsend your orders to school (as this can cause a double up)
Know your child’s ROOM Number. This is important as you enter your order to the appropriate room number (the room order is then delivered appropriately)
The order by date is the also the close date for LOOP orders. You will not be able to order after this date.
Thank you for ordering through Scholastic and supporting our school.
Senior students sell second hand uniforms every Friday between 8:15 – 8:45am in the closed assembly area near the Canteen. They are also looking for any donations of unwanted uniforms.
LOST PROPERTY: The yellow lost property bins in each block will be monitored each fortnight. Named items will be returned to students. Un-named items will be washed and sent to the second hand uniform shop run by the senior student.
Family Fun Night is February 19 2016
Shelley Primary P&C and the staff would like to invite you to our 2016 Family Fun Night which is planned for Friday, 19 February from 5:00 - 8:00pm. Join us for an evening of fun and games.
Friday, 19 February is our family fun from 5:00 - 8:00pm
- Want to get involved?
- Make a cake or sweet treat?
- Help out at a stall?
- Any help is appreciated!
Please deliver your home made goods to the Canteen before lunchtime on Friday.The P & C would prefer cakes/slices to be nut free. It would be helpful if items were labelled eg gluten free, nut free, dairy free etc.
Please contact Lisa on 0418 912 741 or email
We look forward to seeing you at this fun event!
school bankings
Hello parents and carers!
We will be having a special sushi day in the canteen on Wednesday the 2nd March. The pre-order form will be coming home with your child today. If you would like to order sushi, please fill in one form per child, include the correct money and return to the front office by 3pm Thursday 25th February. Late orders are not accepted, sorry.
If you do not receive an order form, there will be some spare copies at the front office and they can also be printed out from the school website, under ‘notes’.Normal summer menu items are also available on this day and they can be ordered in the usual way.
Ice creams and icy poles are available from the canteen at lunchtime only on canteen open days (Monday/Wednesday/Friday). Unfortunately, they are not available for the kindy or pre-primary children, as they are not permitted to come up to the canteen at lunchtime.
Kind regards, The Canteen Committee.
Hard copies are available from the canteen or office if you need one - click on the link below to view the current menu and price list!
Currentmenu price list (click here)
Monday, Wednesdays AND FRIDAYS
Canteen volunteer roster TERM one 2016Week / Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Week 3 / Monday 15 Feb
Michelle Marshall
Jacquee Osborne / Wednesday 17 Feb
Jennifer Kang / Friday 19 Feb
Belinda Howlett
Ang Duncan
Week 4 / Monday 22 Feb
Kym Dalton / Wednesday 24 Feb
Emma Thomson
Help needed / Friday 26 Feb
Penni Land
Julie Cooper
Week 5 / Monday 29t Feb
Silvia Tibbett / Wednesday 2 March
Cassandra Best
Pamela Honeyford / Friday 4 March
Paula Hamer
Help needed
Please watch the noticeboards outside the administration building and B Block for the latest community news.
Hello Shelley families,
This term, we have a new Extended Learning Activity (ELA)! The children will be building their very own bird house out of hardy timber and small construction tools. During the last few weeks, a night vision camera will be added inside it so you can watch all the action on your TV! This exciting program provides opportunities for building on their construction skills.
When: 5 consecutive Tuesdays starting on the 23rd of February (Next week!)
Where: Room 13 – across from the bike shed and next to the visitor car park
Time: 3:30 – 4:45pm
For enrolment, and more information, please feel free to come to our room and pick up a form or contact us using the email and phone number below.Looking forward to hearing from you!
Sarah and Hannah.
Location: On school premises, Room 13 – across from the bike shed and next to the visitor car park
Mobile:0475 822 143
Play sessions for children aged 0-5years
Located at: 22 Aldam Cres, Shelley
Shelley Playgroup offers a relaxed and friendly environment for children to play both indoors and outside and a great opportunity for parents to meet and socialise with other parents from our local community (both within Shelley and surrounding suburbs). We have play sessions for children aged 0 – 5 years on Mondays and Fridays from 9:30am – 11:30am.
For further information please email
Find us on Facebook or
Visit us in person at Shelley Playgroup on Monday or Friday mornings.