Ski Rack Management Policy

13.8Ski Rack Management


1.At all times the ski racks will remain the property of the Club.
2.The Club takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any craft, equipment or property stored in the ski shed.
3.Ski racks as allocated shall not be transferred without the written approval of the Ski Shed Manager.

4.All skis will be numbered according to the rack allocation and these stickers are not to be removed. Upon request, a subsequent number may be provided to enable a member’s craft to be interchanged for training purposes.

5.Only composite racing skis shall be stored in the ski shed, except as specifically referred to in this policy.

(b)Allocation of Ski Racks

(1)The Ski Shed Manager will allocate the ski racks to members in accordance with the following priorities:
(A)firstly, to Club skis as determined by the Ski Captain;
(B)secondly, to active competitorscraft as determined by the Ski Captain;
(C)thirdly, to active members skis that are used for training or competition as determined by the Ski Captain;
(D)fourthly, members skis which are used a minimum of two (2) days per week during the season. In the event of the injury, illness or absence of a member to whom a ski rack has been allocated, the Ski Shed Manager will be entitled to determine whether the member should be entitled to retain his or her ski rack; and
(E)fifthly, to sponsors skis as determined by the Management Committee in accordance with clause 13.8(d).
(2)the Ski Shed Manager shall maintain a written register of all the ski racks and their allocation to members; and
(3)the Ski Shed Manager shall not allocate more than one single ski rack and one double ski rack to any one member.

(c)Re-allocation and Reclaim

1.The Ski Shed Manager may at any time re-allocate or reclaim any ski rack from a member as directed by the Management Committee. In the case of a ski rack being reclaimed due to a shortage of ski racks, this will be on a “last in, first out” basis.
2.If the Ski Shed Manager is of the reasonable opinion that a member is not utilising their ski during the season, the Manager may request such member to remove their ski and shall then reallocate the ski rack in accordance with clause 13.8 (b) of this Policy.
3.In the event of the Club not being able to identify the owner of an unused ski, the Club retains the right to remove the ski and have it placed in storage (at the Club’s expense).
4.If a member retains a vacant ski rack for longer than 3 weeks during the competition season without the approval of the Ski Shed Manager, the Manager may re-allocate or reclaim the member’s ski rack.

(d)Sponsors Skis

1.The Management Committee may determine, in its sole discretion, that up to two (2) ski racks shall be available for use by particular sponsors of the Club. The Ski Shed Manager shall then allocate ski racks to those sponsors in accordance with clause 13.8(b).

(e)Active Competitors

1.An Active Competitor is defined as a member who competes in three SLSWA carnivals, one of which must be the State or Australian Titles in the previous season.

2.An Active Competitor has the choice of storing whichever craft they deem to be most appropriate for their current training and racing requirements. Craft can either be a surf spec ski or such other craft as determined by the Ski Captain.

3.All other members are entitled to only store spec skis in their allocated racks. Members with non spec craft that are stored in a ski rack that has been allocated to them prior to the revision of this policy on 1 December 2011, will not be required to remove their craft from their rack. All racks allocated to Members after 1 December 2011 must be used for spec ski craft only.


1.Any member aggrieved by a decision of the Ski Shed Manager may appeal to the Management Committee.
2.All appeals to the Management Committee pursuant to this clause 13.8(f) must be in writing.
3.The Management Committee will investigate the member’s appeal and deliver its decision within 14 days of the Management Committee receiving the members written appeal. The member has no right of appeal from the decision of the Management Committee.


For the purposes of this policy the following definitions shall apply:

  1. A Spec Ski shall be a surf ski that has been subject to official SLSA scrutineering and passed for use on competition, or is capable of being successfully scrutineered and passed for SLSA competition.
  2. Craft shall be paddle craft capable of being used in non SLSA ocean events, typically of the Molokai variety and used in training and/or competition by the Member allocated the rack that the craft is stored on. The Ski Captain and at his or her delegation, the Ski Shed Manager shall have discretion to determine if a specific craft fits the spirit of this definition. For the avoidance of doubt, this definition will exclude craft such as (but not necessarily limited to) stand up paddle boards, wave skis, sail boards and other such recreational craft.
  3. Active Competitor is defined in 13.8 (e). The Ski Captain shall have discretion to allow members new to ski competition to be assessed as a competitor on a case by case and continuous basis during their first season competing for the Club on skis.

I acknowledge and agree to the terms of the ski rack management policy above.

Name (Please print)
