The Official Grayson High

Future Business Leaders of America

Handbook & Competition Guide


Grayson FBLA...We Mean Business!

If found, please return to the student or room A 1.221 - Thank you!

FBLA Members:

DO NOT LOOSE THIS NOTEBOOK - bring it to our meetings!

Please put this packet in the front of your notebook, along with extra paper and pen/pencil.

Meeting Dates:

GHS FBLA meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 2:20 in the Lecture Hall (Tech Ed building). No meetings during dates when the school is closed.


You can reach Mrs. Smith (Room A 1.221):

You can reach Mr. Parsons (Room A 1.267):


By opening this packet, you have taken the first steps to becoming successful in the rewarding world of FBLA competitions. We realize that this is quite a massive packet, but please read it thoroughly. It will help you select an event you will both benefit from and excel in.

The Grayson High FBLA competition process involves four easy steps:

1. Sign up:

The sign-up notebook is in Mrs. Smith's Room on her desk. Sign up asap!

Mrs. Smith will need competition fee of $20 for each regional event you enter - date due is Dec. 7th!!! The cost includes meal, testing, and informative workshops.

State Conference cost will be $70 (includes 2 meals and t-shirt) - payment due by Jan. 15.

Go through this packet and figure out what events you feel you could do well in.

Sample questions for the written parts of competitions will be uploaded online on our webpage & message board, so you can try your hand at these to gage your own interest.

You may sign up for up to 3 events, and we will award you with 0, 1,or 2 events, depending on how well you do on the screening tests.

Don’t worry – even if you aren’t assigned an individual event, there will still be something to compete in! Check out the chapter and group events!

2. Study, Study, Study!

This is essential to placing and advancing to the State Leadership Conference and possibly Nationals.

Your chances of placing are much lower if you do not study.

This year, we will be conducting testing sessions as well as organizing study sessions. Keep an eye out these opportunities, which will be placed on the webpage/messageboards. We are also asking teachers relating to your topic to help with preparation.

3. Regional Competitions:

The top 5 placers in most events will advance to the State Leadership Conference in Athens, GA on March 14-15, 2008.

4. State Leadership Conference:

The top 3 placers in most individual events and top two placers in team events will advance to the National Leadership Conference. This year the conference will be held in Atlanta. (2008-2009 NLC will be held in California).

What do the competitions involve?

Most written events consist of a one hour, 100 question, multiple choice Scantron test. Some tests are now online. Be sure to bring a #2 pencil and your ID card.

For other events, refer to the event description that follows in this packet.

What happens in the case of a tie between two competitors?

1. Ties are broken by the last 10 questions (so make sure you complete them!).

2. If there is STILL a tie, it is broken by time (but this very, very rarely occurs).

9th & 10th Grade Individual Events

9th & 10th Grade Events that Require Regional Competition

Regional Competition is January 9-11, 2008

1.Business Math

2.Introduction to Business Communication

3.Introduction to Technology Concepts

4.Public Speaking I

9th & 10th Grade Events that begin at the State Competition Level

*You must attend the State FBLA Conference - Athens, GA March 14 &15, 2008

5.FBLA Principles and Procedures*

6.Introduction to Business*

7.Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure*

8.Word Processing I*

9-12 Grade Individual Events

9th - 12th Grade Events that Require Regional Competition

1.Accounting I

2.Business Calculations

3.Business Communication

4.Client Service (NEW


6.Electronic Career Portfolio

7.Future Business Leader

8.Impromptu Speaking

9.Job Interview

10.Personal Finance (NEW)

11.Public Speaking II

9th-12th Grade Events that begin at the State Competition Level

*You must attend the State FBLA Conference - Athens, GA March 14 & 15, 2008

12.Accounting II*

13.Banking and Financial Systems*.

14.Business Law*

15.Business Procedures*

16.Computer Applications*

17.Computer Problem Solving*

18.Cyber Security*

19.Database Design and Applications*

20.Desktop Application Programming*

21.Help Desk*


23.Internet Application Programming (NEW)*


25.Networking Concepts*

26.Personal Financial Plan*.

27.Spreadsheet Applications*

28.Technology Concepts*

29.Word Processing II*

Chapter Events (presented by a team)

Chapter Events are all State Level - No Regional Competition

1.American Enterprise Project*

2.Community Service Project*

3.Partnership with Business (The Community Bank)*

Team Events

(# of members allowed per team is in parenthesis)

Team Events Requiring Regional submissions/performance before advancing to State:

1.Business Ethics (2-3)

2.Business Presentation (NEW)(2-3)

3.E-Business (1-3)

4.Emerging Business Issues (2-3)

5.Web Site Development (1-3)

Team Events Starting at the State level:

6.Business Financial Plan (2-3)*

7.Business Plan (1-3)*

8.Desktop Publishing (2)*

9.Digital Video Production (1-3)*


11.Global Business (2-3)*

12.Management Decision Making (2-3)*

13.Network Design (2-3)*

14.Parliamentary Procedure (4-5)*

15.Virtual Business Challenge (1-3)**

* Denotes an event that officially begins at the State competition level stage. However, in the case of all team events and some individual events, we will be holding sign-ups before States in order to fulfill deadlines.

** There is no Section or State stage for this event; if you qualify, you automatically proceed to


Georgia FBLA has rules on how many competitions you can enter. Please check the following chart to make sure you are not entering conflicting events.

Even though you may enter 2 events at the region and state levels - guidelines only permit a member to enter a single event at the National level. In the event that a member qualifies for NLC in more than one event - he/she will have to choose the event they prefer to enter.

Group A Events:

Members may enter up to two (2) events in this group:

Accounting I

Business Calculations

Business Communication

Business Law

Business Math

Business Procedures

Computer Problem Solving

Cyber Security

Desktop Application Programming



Electronic Career Portfolio

FBLA Principles & Procedures


Internet Application Programming

Introduction to Business

Introduction to Business Communication

Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure

Introduction to Technology Concepts


Networking Concepts

Personal Finance

Personal Financial Plan

Technology Concepts

Web Site Development

Group B Events:

Members may enter only 1 event in this group - but may also enter one event from another group.

Business Ethics

Business Presentation

Client Service

Emerging Business Issues

Future Business Leader

Impromptu Speaking

Job Interview

Public Speaking I

Public Speaking II

Group C Events:

Members may enter only 1 event in this group - but may also enter one event from another group.

Banking & Financial Systems

Business Financial Plan

Business Plan

Digital Video Production


Global Business

Help Desk

Management Decision Making

Management Information Systems

Network Design

Parliamentary Procedure

Group D Events:

Members may enter only 1 event in this group - but may also enter one event from another group.

Accounting II

Computer Applications

Database Design & Applications

Desktop Publishing

Spreadsheet Applications

Word Processing I

Word Processing II

Group E Events:

Multi-event eligibility rules do not apply:

American Enterprise Project

Community Service Project

Partnership with Business Project

9th – 10th Grade Events

NOTE: 9th and 10th graders are NOT limited to 9th – 10th grade events!

9th & 10th Grade Events that Require Regional Competition

Regional Competition is January 9-11, 2008

1.Business Math

The test may consist of items related to business such as questions on basic math concepts,

decimals, fractions, percentages, discounts, and consumer credit.

Event Specifics: Calculators allowed and provided; cannot have competed in Business

Calculations previously

2.Introduction to Business Communication

The test may include grammar, spelling, punctuation, oral communication concepts, proofreading, word definition and usage, numbers, and capitalization.

Event Specifics: Cannot have competed in Business Communication previously

3.Introduction to Technology Concepts

The test may include questions on basic computer principles, terminology, computer application

concepts, programming concepts and procedures, and computer equipment.

Event Specifics: Formerly Computer Concepts; cannot have competed in Technology Concepts


4.Public Speaking I

The content of the four-minute (4) speech must be of a business nature and must be developed

from one or more of the nine (9) FBLA-PBL goals.

Event Specifics: Performance-only event, cannot have competed in PS II previously

9th & 10th Grade Events that begin at the State Competition Level

*You must attend the State FBLA Conference - Athens, GA March 14 &15, 2008

5.FBLA Principles and Procedures

The test may consist of general information about the organization of FBLA-PBL, its goals, creed, bylaws, and other facts found in the FBLA-PBL Chapter Management Handbook.

Members should be familiar with the competitive event information found in the national Chapter Management Handbook. In addition, participants may find information for this event in the Tomorrow's Business Leaders, Hotline, and any other official publication provided to the chapter by the state or national office.

6.Introduction to Business

The test may include questions on the characteristics and organization of business; consumerism,

money management, and banking; career awareness, rights and responsibilities of employees,

managers, owners, and government; insurance; and economic systems.

7.Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure

The test will consist of parliamentary procedure principles and FBLA bylaws. Through partnership with the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP), questions for the parliamentary procedure principles portion of the exam will be drawn from NAP’s official test bank.

Event Specifics: Starts at States; cannot have competed in Parliamentary Procedure previously

8.Word Processing I

This event is composed of a school-site application skills test and a written objective test. The

school-site test will be one hour long and count for 85 percent of the final score. Be well prepared

in the basic keyboard knowledge and in the production of letters, memorandums, reports,

tabulations, résumés, and material from rough draft and unarranged copy. Results will be based

on mailable copy and the Format Guide.

Participants will also complete an objective test on their understanding and mastery of document

formatting rules and standards; grammar, punctuation, spelling, and proofreading; basic word

processing terminology and concepts; and related application knowledge. This test will count for

15 percent of the final score.

Event Specifics: Written test at Section is 50 questions; 100 questions for State

9th - 12th Grade Individual Events that Require Regional Competition

  1. Accounting I

The test will focus on basic practices of accounting for the sole proprietorship, the partnership,

and the corporation. It may include questions on journalizing, terminology, posting, income

statement, balance sheet, account classification, worksheet, bank reconciliation, payroll, types of

ownership, and other items related to the basic accounting cycle.

Event Specifics: Cannot have competed in Accounting II at the national level previously; cannot

have completed or been enrolled in more than two semesters of accounting. Calculators allowed

and provided.

2. Business Calculations

The test may consist of calculations involving mark-ups and discounts, investments, bank records, insurance, interest rates, payroll, ratios and proportions, depreciation, consumer credit, and taxes.

Event Specifics: Calculators allowed and provided

3. Business Communication

The test may include English skills, including written communication, grammar, reading

comprehension, editing and proofreading, oral communication concepts, word definition and

usage, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and nonverbal communication.

4.Client Service (NEW)

This event is composed of an interactive simulation related to client service. Ten (10) minutes

before the performance, each participant will receive the scenario. The participant has five (5)

minutes to interact with a panel of judges and demonstrate how he/she would solve the problem.

This event provides members with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate skills in

interacting with internal and external clients to provide an outstanding client service experience.

The client service consultant engages clients in conversations regarding products, handles

inquiries, solves problems, and uncovers opportunities for additional assistance. Participants

develop speaking ability and poise through presentation as well as critical thinking skills.

Event Specifics: Interactive Simulation. This competition begins at the State level (not regional) - therefore you must be able to attend the STATE conference in Athens, GA on March 14-15th.


The test may include questions on economic principles related to the policies and goals of the

United States economy and a comparison of the American economic system to other systems.

Topics covered may include supply and demand, fixed price, elasticity, profits, competition,

business cycles, role of government, public choice, international trade, market structures

(monopoly, pure competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition), monetary and fiscal policy,

types of businesses, investments, interest rates, labor relations, and environmental issues.

Event Specifics: Calculators allowed and provided

6.Electronic Career Portfolio

The portfolio should have no more than 20 pages and must include directions to access the

portfolio, a table of contents, proper navigation through portfolio, a letter of application, a resume, career goals/objectives, and required education for career choice(s).

Other topics and materials that may be included are: artwork, awards and honors, career outlook

(monetary, advancement, etc.), certificates, licenses, community and volunteer activities,

conferences or workshops, examples of projects or presentations, letters of recognition and/or

recommendation, list of accomplishments, pictures, video (0-60 sec.), leadership development

activities, recognitions, self-assessments, graded papers and/or reports, skills, abilities, and

marketable qualities, Web sites/pages created, writing samples, and so on.

When contemplating these items, you want to showcase your education and work experience by

showing examples and evidence of your work, skills, and accomplishments.

Event Specifics: Starts at States; project must be received by February 15

7.Future Business Leader

This event consists of three parts: a letter of application and resume; an objective test; and


The objective test may include questions about business concepts, general business knowledge

(such as accounting, economics, law, communications, math, technology, business procedures,

economics, marketing, and international business); FBLA-PBL history, programs, and bylaws;

and parliamentary procedure.

Event Specifics: Calculators allowed and provided

8.Impromptu Speaking

Participants will be given a topic related to one or more of the following: FBLA-PBL Goals, FBLAPBL activities, FBLA-PBL current national programs, current events, and/or relevant business topics. Ten minutes will be allowed to prepare a four-minute speech.

Event Specifics: Starts at States; performance-only. If you are a competitor in this, the only

other event you may compete in must be a written-only event (provided that the times do not


9. Job Interview

This event consists of three parts: a letter of application and resume, a job application form, and


Participants will apply for a position at Merit Corporation. Merit Corporation is a large fictional

national corporation headquartered in Washington, DC. Company benefits include paid holidays

and vacations, sick leave, a retirement plan, and health insurance. Salary will be commensurate

with experience and education. Merit Corporation is an equal opportunity employer.

Event Specifics: Top two qualify to States (not top three like most presentation events)

10.Personal Finance (NEW)

The test may include questions on financial principles related to personal decision making,

earning a living (income, taxes), managing budgets and finance, saving and investing, buying

goods and services, banking, credit, and insurance.

11. Public Speaking II

The content of the five-minute speech must be of a business nature and must be developed from

one or more of the nine FBLA-PBL goals.

Event Specifics: Performance only

9th-12th Grade Events that begin at the State Competition Level

*You must attend the State FBLA Conference - Athens, GA March 14 & 15, 2008

12.Accounting II

The objective test will test on principles and practices of accounting for the sole proprietorship,

the partnership, and the corporation. The objective test may include questions and problems on

financial statements, partnerships and corporate accounting, ratios and analysis, purchases and

sales, worksheets, account classification, bank reconciliation, income tax, payroll, inventory, plant

assets and depreciation, cost accounting and manufacturing, budgeting and cash flow,

departmentalized accounting, and ethics.

The application test will focus on completing problems for financial statements, bank

reconciliation, payroll, trial balance, journalizing and posting, inventory, depreciation,

adjusting/closing entries, and so on. This test will be 1 hour long.

Event Specifics: Calculators allowed and provided. Students who qualify for State will

participate in a school-site application test. Each will be 50% of your score.

13.Banking and Financial Systems

The top 10 individuals on the written objective test will participate in a case study performance at the State Leadership Conference.

This event consists of two parts: a group objective written test and a performance (case study)

with the decision presented and defended before a panel of judges. The objective test may include questions on concepts and practices of banking and financial systems, government regulation of financial services, basic terminology, impact of technology on financial services, types and differences between various institutions, ethics, careers in financial