Dear Coach,

The Nova Debate Team would like to invite you to attend the Titan Invitational October 19th and 20th.

Events: TD (Varsity and Novice if entries warrant), LD (Varsity and Novice if entries warrant), Public Forum, Student Congress, MX, OO, OI, DI, HI, Duo, Novice Mixed Extemp, Novice Duo, and Novice OI will be offered if entries warrant. All events follow NFL rules except OI, which follows CFL rules. Debate events will have five prelims (numbers permitting in Policy), and break to Quarters. IE will have five prelims breaking to Semis. Congress will have three preliminary sessions breaking to Supers.

Entries: Six per event, except Congress in which you can enter six Novice and six Varsity, LD in which you can enter eight. Large squads can enter two reserve entries in each event and we will let you know if we have room ASAP.

Fees: $20.00 per student ($10 for a second event). This fee includes dinner Friday night and lunch Saturday for each competitor. Hired IE or congress judges are available for a cost of $30 for one day, $50 for both days; in any debate division, judges cost $40 for one day, $75 for both days. Please make all checks payable to Nova Debate.

Food: Please delineate your students’ lunch choices when you send in your entry, and don’t forget to order lunch for your judges. Judges’ lunches are $5. Judges’ dinners are complimentary.

Hotel: We have arranged a block of rooms for Friday night at the Hampton Inn, Plantation, 7801 SW 6th Street, Plantation, 954-382-4800. Ask for Nova Debate to obtain a rate of $89.99 per night including a continental breakfast.

Congress deadlines: Please email bill titles to us by Monday, October 1 at . We will post the agenda by Wednesday, October 4. on We humbly request that bills be new ideas requiring research, not recycled titles, and that they be in correct NFL format.

Entry Deadlines: Entries can be entered at Entry will be open on Monday, October 1. Entry will be closed Friday, October 12 and late entry, along with a late fee, will be extended to Tuesday, October 16. Late entries must be faxed to 754-323-1723.

Drop Fees: Drops occurring after entry deadline will forfeit entry fee. Drops occurring after October 12 will incur a $5.00 drop fee. Day of tournament drops incur a $10 drop fee. Please read note below carefully.

Final Registration: We will open registration at 3:00 in the Media Center. Please read note below carefully. If you are bringing your students with you, please ask them to go to the cafeteria as we are in school until 4:30. Please do not arrive later than 3:45 as we will start Extemp Draw and Round One promptly at 4:30. On Saturday, Extemp Draw and judge call will begin promptly at 7:30 AM!!

NOTE: To continue to facilitate a prompt, fair tournament, we will follow this procedure. At 3PM in the Media Center we will receive fees and disseminate food tickets and copies of codes, ballots, etc. If you have drops on Friday morning, please fax to them us immediately (754-323-1723); please be clear as to which code or name is eliminated. If you have any problems, please call us at 754-323-1759 or 954-249-5558. It is this procedure that allows for entry into the computers and, consequently, an on-time start. We hope to end Saturday by 6PM.

Directions: From the Southwest, take 826N to I75E to I595E - exit University Drive. Proceed south to Nova Drive. Turn Left. Continue to College Ave. Turn right and school will be on your left. From the Southeast, take I95N to I595W. Proceed to Davie Road. Take Davie Road to Nova Drive, turn right. Turn left on College Ave. School will be on your left. From the North, take I95 or Sawgrass to I595 and follow directions above. Parking will be available in the front lots (facing College Ave., or the back lot, facing 39th St.

Please call us with any questions at 754-323-1759, or fax us at 754-323-1723, or email us at or at

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Lisa Miller, CoachTravis Kiger, CoachLauren Jaffie, President